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lucky760 (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

Wow, I get a poem too? Thank you sooo much Lucky! I feel so honored!

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Her purple name is pretty,
Not one submission shitty.
None's better nor
Deserves crowns more
Than our Queen IssyKitty.

Congratulations, Miss Izzy! Ahh, how do you improve the Sift? Let me count the ways...

1000. Done.

Thanks for all your contributions, champ.

EDD (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

I really am truly grateful for this wonderful community of individuals here on VideoSift... especially people such as yourself, Ed. Thank you so much for your kind words. You are a stand-up guy here with your most thoughtful and intelligent comments and your good nature as well. It really shows and is much appreciated.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
You've been one of my favorite sifters since like the beginning of time. There was always the personal gratitude for how you really helped out by upvoting my Unsifted vids when I had recently stopped lurking and just started sifting a bit more than a year ago, of course, but beyond that you're just always radiating your charm and loveliness and that positive attitude of yours. I guess you're unable not to And there's always me being a cat-person, too. I hope you never leave the place-it just wouldn't be the same without you.

Cheers, Ed

jacobrecker (Member Profile)

davidraine (Member Profile)

jacobrecker (Member Profile)

EDD (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

I agree. Thank you for the promote, furriend. Can you believe DFT has never seen this film? I haven't seen this in the longest time myself, so I think it's time.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
The book was pure magic and so is this magnificent film. I'd advise everyone to see it, if you have the chance.


schmawy (Member Profile)

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

youdiejoe (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

bamdrew (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

You're very welcome. Thank you for all the yummy links.

In reply to this comment by bamdrew:
Thanks for the promote. I just sent an e-mail of Andrew Bird youtube performances I like to a friend; thought I'd share with you in case you hadn't caught some:

Here's a song that's much better live than on the record, performed at the Fillmore with a fun audience... fun lyrics, and lyrical presentation:

Here he is again on the violin, and also playing guitar and glockenspiel, with a band backing him up:

Here's a slower song from a CD coming out Jan. 20th called Noble Beast (that album title is a David Attenborough reference):

Here's a strange one of him walking around Paris singing and playing for a popular French music blog:

Here's a song I really like,... he supposedly got the lyrics from a letter he found on the ground (he said the letter started 'Dear Dirty,' and then went on to describe in a simple caveman dialect what it was like being a caveman):

Finally, here he is first playing a song he wrote for a children's show he appeared on, then rolling into an intense performance of a pretty wild song:

In reply to this comment by Issykitty:

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

Hi Lucky! May I say that it was such an honor meeting up with you and the lovely Charms at the Sift up. Funny that you mentioned, I think I may have gotten a little ill from the secondhand fumes that night as well. It was worth it, though!

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