Shirts Away!

All shirts are officially in the mail today.  It took a little longer than I thought- as I wanted to wait until our fundraiser was finished.

I noticed a couple of interesting things on getting the shirts together to mail.  The first is that as a group we seem to skew to the large size, with lots of Ls and XLs.  

The other thing I noticed was that many US people didn't provide the country name when they gave me the address, though everyone from other countries always included it.  ... Just thought that was interesting.


K0MMIE says...

Skew to the large size? Well it is a site about watching videos, not running marathons. Guess it's to be expected.

As for addresses I blame that on our public school system, they never told us to put our country! Where would it go!? Before the state? After? After the city? Before the Zip code? Our teachers failed us! Either that... or they were conditioning us not to contact the outside world!

raven says...

You mean America is not the center of the world? Kidding. It goes after everything else at the bottom, and I really only know that because I've done a lot of ebay and it always appears like that via the label generator.

dag says...

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Just thinking about it - I would say the largeness skew has more to do with the high dude percentage than anything. It's useful though - because when we get new shirts made, we'll have a better idea on the how many of each size to get.

dag says...

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I'm pretty confident, if you sent a package from here in Australia, with something like
"Philadelphia, PA" as the last line of the address - that it would reach its destination.

ant says...

VS is spying on our shirt sizes!!! J/K! Are you post to the statistics like the shirt sizes, countries, etc.?

Mine should had been easy since I mentioned CA as the state. How long is it supposed to take to send to us?

eric3579 says...

Id always thought, since we invented the mail system, along with 99.9% of everything else. By default, no country written, meant U.S.A. I mean its confusing. Do you write America, United States of America, USA, U.S. Come on what the fuck do you want from us.

swampgirl says...

alright, I was one that didnt say "USA" on my address. Dag, you're familiar enough w/ us old heads to know where we're from tho right? We ALL know that you're a transplanted American

I don't know about the U.S... but I've always lived with the assumption that I'M the center of the universe


dag says...

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Some people gave "United States" - I know internally people use that term a lot- But these days it sounds kind of incomplete and presumptuous. Might there be some other united states somewhere?

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