Anyone else playing psychonauts?

I've been playing this weekend, but I'm stuck now.  Enjoying it less now that I can't get past a stupid race.  Anyway, the game is fun, and very light weight.  Im not really very good at twitch aspects of such games, and racing through an obstacle course is not my idea of a good time.


oxdottir says...

I'm not stuck anymore, but I was stuck on the levitation area race. I wasn't beating the annoying kid. I finally did, though I can't see I did anything different that time other than be lucky.

Now I'm fighitng a tank. I keep having a problem in boss type fights where I don't seem to be able to run away. My normal aiming is all messed up.

Grimm says...

Not playing it ...yet. Picked it up last month at Big Lots for only $6. X-Play has mentioned the game several times as being a great game that didn't catch on and sold poorly.

Arsenault185 says...

Well i went and bought the necessary amount of points to DL from Xbox live, and lo and behold, they wont let me DL it because of the region I'm in. Now the fuckers won't even give me a refund.

Farhad2000 says...

I played this on release and its the best fun I have ever had. I loved it.

Its so much better then Halo 3, Gears of War, Unreal Tournament 3, Crysis bar Bioshock....

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