Craig Ferguson-best latenight host ever
Updated: 1 decade 3 years 3 months 1 week ago
Views: 6,619

What Craig has to say about Charlie.
posted by garmachi
The back and forth between the two is smooth. Two people who like dialogue.
posted by gargoyle 1 decade 4 years 1 month 3 weeks ago • 4,798 views • 6:24Sad that tonight is the finale of 'Jersey Shore'? Don't be. THE LATE LATE SHOW with CRAIG FERGUSON Presents Jersey Shore: The Movie starring Craig Ferguson, Mila Kunis, Nick Lachey and Tom Lennon.
posted by Trancecoach
posted by brycewi19
This is chock-full of awesomeness!
posted by brycewi19
Craig tries to start up the show, but runs into a problem...
posted by Raigen
Wavey introduces his girlfriend, Nadene the sexy English cat.
posted by Raytrace
Come for the Funny, stay for the last 5 seconds. Craig not only handily takes care of Leno vs. Conan, but even has a minute left to sweep up Limbaugh vs. Haiti. If nothing else, also take the opportunity... continue reading
posted by Bozi
On the eve of being sworn in as a U.S. citizen, Craig Ferguson reminisces about his favorite aspects of America.
posted by rasch187
From YT: 'The person you work for, the person you admire and respect, is caught in an embarrassing situation. And your job is to be funny about that, whilst trying to keep your own job... So this is my last show.' ... continue reading
posted by doogle
"Failure is not disgrace." -Craig Fergie Great interview. Mostly because Craig is such an interesting and thoughtful guy. Craig goes into some really personal stuff here. Again, he shows some of... continue reading
posted by griefer_queafer
Fabulous interview with the yummy Gerard Butler being interviewed by fellow Scot Ferguson. They talk about CG playing himself in new film The Ugly Truth, the meaning of the word numpty and being bi-curious
posted by alien_concept
Craig hits the nail on the damn head here, when no-one else on US TV would have the balls to talk about it. The sad part of it is the audience laughing and not realizing it's them he's talking about &... continue reading
posted by EDD
From http://springfieldpunx.blogspot.com/2009/04/say-hey.html ...
posted by ant
Bruce Campbell interview with Craig Ferguson Bruces opinions on B Movies!
posted by Sagemind
Tim Meadows appeared on the "Late Late Show" last night to report on the release of Bush's torture memos. Meadows was full of conspiracy theories saying that both swine flu and Susan Boyle are ploys by... continue reading
posted by EDD
Craig Ferguson of Late Late Show, arguably the best late night host (there, I said it, that makes it true), shares one of his epiphanies on truth manipulation in modern media and everyday life.
posted by EDD
Dick Cheney really bared his soul to Fox News' Brit Hume.
posted by rasch187
Craig Ferguson lip syncs for the opening monologue, and it's awesome.
posted by BcrdNCola 1 decade 5 years 10 months 3 weeks ago • 10,057 views