How Would You Survive a Zombie Attack?
It's a topic of much debate among scholars, so I thought of broaching the subject for discussion among the VideoSift intellectuals.
The question is: What would you do to survive the zombie attack that is obviously imminent? Also, do you plan on preparing for the attack or do you intend to wait for it to begin and simply react?
When considering the issue, you must keep in mind that the zombie attack will not likely last a single night; it could go on for days, weeks, months, or even longer. It'll also be likely that the zombies will not be immune to sunlight (that's just silly vampire nonsense), so waiting for dawn won't help.
So, I ask again, how would you survive?
Here's my plan:
I hope to have a chain mail suit (commonly used by divers around sharks) so the zombies can't easily bite into my skin and infect me.
In order to fight back I'll need a shotgun or other firearms with a large supply of ammunition. These should be always kept nearby with the chain mail, so storage in the trunk of my car is probably best.
Once the attack began, I'd need a location that could be turned into a fortress while also providing long-term sustenance. A shopping mall or grocery store might be a first inclination, but a bad one. In either there are too many entrances and exits through which the unusually strong undead can penetrate.
No, I'd opt for a Costco wholesale warehouse for several reasons. It has tall, thick walls all the way around so as a last resort I could head for the roof where the zombies couldn't climb from outside. There are only a few doors to the outside which can be easily fortified. There is an almost never-ending supply of food, clothes, electronics, etc. so we would never be bored or hungry. The warehouse is very large so if there is a breach we'll have plenty of space to fight and run to make it up to the roof where we'll make our last stand.
These are my initial thoughts. What are yours?
The question is: What would you do to survive the zombie attack that is obviously imminent? Also, do you plan on preparing for the attack or do you intend to wait for it to begin and simply react?
When considering the issue, you must keep in mind that the zombie attack will not likely last a single night; it could go on for days, weeks, months, or even longer. It'll also be likely that the zombies will not be immune to sunlight (that's just silly vampire nonsense), so waiting for dawn won't help.
So, I ask again, how would you survive?
Here's my plan:
I hope to have a chain mail suit (commonly used by divers around sharks) so the zombies can't easily bite into my skin and infect me.
In order to fight back I'll need a shotgun or other firearms with a large supply of ammunition. These should be always kept nearby with the chain mail, so storage in the trunk of my car is probably best.
Once the attack began, I'd need a location that could be turned into a fortress while also providing long-term sustenance. A shopping mall or grocery store might be a first inclination, but a bad one. In either there are too many entrances and exits through which the unusually strong undead can penetrate.
No, I'd opt for a Costco wholesale warehouse for several reasons. It has tall, thick walls all the way around so as a last resort I could head for the roof where the zombies couldn't climb from outside. There are only a few doors to the outside which can be easily fortified. There is an almost never-ending supply of food, clothes, electronics, etc. so we would never be bored or hungry. The warehouse is very large so if there is a breach we'll have plenty of space to fight and run to make it up to the roof where we'll make our last stand.
These are my initial thoughts. What are yours?
Fist order of business is to secure ones survival. I would make sure I had firearms, weapons and a couple days food supply first. I would then look for a means of transportation and locate to a nearby military base were there would be well preserved food, ammunition and fuel stores. After securing the area and setting up a defensive perimeter I would proceed to look for a more secure transport and monitor transmissions for reports about survivors or help. Rounding up any survivors would be the next objective.
I have had this discussion with my friends on many occasions, and my answer is simple: I don't fight back.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but I think it makes perfect sense. The zombies are going to get you eventually, because you cannot possibly hide from them forever. If there is a 5:1 ratio of zombie to human, you're looking at one billion survivors. That may seem like a lot, but remember that you have 5 zombies for every survivor. If you can survive for the rest of your life while being hunted by at least 5 zombies, you are not human. Or you don't have a brain. And that opens up a new post about the kind of person that could survive by not being desirable food for zombies.
So I say, let the zombies get you, but don't let them eat your brain. Just stick your hand out of the crack in your front door that was caused by your axe (you had to get in somehow, right?) and let the zombies take a bite out of you. Wait a few minutes or hours before turning (depending on which movie plot you go by), then when you're a zombie, go outside and start hunting!
I would keep a AK-47, as it's automatic fire and ammunition would not be problem over large geographical areas. As a side arm I would keep a shotgun and for worst case scenarios I would keep a large machete.
I would not opt for chain mail as it restricts my mobility. Am assuming we are talking Tech 1 zombies that can only barely walk fast enough. I would opt for flex fitted overalls fitted with criss crossing plastic covers, along the lines of football uniform.
I would also opt for a large shopping center. Making camp on roof and access only by ladder know that zombies do not possess the necessary grip ability to sufficiently climb anything. Stair cases would be barricaded. I would exhaust fresh produce first and then live off canned meat. I would observe and study the creatures waiting for them to eat themselves out. On evenings I will make molotov cocktails to throw down and glee as they walk like firey candles.
I would make sure to fit out my SUV with a roll cage and slit windows, I would also opt for non deflatable tires with slicked corners that would push out making it hard to climb. I would drench slick oil or other liquids so that no grip can be attained on its surfaces. Door mounted shotguns to allow fire within a 45 degree angle off the doors. There will be no windows. Storage in the back for gasoline and syphons to steal gas from other vehicles.
I will not stop, try to look for or try to investigate anything looking for survivors. Its not my responsibility and they would need to prove that they are human to me first. I would make sure to check everyone after any sort of excursion for bite marks or infection, if found I would quarantine them, kill them if it proves to turn them.
No no no
If you get a Zombie attack - rememeber the FIVE GOLDEN RULES:
Open all doors and windows
Put away guns
Graveyards are your safest place (Zombies would never expect it)
Zombies hate Daylight So you are safe...promise
Nom Nom Nom
I believe stealth is the greatest asset you can maintain, as reflected in my instructive reference the Zombie Survival Guide. Like your reputation, once it's gone, it's gone forever. How often do you see survivors doing just fine until one idiot decides to go outside to check on their favorite goldfish back at the house, or some other idiot comes jogging down the road knocking on all the doors and dragging a huge mob of zombies with him?
Stealth, my friends. Avoid detection. Do this by having a fortification already in place, away from urban centers, well-camouflaged and protected to avoid both the inevitable zombie hordes and bandit legions sure to come in the years after the initial outbreak. Grow your own food. Protect your own colony of survivors to start the world anew.
Start now, or you're already dead. Can't you see? There's already a zombie in this very thread!!
Organize Before They Rise!
In relation to said post.
Just get me two swords and stand back... Zombies want brains, but it is hard to eat brains if your head isn't attach to the body...
Guns are good, but they always run out of ammo long before the zombies are gone...
I'd live on a houseboat and catch fish.
If Michael Jackson has taught me anything. He has taught me that zombies cant resist dancing (watch the Thriller video). I think this would be a good starting point for any zombie survival strategy. Unless this is just an urban legend.
>> ^eric3579:
If Michael Jackson has taught me anything. He has taught me that zombies cant resist dancing (watch the Thriller video). I think this would be a good starting point for any zombie survival strategy. Unless this is just an urban legend.
No you fool! Michael Jackson first became a zombie before dancing...
^ He turned zombie. Didnt kill the girl, and next thing you know they were all dancing. They couldnt resist the urge to dance when the music started.
I don't have a zombie plan. So you can just call me dinner.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
This is kind of a derail - but I'm wondering if Zombies are symbolic of anything? Like The Blob was supposed to represent the red menace.
Nascar fans? Fox News viewers?
>> ^dag:
This is kind of a derail - but I'm wondering if Zombies are symbolic of anything? Like The Blob was supposed to represent the red menace.
Nascar fans? Fox News viewers?
World of Warcraft players?
>> ^thegrimsleeper:

>> ^dag:
This is kind of a derail - but I'm wondering if Zombies are symbolic of anything? Like The Blob was supposed to represent the red menace.
Nascar fans? Fox News viewers?
World of Warcraft players?
Where did I hide my * ban bat?
Depends on where the zombie outbreak would begin. Most likely, some country, would bomb the shit out of the zombies before anyone noticed.
Machetes never need reloading.
I keep it on my headboard, always within arms reach, and have read it many times.
Believe me, I'm prepared.
>> ^dag:
This is kind of a derail - but I'm wondering if Zombies are symbolic of anything? Like The Blob was supposed to represent the red menace.
Nascar fans? Fox News viewers?
Christmas Shoppers.
Judging by my last ngihts awesome performance, where i double won, reaching the helicopter just as i killed my 25th zombie, without needing to use the fire axe i had, i consider myself an expeort. The natural 6 helped.
Stay focused, go where you need to, get a weapon of choice. take no needless risks. Do not fear them. Get to that helicoper.
There's actually a book out on the best way to protect your tasty brains from zombie attack. It's called the Zombie Survival Guide. It's filled with useful facts for avoiding the zombie apocalypse and cracking skulls.
I'm guessing zombies aren't the best swimmers. So, I'll stock up as many weapons, supplies and animals as possible, include about 20 of my most trusted friends and family to fortify some island property.

The land has to be big enough to house everyone and farm and raise food. Anyone know a good place?
You'd have to be very careful, SwampGirl. Animals may be able to contract the zombiitis. You'll need to be sure none of the ones you take with you are infected and some may even be carriers who can infect but never break out into a full-fledged zombie.
And as far as fishing goes, everyone'd need to be careful because the fish could be infected as well. As long as you don't go into the water around the island you might be safe from a fish bite, but if you ate an infected fish, that might be the end of you.
I think an island would not be an ideal solution because while zombies can't swim, they can walk on the ocean floor. It might take a while, but they could very well make it to your island and walk right on up the beach and eat your brains. It'd just be a matter of time.
^Twiddles' idea about the houseboat is best for avoiding direct contact from zombies, but still not a solution against zombified fishies (and whales!).
^thegrimsleeper's link contains a pretty good idea, to head to Alaska (or some other frozen wasteland) where any zombies would simply be frozen solid into zombsicles. Of course, that would be a difficult way for survivors to live as well, not to mention that you could easily be de-brained trekking your way to such a remote destination.
Hmm. Scary. It looks like we're running out of options, unless you go ^thinker247's route and just intentionally join the revolution, but you'd be dead and just your lifeless body would carry on with the hunting, so where's the fun in that?
There is no fun involved in zombie-fighting. Either you're scared shitless while trying to survive, or you're being eaten.
>> ^lucky760:
You'd have to be very careful, SwampGirl. Animals may be able to contract the zombiitis. You'll need to be sure none of the ones you take with you are infected and some may even be carriers who can infect but never break out into a full-fledged zombie.
And as far as fishing goes, everyone'd need to be careful because the fish could be infected as well. As long as you don't go into the water around the island you might be safe from a fish bite, but if you ate an infected fish, that might be the end of you.
I think an island would not be an ideal solution because while zombies can't swim, they can walk on the ocean floor. It might take a while, but they could very well make it to your island and walk right on up the beach and eat your brains. It'd just be a matter of time.
^Twiddles' idea about the houseboat is best for avoiding direct contact from zombies, but still not a solution against zombified fishies (and whales!).
^thegrimsleeper's link contains a pretty good idea, to head to Alaska (or some other frozen wasteland) where any zombies would simply be frozen solid into zombsicles. Of course, that would be a difficult way for survivors to live as well, not to mention that you could easily be de-brained trekking your way to such a remote destination.
Hmm. Scary. It looks like we're running out of options, unless you go ^thinker247's route and just intentionally join the revolution, but you'd be dead and just your lifeless body would carry on with the hunting, so where's the fun in that?
Make your way to cape Canaveral and blast off in a space shuttle. You could set a course for the ISS and wait out until the zombies all died. It depends on how communicable the zombie virus is? can mosquito's carry it? do animals transmit it? Can it be waterborne? in other words can it survive outside of the brain or blood stream of the infected individual? What is the sensory range of the average zombie?
It's hard to fight an enemy you don't know much about.
>> ^swampgirl:
I'm guessing zombies aren't the best swimmers. So, I'll stock up as many weapons, supplies and animals as possible, include about 20 of my most trusted friends and family to fortify some island property.
The land has to be big enough to house everyone and farm and raise food. Anyone know a good place?
Zombies could walk underwater though, since they don't need to breathe. Barricades would have to be built on the coastline with constant surveillance.
Just found this great post:
They spell things out for the zombnoob. They even came up with the same Costco solution I proposed.
>> ^dag:
This is kind of a derail - but I'm wondering if Zombies are symbolic of anything? Like The Blob was supposed to represent the red menace.
Nascar fans? Fox News viewers?
I've wondered about that before and I think the subject can go pretty deep. I think the most reasonable explanation that I've heard is: Plague. They have affected the world in the past and will affect it in the future.
Wish I had more time to elaborate today. I have read both of Max Brooks's books and several others. I find the subject of zombies fascinating.
Suggested reading:
World War Z
The zombie survival guide
The walking dead (running comic)
The morningstar strain
Cool little collection of people's zombie plans
Nah, I think predation would take care of the zombies before they reached the island.
>> ^Raigen:
I keep it on my headboard, always within arms reach, and have read it many times.
Believe me, I'm prepared.
Raigen, you're my hero. That is the only book you need.
As far as my plan goes, depending on the scale, it could be one of two things:
Small scale: Axe out the stairs in my house, and get a ladder upstairs as well as matches, non-perishable food, and a crowbar. Wait it out!
Large scale: Same as twiddles. Zombies can't drown, but they are too dense to float, so in deep water they will harmlessly walk around aimlessly on the sea floor.
I would fight by writing my congressman and telling him how bad Zombies are for business. Seriously though, there is a grocery store in my city attached to a gun shop.
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