Happy Birthday Dag
Being in the last year of one's thirties can cause one to review the last decade with a critical eye. Questions arise like, "Am I where I want to be, am I happy with my achievements, is this all there is to life etc....." It seems like a natural progression for most and for those who've lead a life unexamined, it can be a pretty painful time.
On the positive side, one has the priveledge of perspective and experience which can be the basis of choices made in wisdom with a deeper abiltity for reflection. I contest that mid-life cirisis starts at 40. Sometimes it feels like the whole last half of the thirties has been this way for us. Maybe it's just happening sooner for this generation.
Dag, wishing you a Happy 39th. I'm glad to be on this journey with you and am looking forward to the next decades of adventure together.
Happy Birfday, big boy!
Well, I know if I was in your shoes, I'd look back at my accomplishments, see that I have started the best damn website on the interwebtubes and feel pretty damn good about my life.
Happy birthday, Dag.
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Thanks- I've been going through a mid-life crisis for about 4 years now.

I always thought it was a kind of literary invention- but it's a real thing. For a man, you start to think about words like "mortality" and "legacy". Depression can set in - and getting up to go to work becomes an iffy proposition.
I am proud of my family, the Videosift community and that I still have my own hair.
Next year I get to completely freak-out. I wonder if I can lease a Ferrari on my credit card ...
^ answer? no.
but you could take your kids to the bumper cars, instead.
fair trade.
That's a really beautiful post, persephone. Dag's a lucky man. Happy B-Day, Master D!
Being 41 years old, I can tell you that there's no difference between 39, 40, and 41, Mr. Dag. It's all good. In fact it gets better. You become more accepting of the thinning hair, widening circumference, decreasing vision, sagging skin, muscular atrophy, arthritic joints, acid reflux, hair in your ears, hemorrhoid flareups, waning libido, myocardial infarctions, memory loss, memory loss, and occasional incontinence.
Also it won't be long before you start getting senior discounts. And that, my friend, is worth its weight in copper.
Wow, that's really sweet. Perspeph got me welling up here.
Happy Birthday, Mister Maggot. One thing can be well said about you and the word legacy at this juncture of your journey: This place you created will never be forgotten by innumerable people tied together with bonds that span the globe. That's not something most people could ever say.
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@ ^kronosposeidon:

gosh, I feel so much better. Do you do balloon animals? I'm sure you would liven up a party.
>> ^kronosposeidon:
You become more accepting of the thinning hair, widening circumference, decreasing vision, sagging skin, muscular atrophy, arthritic joints, acid reflux, hair in your ears, hemorrhoid flareups, waning libido, myocardial infarctions, memory loss, memory loss, and occasional incontinence.
Heck I'm getting used to that stuff already, and I'm 10 years Dag's junior. Not to mention the memory loss.
A cheese toast to our glorious leader!
Happy Birthday!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Dag!
Seems to be a popular day for a Birthday. My grandma, my cousin a friend and a colleague of mine were all born on this day.
Happy birthday
Maybe if JC gets the price down low enough, you'll get to experience something better than a Ferrari in a few years...
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^ John Carmack - not Jesus Christ, in case anyone was wondering. (though maybe one in the same?)
Happy Birthday dag.
Still in your 30s? pssh! don't worry, you're still a young punk
A very happy birthday dag!
Happy birthday, possibly-distant-cousin!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday dag! Hope you had a great one!
Vse najboljše! Happy birthday. If it's any consolation - my grandfather was 99 yesterday
Happy birthday and many more to come!
Happy Birthday to you, Dag! April B-days rule!
Letterman, Herbie Hancock, and Tiny Tim, too-Happy B-day Dagmar....
Happy Birthday, crisis is relative, change is inevitable. May the quality of your problems only improve.
Right behind you, Dag. You've made something wonderful here. You should be proud.
Happy Birthday...come on in, the water's fine in the deep end.
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