"That One"-John McCain (Much Ado About Nothing?)

Last night during the debate, when referring to an bill loaded with "goodies for the oil companies" that was supported by Barrack Obama. Specifically, "You know who voted for it? You might never know. That one. You know who voted against it? Me."
How do you feel about this? A slight quip? A degrading comment? Racism? Disrespect? An allusion to Obama's lack of experience?

My opinion:
While I'm sure that there is a degree of respect between the two candidates, there is almost certainly a stronger degree of contempt. If this was the biggest issue left to wonder about after the debate, then we aren't looking at the right things to elect a leader of the country on.
p.s. I'm strongly against Obama '08 and I know that people are giving votes based on this kind of bull****. I've been tired of the sift being clogged with anti-elephant for the past months. I'm very disappointed in where the Republican party has ended up, and because of this, i will not vote for McCain, but he is much preferred to Obama.
Write-in Ron Paul
if this is the only chance i get to express my opinion directly to the parties, then i'll give it. Bullocks to "strategic voting".

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