Updated: 4 years 9 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 6,574
Channel with videos concerning engagement

(youtube) The effect of methamphetamines on a face sculpted in water-based clay made as a tool for D.A.R.E. This sculpture was originally created for the artist's young daughters to show some of the effects... continue reading
posted by pumkinandstorm
But I like it when it has bacon on it.
posted by brycewi19
*SNAP* There's a very good reason why mouse birthrate is so high. (Via reddit)
posted by Retroboy 1 decade 2 years 2 months ago • 6,913 views • 1:09Panelists warn about the dangers of getting Stoked and whether there is an epidemic among young people today who get stoked over everything from free keychains to tacos.
posted by Sagemind
One of four little shorts. None make a great deal of sense but this one in particular put a grin on my face. Enjoy! The other three are listed below. Back Ally Puppet Fight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqjF8MRaI... continue reading
posted by 9410 1 decade 6 years 7 months 2 weeks ago • 922 views • 1:03A cautionary tale for us all in this age of computers and stuff
posted by Randy Perry
Un Trou a la Place du Coeur (A Hole in the Place of the Heart) is a short sand animation film by David Myriam. He writes that it describes “When the violence of individuals generates the birth of an... continue reading
posted by silvercord
Journalist Chris Hedges and graphic artist Joe Sacco traveled to the most depressed pockets of the United States to combine narrative nonfiction with graphic art in their book Days of Destruction, Days... continue reading
posted by Kulpims T'dna
This ad is supposed to get women - nay, "girls" - interested in scientific careers. Whoever made this ad probably thinks you can know what women are like by reading Vogue, Cosmo and Co.
posted by hpqp
Does the job it sets out to do
posted by alien_concept
From TED: You use paper towels to dry your hands every day, but chances are, you're doing it wrong. In this enlightening and funny short talk at TEDxConcordiaUPortland, Joe Smith reveals the trick to perfect... continue reading
posted by Skeeve
Lecture from Alan Watts, music from Mogwai, clips mainly from Baraka and Koyaanisqatsi. -YT
posted by geo321
The parody rockstar Aldous Snow (played by Russell Brand in the movie Get Him To The Greek) basically ruins his music career in this horrible travesty of a song/ video.
posted by Issykitty
Ain't no party like a Pyongyang party, 'cause a Pyongyang party is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY -YT
posted by Zifnab

FOD: Don Cheadle is obviously the best person to play Captain Planet in the movie version of the popular cartoon, hopefully they make his character a nicer guy.
posted by mintbbb
From Mark Romanek, the director of last year's Never Let Me Go. Pretty much the best commercial I've ever seen.
posted by Sarzy

from http://www.daghoor.nl/2011/05/19/amatorski-soldier/ there's more amatorski on the sift: http://videosift.com/video/Amatorski-The-King http://videosift.com/video/Amatorski-Come-Home-Live
posted by paul4dirt