Visualizing 2000 Visitors an hour.

I'm not a number person - I do better with pictures. During normal hours, VideoSift averages around 2,000 visitors an hour or more. I was trying to get my head around how many people this is - and I was drinking a pint of Guinness, waiting for the bus on my way home from work. (on sale this week only at the local Pig & Whistle). I came up with this picture - and pasted avatars of the top 15 members for the past week, so it doesn't look like just a pattern of shapes. This is how many people visit our little community every hour. I wouldn't say we are a huge site - but even these modest numbers boggle my mind. Multiple this image by 20 or so to get a day's worth of visitors. (large image ahead)

NicoleBee says...

Because you have oodles and oodles of free time to mess around with some random persons brain fart, maybe you might consider doing a 'day in the sift' sampling with user icons ranked by activity and divided by hour. See who's all up in the siftspace at what times.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

About 17% would be regular users if Google Analytics is to be believed. That's how many don't come to the site via a search engine or referral in a given month.

I'd be the first to admit that I don't know how to control this flow. at all. I've given up trying. The Sift is what it is.

K0MMIE says...

^ I would think YOU would want them too. The more that join, the more that will possibly either A. Go Charter or B. Click ads.

I remember your goal of quitting your day job and making sift your full time. Have you given up the dream?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

No, I definitely want regular visitors - people who visit us every day. But I don't think we would want every one of those 2000 people above commenting and exercising their vote. Call me elitist - but the Sift would be a very different place and not so special then.

>> ^K0MMIE:
^ I would think YOU would want them too. The more that join, the more that will possibly either A. Go Charter or B. Click ads.
I remember your goal of quitting your day job and making sift your full time. Have you given up the dream?

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