Fuck you, Tom Cruise.

And your "really cool" sunglasses that you wear indoors. At a fucking museum.

I'm in D.C. for the weekend and I went to the National Holocaust museum. As I was taking my time and reading the signs and watching the videos, a bunch of museum personnel came up and told us that we had to clear the area. We did, not knowing what the hell was going on. As we were off to the side, I asked if there was a VIP coming through and he said that there was. So we're all off to the side and then enters Sir Douche. With his really cool hairdo wearing sunglasses in the dimly lit exhibit. So then King Bag leaves the area and us lesser citizens are allowed to continue our tour. As I get in the middle of watching the next video, we're herded out into the area that we were previously kicked out of, because Mr. Asshat wants to look through where we were. He then moves on again, and everyone is ready to get out of the area. But no. The one and only exit is blocked and there are easily 50+ people there waiting to get out. Then the pompous asshole walks by, shoots a smug little fucking smile and waves with an air of nonchalance, to which I loudly responded "Don't you wave at me!" Everyone around looked a little shocked that I would yell at a precious celebrity, but as soon as the fucker walked off they resumed talking trash about him and airing their grievances to all that would listen to how bullshit the whole ordeal was. I walked up to the guy blocking us, and asked if he was museum personnel, and he told me that he was, but 1) I've never seen museum personnel wear an ear piece a la Secret Service, 2)He was wearing black when everyone else was wearing red, and he had no badge or name tag. I think the fucker lied to me and he was actually Cruises much needed body guard. A woman made a very good point. She said "We just spent the last three hours learning how bad it is to treat people like they are first or second class citizens, and here they are doing it to us."

Fuckdouche was no where near us, and yet they still wouldn't let us out, so myself and a Vietnam vet berated the man to let the crowd out. He finally backed off and let us out. Then at the very end they had a comment book that I was writing in and no sooner had I finished writing in it, another guy came up and told us to clear out. I never got a chance to go into the museum shop.
I wish I had wanted to, because I would have told the fucker that Tom Cruise can wait, I'm going into the store.

Fuck you, Tom Cruise.
swampgirl says...

I'd go to the ticket counter and demand my money back! Let asshat celebrity pay to have the museum to himself after hours if he wants special treatment!

Good for you for yelling at his assness, MRG

Deano says...

This is why I've grown to hate celebs like that twit and the people who support their desire to live in a bubble. I would definitely make a verbal and written complaint as well.

concernedcitizen says...

Most likely that person in black with the headset piece was a Scientologist.

They've been known to illegally pose as security or police to get things done and to suppress critics and protesters of scientology. The thing is, Scientology believes they're superior to us normal "wogs" as they call us. So its common that you and everyone there were treated like subhumans by, possibly not even museum security, but by scientologists posing as museum security. I'd get in contact with the museum as fast as possible about this. If the Museum doesn't do anything, go to the media because what happened here was definitely illegal.

The reason Mr. Cruise is here is because him and Katie Holmes are visiting the memorial day celebration at the mall while their scientology buddies will be there to exploit the celebration in order to get people to join scientology.

protip: Scientology does not care about about our veterans, only exploiting events and laws to gain more members and suppress the free speech of their critics.

Crake says...

I had a similar experience in Malaysia where I and everyone else got kicked out of a gym because one of the Sultan's sons needed a massage. I'd think America would have more of a resilience against aristocratic tendencies sprouting, and quickly prune them.

Krupo says...

>> ^Crake:
I had a similar experience in Malaysia where I and everyone else got kicked out of a gym because one of the Sultan's sons needed a massage. I'd think America would have more of a resilience against aristocratic tendencies sprouting, and quickly prune them.

Seriously tough - America loves its aristocratic families... if not in politics, then there's the celebrities, and sporting dynasties...

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