Edeot says...

What the hell is it with Libertarianism lately? Is it the new black? When did it become fashionable?

I'm getting annoyed at the number of people that constantly need tell us how libertarian they are - Bill Mahre, Glenn Beck, every freaking kid I run into on the local college campus. And the worst part is they all argue over what it means to be a Libertarian. No one fucking agrees.

And yet they still do it! Why? I think I know - Because libertarianism has no central party system like conservatism and liberalism. When you say you're a Conservative, you lump yourself in with the likes of the Bush administration. When you're a Liberal, you associate yourself with all the socialist and communist slandering. But when you think libertarianism, you have nothing to mentally fall back on.

Enjoy it while it lasts, if it lasts.

disclaimer - this is not aimed directly at Blankfist. This is a blog after all and you are meant to voice your opinions on it. I'm just venting.

blankfist says...

Ugh. Glenn Beck most certainly is not a Libertarian. He has no idea what it means. That guy is a tool and a Republican.

Since you obviously aimed that comment directly at me, Edeot, without so much as a disclaimer saying otherwise, I will answer your question: what is Libertarianism? Libertarianism seeks to maximize individual liberty while minimizing government size, power and cost. Libertarians believe in a voluntary society where people have choice (user fees) over force (income tax).

Some Libertarians believe in no government. Those tend to be the Anarcho-Capitalists, which is a flavor of Libertarianism I cannot subscribe to. I believe in some government, albeit limited, and I think things like roads and infrastructure belong within that umbrella paid for by voluntary user fees (such as gasoline tax).

Libertarianism is the new black. It's sexy and looks so damn good on everybody.

blankfist says...

^How do you get around town? If you drive, then you're paying a user fee in the form of gasoline tax. The more you drive, the more gas you use, thus the more tax you pay. You pay as you use.

volumptuous says...

>> ^blankfist:
^How do you get around town? If you drive, then you're paying a user fee in the form of gasoline tax. The more you drive, the more gas you use, thus the more tax you pay. You pay as you use.

You raise an interesting point.

Every time I walk down the street, I always think how much more practical it would be if I had to pay to use the sidewalk, since you know, that mean ol government pays for it.

I think all sidewalks should be privatized, those who choose to not use them can be liberated from the tyranny of paying taxes for their creation and upkeep.

I'm finally seeing the benefits of all of this!

blankfist says...

>> ^volumptuous:
Every time I walk down the street, I always think how much more practical it would be if I had to pay to use the sidewalk, since you know, that mean ol government pays for it.

When the government pays for the sidewalks, you are paying for them. You're also paying for the war in Iraq and the 700 military bases in over 130 countries. How's that working out for you?

You're right. That's way more practical.

rottenseed says...

I don't know, I kind of like my government subsidized schooling. I wouldn't want to pay for that...shit, if my country could get their shit together I would have to pay very little for a REAL education instead of mashin' the grains at the old community colleges. At the same time, socialism is dangerous in the hands of the wicked. First and foremost we need to flush Washington clean...and not DC, that dirty hippie infested Washington state.

Edeot says...

Why do I feel I've been vindicated with this post?

>> ^imstellar28:
Think liberty.
Statue of Liberty:
Liberty Tree:
Liberty Flag:
Liberty Coin:

Liberty Bell:
>> ^Edeot:
But when you think libertarianism, you have nothing to mentally fall back on.

JAPR says...

I vindicated your mom's post.

One of my business-majoring buddies is a Libertarian. I prefer not to associate myself with any particular political view as of yet.

blankfist says...

>> ^rottenseed:
I don't know, I kind of like my government subsidized schooling. I wouldn't want to pay for that....

You already pay for it, and you pay for the war in Iraq, rendering our hegemony, and every thing else the government finances.

Libertarians want to choose where they spend their money instead of the government choosing to use it in wars or killing brown people overseas.

volumptuous says...

Libertarians also want to choose "states rights" where states can freely discriminate against its own citizens without any pesky federal laws to worry about.

And fuck it, if you don't like it, then just move to another state because that is REALLY EASY!

blankfist says...

The opposite of state's rights is a large centralized government. Instead of 50 states governing themselves under the federal Constitution, you'd have 1 national government only.

And fuck it if you don't like the laws of your one centralized government! Then just move to another country because that is REALLY EASY!

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^Sorry, but wearing political shirts or shirts with slogans on them is lame. If you want to wear a political shirt a couple of weeks before an election, it's not as bad, but otherwise, you might as well be wearing a shirt with the Tazmanian Devil dressed up in Hip Hop gear saying 'Talk to the hand!' or 'Heeeey Macarana!'. Far worse than concert T's, but not as bad as shirts with large print brand names or corporate logos.

Isn't there enough advertising in the world without making our bodies into billboards?

imstellar28 says...

^When was the last time someone walked up to you and started a conversation about your plain t-shirt? Or, when was the last time something interesting happened as a result of what you were wearing?

I have stories for at least half of the shirts/clothes I wear.

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