Memory Improvement Programs (Blog Post)

I don't know if they work, but has anybody tried one of these?  You know what I'm talking about, a book or CDs that contain exercises that are supposed to improve your memory, has anybody had any luck with these?  As I respect you all, I'm willing to take your anecdotal evidence into consideration.

Calculus III Updates (Blog Post)

After fucking up the first test, which I blame on my choice to go snowboarding instead of studying, I've pulled my shit together and scored a 94.4% on the second test.  Luckily the professor drops the lowest test score. 

This test included drawing 3-dimensional shapes from rectangular rectangular 3 variable equations; converting equations between rectangular, spherical and cylindrical forms; describing 3 dimensional shapes (type, major axis, minor axis, axis of rotation, vertices); using the definition of a derivitive to determine the derivitive of vectors in 3 space; and 3-dimensional motion problems.

This test coupled with my quiz scores puts me at a 94.9% in the class.  Doing well both excites me to continue to do well and makes me nervous that I'll fuck it up.  I hope I can continue to stay on track with school, the subject matter is only getting harder.  Right now we're learning curvature in 2 and 3-dimensions and 3-dimensional curve drawings (helices mainly).

Halloween 2008 (Blog Post)

Just a fun pictorial of my halloween this year.  My costume...last minute

Here is yours truly, GroovySeed



Here's my disco ho, YouLickMyWhat (K0MMIE, no masturbating)


Notice we both have our "coke noses"


So we went to a party at our neighbor's house.  They did an awesome job decorating and dressing up.  Here is a shrine to Frida Kahlo they had set up.


Here are our neighbors Molly and Brian.  Brian definitely had the creepiest costume on.  He actually shaved his head to do it.

Pennywise & Dia De Los Muertos


Here's my other neighbor, Jay.  He decided to be princess Leia


Here's another neighbor with the dog we're dog-sitting.  She's studying abroad here in the US from Germany.  She is dressed as Mia from Pulp Fiction. 


2 of my roomies with another one of the other girls here from Germany


And finally, GroovySeed and YouLickMyWhat drunk, but still lookin hot


So there you have it...pretty good night considering the fact that we weren't planning on going out that evening and I didn't have a costume until about 5pm that day.



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