Calculus III Updates

After fucking up the first test, which I blame on my choice to go snowboarding instead of studying, I've pulled my shit together and scored a 94.4% on the second test.  Luckily the professor drops the lowest test score. 

This test included drawing 3-dimensional shapes from rectangular rectangular 3 variable equations; converting equations between rectangular, spherical and cylindrical forms; describing 3 dimensional shapes (type, major axis, minor axis, axis of rotation, vertices); using the definition of a derivitive to determine the derivitive of vectors in 3 space; and 3-dimensional motion problems.

This test coupled with my quiz scores puts me at a 94.9% in the class.  Doing well both excites me to continue to do well and makes me nervous that I'll fuck it up.  I hope I can continue to stay on track with school, the subject matter is only getting harder.  Right now we're learning curvature in 2 and 3-dimensions and 3-dimensional curve drawings (helices mainly).

rottenseed says...

>> ^blankfist:
The blogs are officially boring.

My blogs are my "me time" for when I don't feel like entertaining you.

Some of us have boring hobbies...mine is education in maths and sciences and yours is boring ass short films. To each his own.

rottenseed says...

>> ^mauz15:
Damn, and I have the nerve to complain about Cal I.
Calc III is really just an extension of calc I. We're just doing the same things in 3-dimensions. It does get quite cumbersome and confusing at times though. Calc II is like the toolbox of calculus where you learn all the different ways to integrate. I found that class the hardest so far.

rougy says...

Way to go and stick with it.

Math is my number one weakness.

I still do basic stuff and algebra once in a while just to keep that part of my brain alive. I have a theory that it's kind of like reading: the act of reading itself helps us think better, and I think the same is true for math.

I noticed that I'm able to think more complexly the more algebra I do.

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