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Kreegath (Member Profile)

doogle (Member Profile)

MrFisk says...

Yeah, you are correct. In fact I merely used the title I had gotten from Huffington Post. In all fairness, I use Drudge's titles as well.

In reply to this comment by doogle:
That's a "slam" against Sarah Palin?

"Governor Palin, to some extent pushed the party more to the right, and I think she had something of a polarising effect..."

That's a slam? Come on. That's just expressing a moderate opinion. You have to be quite right-wing to think that's a slam...or...
you're exaggerating just to get more video views and more upvotes... I think the latter.

Doc_M (Member Profile)

MrFisk says...

In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
Does that WORK NOW?! Do dupes contribute to the original post's votes?! How the hell did I not hear of this; that is freakin awesome.

In reply to this comment by MrFisk:
I wanted the original to have my votes. I discarded it.

In reply to this comment by Doc_M:

This video is a dupe (for the most part) and was VERY briefly in Sift-talk to discuss it. Kindly kill it for us unless you want to defend it as otherwise. Thanks.

Doc_M (Member Profile)

MrFisk says...

I think so but I'm not certain.

In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
Does that WORK NOW?! Do dupes contribute to the original post's votes?! How the hell did I not hear of this; that is freakin awesome.

In reply to this comment by MrFisk:
I wanted the original to have my votes. I discarded it.

In reply to this comment by Doc_M:

This video is a dupe (for the most part) and was VERY briefly in Sift-talk to discuss it. Kindly kill it for us unless you want to defend it as otherwise. Thanks.

Doc_M (Member Profile)

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

12992 (Member Profile)

Fedquip (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

MrFisk says...

Nice. Glad you upvoted.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
You should sleep late, it's much easier on your constitution.

In reply to this comment by MrFisk:
It was a dupe. Not sure how I missed that. Perhaps the cognac or perhaps the wine? My internet was awfully finicky last night also, I couldn't even upvote my own pick. Don't worry, I got many more good vids coming. Once again, thanks.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
What? Why? I feel responsible!

In reply to this comment by MrFisk:

schmawy (Member Profile)

bamdrew (Member Profile)

MrFisk says...

Thank you very much, that was excellent.

In reply to this comment by bamdrew:
Larry Flynt wrote a wonderful, heartfelt opinion piece upon the death of his... friend,... Jerry Falwell.,0,2751741.story?coll=la-home-commentary

... a highlight, summing up his Supreme Court victory over Falwell;

'The justices held that a parody of a public figure was protected under the 1st Amendment even if it was outrageous, even if it was "doubtless gross and repugnant," as they put it, and even if it was designed to inflict emotional distress. In a unanimous decision — written by, of all people, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist — the court reasoned that if it supported Falwell's lower-court victory, no one would ever have to prove something was false and libelous to win a judgment. All anyone would have to prove is that "he upset me" or "she made me feel bad." The lawsuits would be endless, and that would be the end of free speech.'

I also recall a Larry Flint interview where he noted that part of his late-life friendship with Jerry Falwell was driven by Jerry's appreciation of having someone who didn't agree with him, and wouldn't just tell him what he wanted to hear.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

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