GM Script: Small Talk
This script minimizes Sift Talk posts in the Talk section listing and inserts an arrow next to the title that will expand/collapse the post on click.
Since some users don't feel the need to use snip or collapse tags when posting the phone book on the front page of the talk section, it has become something of a nuisance to navigate it. Other things, like long lists of neat things, can also clutter the talk listing a bit.
You can modify the minHeight variable at the top of the script to change the minimum height (in pixel) a sift talk post has to have in order to be minimized on load (default is 110).
As with all my GM Scripts you will need FireFox and the AddOn GreaseMonkey for this to work.
One comment on your great scripts, cdm, you need an icon for the *brief invocation
Great script as always. This one is very useful, thanks for sharing!
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