English for Smarties
- primary
- secondary
- tertiary
- quaternary
- quinary
- senary
- septenary
- octonary
- nonary
- denary
- (none)
- duodenary
- (none)
- (none)
- (none)
- (none)
- (none)
- (none)
- (none)
- vigenary
There are no sequential words following: once, twice, and thrice
Whereas misogynist is a person who hates or dislikes females, misandrist is a person who hates or dislikes males.
Diurnal is the opposite of nocturnal.
Angry and hungry are the only two words that end with gry.
Sororal is the female equivalent of fraternal.
Nothing rhymes with orange or silver.
Does anything rhyme with elbow?
Pfffff. Sporange doesn't rhyme with elbow.
"Door hinge" would like a word.
Whore binge?
Hell no, dildo. >> ^blankfist:
Does anything rhyme with elbow?
>> ^blankfist:
<insert Charlie Sheen joke here>
Does anything rhyme with elbow?
Hell no. Bilbo is the closest I could find, but not a full rhyme obviously.
>> ^darkrowan:
Jargon doesn't count.
>> ^gwiz665:
"Door hinge" would like a word.
Not even close, though it might depend on your accent.
>> ^Skeeve:
Not in Oxford so it must not be a real word. (Oxford has more credibility than the wiktionary.)
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Whore binge?
Wouldn't 11 be unodenary? UNO!
Y U NO play UNO!
And yet this is from the same dictionary: Are there any words that rhyme with orange?
>> ^lucky760:
Jargon doesn't count.
>> ^darkrowan:
And yet this is from the same dictionary: Are there any words that rhyme with orange?
>> ^lucky760:
Jargon doesn't count.
Can't trust Oxford. We should find out what the wiktionary says about it.
Might want to check my link again. It cites the Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Edition 1989. So yes, it is in Oxford. darkrowan's link addresses this as well.
>> ^lucky760:
>> ^blankfist:
Does anything rhyme with elbow?
Hell no. Bilbo is the closest I could find, but not a full rhyme obviously.
>> ^darkrowan:
Jargon doesn't count.
>> ^gwiz665:
"Door hinge" would like a word.
Not even close, though it might depend on your accent.
>> ^Skeeve:
Not in Oxford so it must not be a real word. (Oxford has more credibility than the wiktionary.)
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Whore binge?
Bingo! <insert Charlie Sheen joke here>
Angry and hungry are the only two words that end with gry.
WRONG. <--said like Arnie in the original Terminator
>> ^quantumushroom:
Angry and hungry are the only two words that end with gry.
WRONG. <--said like Arnie in the original Terminator
Silly rabbit. Archaic words don't count.
>>Angry and hungry are the only two words that end with gry.>>
A group of us, who had French exchange students stay with us, had trouble knowing which of these two words our guests were saying - that whole silent "h" habit of the French language.
Sez you, smellfungus!
>> ^lucky760:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Angry and hungry are the only two words that end with gry.
WRONG. <--said like Arnie in the original Terminator
Silly rabbit. Archaic words don't count.
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