I can't believe I'm finally getting out of here!!!

The packers arrive in the morning.  The house will be bought by tomorrow afternoon.  The relatives  in South Carolina say goodbye on Sunday.  By this time next week we will say good bye to one of the worst areas we've ever lived in.  Farewell North Carolina and the south for good! 

 I'm not much of a blogger, but I just had to say that to someone tonight!

 Now if I can just get someone to show me how to put pictures in this thing, I might can make this a bit more interesting .....  ah, I think I found it


joedirt says...

Welcome home yankee! Where "coke" is "pop" again and people are smart enough to realize Bush was a big mistake.

Just try to avoid any Big Ten football this year, it is really ugly. Oh and avoid the Notre Dame broadcasts.

swampgirl says...

Pop, hehe that's right I don't know about the Bush thing... all I saw while driving through the small towns around there were Republican offices. Didn't see anyone in the windows though


lucky760 says...

Moving again?! Didn't you just move a couple of months ago?

I'd rather chew my own toenails off than move that often. (I hate moving.)

Good luck in your new hometown.

Was that sign in your photo actually made for you? Are you known in real life to your friends and family as Auntie Swamp Girl?

swampgirl says...

No, I browsed across that photo online. I have no idea where it's from, but it looks like something from a carnival. I would love to have it though!

Lucky.. yeah it does seem like we just moved. I think this will be the 5th move in the last 7 years

Well, I told MR Swampgirl that he'd better like it there cause I'm getting too old for this gypsy livin!

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