Where I've been

In case you care (you probably haven't noticed but I've been pretty much non-existent around here for the last couple of months).



I've been horribly addicted to World of Warcraft since the last expansion came out a couple of months ago.  If you value your free time, stay as far away from this crazy game as you can.



I've been preparing for my impending move to South Korea.  I'll be teaching English to a bunch of rowdy Korean children.   I leave on Saturday, so I'm starting to freak out just a little bit.

 I'll probably be back in full force here in a few weeks (once I get settled in and get my internet connection going) as my shitty laptop can barely run World of Warcraft.  I've been accumulating a fairly large stash of videos since I've been gone, so I'm all ready to go (assuming that everything hasn't been posted already).

Farhad2000 says...

WOW is not a game. Its an addiction. God was on my side each time I tried to play it because it would lock up and crash. He has lost you wayward children.

Korea will be fun. Expect to drink beer all the time.

Sarzy says...

World of Warcraft is so deviously addictive, I'm sure everyone at Blizzard has a special place in hell reserved just for them.

I'm actually going to be on the outskirts of Seoul, so not too close to Masan as far as I can gather. I will be blogging about my trip (don't bother going there now though; the blog is still under construction. Check back in a week or two).

RhesusMonk says...

Hey, man, I've been teaching in Taiwan to Taiwanese runts for about six months now. Let me tell you, from what I've heard about the set-up in South Korea, you'll be paid like a rock star but treated like a mule. Brace yourself. I've been working pretty hard myself, but the culture is very different from what I'm used to. My boss just actually got fired because she was, and this is truly a direct quote, "too nice to the teachers." But, it's a good choice. I've been to Hong Kong, Macau, Okinawa, Cambodia, just got back from Sydney and I'm leaving my house after I write this to get my visa to go to Vietnam. The money and experiences are well worth whatever they throw at you. Enjoy!

rougy says...

You really must write back once you're over there.

Take pictures of everything, especially the silly things.

The flat, the shower, the shop on the corner.

If you get a chance.

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