darkrowan says...

Tom's Quality Comfort, I heard about them. They allegedly skin the puppies they sodomize (again, allegedly) and use it as a special lining in their air conditioners. It gives a home that newly fucked dog smell. Allegedly.

*how am I doing?*

KnivesOut says...

I take it someone from Tom's Quality Comfort (home of the 1-hour dog sodomization special) tried to post a spam comment on some hapless sift.

It's despicable, frankly, that there aren't better venues for specialists in dog sodomy like the fine folks at Tom's Quality Dog Air Sodomy Conditioning don't have a better place to advertise their services.

Someone should make and market a special book, maybe a big one, with yellow pages, that could be used to locate such services.

Kevlar says...

Oh come on, guys, you're being harsh.

I'll admit that normally when I see a wall-eyed, unemployed pirate try to rape his way across a room I might be disinclined to regard him as a potential friend since that falls pretty low in the spectrum of first impressions, but hey - who's to say the puppies don't enjoy it? Maybe those are howls of pleasure.

blankfist says...

Tom's Quality Comfort Air & Heat is probably one of the premiere names in bestiality, and number one in puppy rape, allegedly. I hear Tom himself goes through a litter a day, allegedly.

Be sure to look up Tom's Quality Comfort Air & Heat for all your puppy sodomy needs, allegedly.

That's Tim's Quality Comfort Air & Heat. They rape puppies. Allegedly.

gwiz665 says...

I think this is hilariously passive aggressive. Also, on the internet you get nowhere with puppy sodomizing. Kitten sodomizing is where the money is at and Tom's Quality Comfort knows this.

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