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Phreezdryd (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

In reply to this comment by Phreezdryd:
>> ^BoneRemake:

That was pretty funny
I dont see how its nature though. I think the lawer term for that is "reaching"

Nature called at an inopportune time.

Yea thats the exact reason I told the poster that was the wrong channel to call. You do not associate Politically correct/incorrect labels like that on videosift channels. *audio does not denote EVERYTHING that has a decible point be included. If you dont know you take the time to look, do it right.

Facebook - What you don't know but should

Facebook - What you don't know but should

Barseps (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

Well now thats pretty judgmental, Before I just thought you were an ass, now I recognize you as british.

You dont know shit about me other than a few paragraphs and you say that tripe.

A good day to you sir.


Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

westy says...

yeah your to far gone no saving you If I was you I would end your life now , you are forbidden from enjoying something I hate so much!

The screen size thing dosen't matter if you have a 1080p tv or hd projector or evan better 2 hd projectors stitched and you sit relatively close to it then the screen size difference interms of what is in your fov will not be that grate ( obviously it depends on what focal range your eyes are comfortable with but sitting withint he range of 2-5m from 70" screen should be fine ) The effective resolution of 35mm film is about 4000x2000 , but now allot of cinimas use digital projectors and many of them project at 2048×1080 , so all in all a $1000 Tv or $1500 projector will likely do a fairly comparable job. the massive advantage with home system is you can set it up to your taste not some arbatrery pre-decided spec some company has come up with and for sound especially everyone has different taste.

also I don't see the piont of a shaired exsperance with people you dont know and will never talk to . I understand watching a film with some friends or a group and then talking about it but with total randoms that you will never interact with dosent make sense. ( it might make sense when you have a cinema full of black people (or one of those special film nights some cinemas do) and they all screem and shout at the film getting involved more and what have you as that is truly an original exsperance (not one I enjoy but I can certainly see how that could be enjoyable and different from watching a film at home).

The only cinema exsperance I ever had that was better than what could be achieved at home was watching a documentary on a proper spec I max screen ( before they did the bullshit I-max licensing) and at a theem park in France called where they had a screen below the floor as well as a normal imax one.

Id probably enjoy going to an american outdoors cinima where you park a car , or evan one where its just in a park or something ,

I think what makes me ill with bog standard cinema is its so procedural with you just been a chiken stuffed in a pen and fed bullshit useless advertising and constantly told ITS THE BEST EXSPERANCE YOU CAN HAVE ON THE BIG SCREEN when infact for allot of people its probably not.

Finaly to finish of my waist of time writing !

I concide that if the cinima is

1) empty or near empty to the piont i cannot notice other people or the only people in it are people i know and are firends with
2) set up correctly sound focus screen everything
3) has comfortable seats not sticky shit on the floor smells nice
4) no quing up no bullshit adverts and no trailers that ruin the plot of new films ( or its possible to miss them all some how)

Then it is better than what you will get at home and will be far more enjoyable in general , having said that that scenario has happened to me 3 times in 14 years and from going to over 30 different cinemas in 2 different countries.

>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^westy:
Although I enjoyed your discussion home cinimas are infinetly better than going out to watch a film evan if you only have a 42" 2 year old LCD tv and bog standard surround sound system.
maybe you have super awesome cinemas where you are but in the uk there is always something objectively wrong and not in a "charming way" ( listed above in my other comment )

I can see where you're coming from, westy. There are so many things that can (and do) go wrong with the theatrical experience: inconsiderate jerks, bad projection, bad sound, uncomfortable seats, lighting issues, too many commercials, and so on, and so on. But I just love going to the movies.
You ask why you'd want to watch a movie in a room full of people you don't know. But I think that sitting in a darkened room full of strangers and having a shared experience is one of the things that makes going to the movies so special.
There's also the fact that, no matter how big the screen is in your home theatre, it's still a mere fraction of the size of a decently-sized theatre. The sound will never be as good at home (assuming the theatre is doing what they're supposed to be doing). The image will never look as good as well-projected film. And again, watching alone at home can never compare to being in a room full of people who are laughing when they're supposed to, or who are all thrilled, or scared, or moved at the same time you are.
But then I've been going to the movies on a regular basis since I was old enough to sit in the seats, so maybe, like you said, I can never be truly objective about it. I don't care how good home theatre technology gets, I'll be going to the movies until the day I die.

Hugh Laurie Sings His Blues

Making a Prison Tattoo in Tompkins Square Park

westy says...

lol his sunburn and hit by buss example are so dumb , the fact is if you could chose you would not have ethor of those things happen to you , and there is a clear difference between accepting things that happen to you by random chance against your will , and then actively doing something that's a permanent alteration.

Not that it matters if sum-one wants to get a tatoo I don't care , but the resoin i wouldnt get a tatoo of say a specifc idea or political concept or what have you is that Im then commiting myself to that idea or as a permiment mark and i think its not very open minded to lock yourself into a certain mind set , you dont know what evidence will change the way you think in the future or what you might identify yourself with as your brain changes with age.

If we didn't have portable maps and portable computers I could definitely see how tatoing diograms and math on you could help though , and if you don't have the ablty to make or ware intricate clothing and its important to show you belong to x tribe or have some form of ID then I can see how that makes perfect sense as well.

on the purely visual art side the perminet aspect of the tatoo is not a banoficail thing might as well just use semi perminent body paint and that way you get the best of both worlds.

ulysses1904 (Member Profile)

critical_d says...

Thank you for this.

In reply to this comment by ulysses1904:
Translation from Youtube:
Girl: - Violents! -You are violents! - Bastards!
(Says something about her rights)
Cop: She's a girl, she's a girl (more words I can't hear)
Girl: - What? (then gets punched in the face) - She screams: No! no violence!
Cop: Come on! Fuck you (dont know how to traduce "vete a tomar por culo")
Cop: get lost!
Girl: (I cant hear clearly)
Boy1: Record, record, record , record
Boy2: shut up, they'll come after me
Boy2: Ey ey! I have the video recording
Journalist: (I cant hear clearly)
Boy2: - Ey! let me see what have they done to you
Journalist: (I cant hear clearly)
Boy2: -Are you okey?
Journalist: -I dont know
Boy2: - where have they hit you?
Journalist: -They slapped me on the nape and I fell unconscious -I felt nothing
Boy2: Relax, relax, sit down.
Journalist: Why have they punched that guy??
Boy2: They are looking for all the people that was in the demonstration
Journalist: Yes, but camera? journalists?, journalists? have you ever heard of such a thing!??

Police Brutality in Spain

ulysses1904 says...

Translation from Youtube:
Girl: - Violents! -You are violents! - Bastards!
(Says something about her rights)
Cop: She's a girl, she's a girl (more words I can't hear)
Girl: - What? (then gets punched in the face) - She screams: No! no violence!
Cop: Come on! Fuck you (dont know how to traduce "vete a tomar por culo")
Cop: get lost!
Girl: (I cant hear clearly)
Boy1: Record, record, record , record
Boy2: shut up, they'll come after me
Boy2: Ey ey! I have the video recording
Journalist: (I cant hear clearly)
Boy2: - Ey! let me see what have they done to you
Journalist: (I cant hear clearly)
Boy2: -Are you okey?
Journalist: -I dont know
Boy2: - where have they hit you?
Journalist: -They slapped me on the nape and I fell unconscious -I felt nothing
Boy2: Relax, relax, sit down.
Journalist: Why have they punched that guy??
Boy2: They are looking for all the people that was in the demonstration
Journalist: Yes, but camera? journalists?, journalists? have you ever heard of such a thing!??

Boner Killers

csnel3 says...

(I still don't understand why I find this woman hilarious) ...

Im gonna guess that its cause she says "boner" alot, and you dont know any women who would say" boner" at all...just a guess.

Rolemodel Cop Finds Gun, Remains Calm

smooman says...

>> ^DrewNumberTwo:

He walked down the street legally with an item that he was legally allowed to walk down the street with. We don't know why Jeremy was walking around with his gun, and it doesn't matter. If you would like to walk around with a jar of cat piss, why would I give a fuck?

i couldnt tell you why you should "give a fuck" if i walk around with a jar of cat piss because there isnt any real reason you should "give a fuck". im not arguing that at all. what i am rebutting is this idea that any ridicule of this mans behavior, while it may be well within his rights, is objectionable on the sole premise that "because he fucking can".

imagine you see me walking down the street legally with a legal jar of cat piss. you dont know why i am walking around with a jar of cat piss and it doesnt matter. if i would like to walk around with a jar of cat piss, why should you give a fuck? but if you think im weird for it, youre a paranoid does that make any more sense than chiding me, or anyone else, for very reasonably thinking "jeremy" a douche pickle sandwich, given the context of the situation.

i dont really give a fuck that he was lawfully open carrying. but given the situation that unfolded and how he unnecessarily reacted to it, i am inclined to think he is a douche captain who had no real motive to open carry other than to instigate an awkward scene with the police with the hopes that he may capture video evidence of police brutality that he instigated in the first place to prove a retarded point

for all i care he can continue to act in this way as is his right. doesnt mean im not gonna stop calling him a douche for it though

60 Minutes on the impact of antivaccination lobbying

westy says...

(TLDR - vaccines work better than nothing , risk is less than the gains , other areas of medicen are worse and could be improved cheaply )

I always understood it this way

When you receive a vaccine there is a risk it will fuck you up , but that risk is lower than the risk of getting fucked up by the thing is protecting against , and on top of that the more people vaccinated the lower the risk there is to the rest of the population of getting fucked up by the virus , even those non Immunized.

We have been using vaccines for a resnable amount of time , i would have thought if a given vacine ended up having more negative side effects in people than the benefit of it stopping a virus you would find out prity soon , And I would not be suprized if occasionaly there is a fuck up but in the end from what i understand the numbers of people already saved and saved on a daily bassis out-way the numbers that have been negatively effected ( bare in mind you dont know in advance who willhave negative affect from it so its not like you are targeting people)

The things to improve in medicen in general is DNA profiling so that we can understand those people that do have negative effects to things and then improve medicen for them.

Its amusing how people are concerned about vaccines when the way general medican is proscribed is far worse simply because of how each human reacts different to things and this causes us to have to trile and error our way through varouse drugs in-till we find a good fit for a given individual, this is something I think we will improve allot in the future when we can process individual peoples DNA and use computing to close down on problems. another aspect of medicine thats fucked up is the whole doigonses and the fact that its often hard for pataints to exsplain whats wrong with them and for docters to work out whats wrong I think this could be greatly improved in the future as well.

Having said all that we have come a LONG LONG way since the 70s.

Crunchy (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

Feelings come and go..if it was just feelings I wouldn't have the faith in God that I do..there were many times it would have been much easier not to believe..and many feelings that came along that were powerful and should have swept my belief in God away if that's all my faith was about..but God has always been there, eternal and unchanging..providing stability in the midst of the chaos..providing truth that is real and tangibly useful in life.

It depends on what you think the nature of truth is..whether it is relative or absolute to you..because in the relative truth world, feelings are are always running a race you can never win. in the world of absolute truth, feelings are like shifting sand..they aren't a foundation for what is must plant yourself on a rock to be well grounded

In reply to this comment by Crunchy:
>> ^shinyblurry:

Well, if I am psychotic I don't have any symptoms. I don't have hallucinations or hear voices, nor am I at all paranoid. My thoughts and feelings are organized and stable. I obey all laws, those of society and those from God. I have empathy for others, compassion for their plights, and generally love and care for my fellow man. I am emotionally stable and can relate to others and form relationships. If I am psychotic, I am the rare well adjusted empathetic type.
My initial experience opened me to an awareness of the spiritual. It started out as an awareness of energy. That in the moment, one could perceive the energy which was flowing through all things. Through other people, through objects, through the room or space you are in..that there was a tangible vibrational signature to everything. This is somewhat described in much of the new age literature.
After getting used to this, God unequivicably showed me He was there. He did this by instructing me in the Spirit about who He is. He showed me how He had always been there my entire life, and that He loved me. He showed me His omnipresence in the moment, that He was always working behind the scenes to bring all things together to His will..and by all things I mean everything, everywhere. He showed me He was the unifying principle underlying reality.
He also taught me He is the God of the bible. He taught me He is a triune God. He taught me there is a messiash, ie, someone whose job it is to save the world. He taught me about good and evil. He showed me that Satan is real and that he has a host of demons which suborindate people to his will and can even possess them utterly. That and many other things before I even knew anything about Christianity.
I couldn't ignore God if I would be a joke. I would have to pretend He didn't exist. Even still, all I would have to do is look outside and the illusion would be shattered. It is true what this scripture says:
Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
So that's a little bit about it. The most important thing I learned is that God loves us and wants to give us a real future, ie eternal life. All he requires is that we turn from our evil and acknowledge our responsibility to Him to live a moral life. Two things make someone a Christian and saves you..believing in your heart that Jesus rose from the dead, and confessing that He is your Lord and Savior. He died for our sins so that we could be redeemed, and because of that, is worthy of all praise.

<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^Crunchy</a>:<br />Hi, big fan... Ive seen your comments on some sifts and well... they've been interesting and when reading your profile i came across this <BR><BR>"10 years ago I was where you are now. I've was agnostic for the majority of my life. I thought truth was relative, humanism was superior, and was a strict materialist who saw no evidence for spirit or God. Then God woke me up and showed me He is there. God is more real to me than my own reflection in a mirror. I'm here because God commanded me to preach the gospel, and because I care about my fellow man. I am here out of love for God and love for people, and that alone. "<BR><BR>What scared me is that you say that you've been "one of us" and then god appeared and gave commands directly to you, point being you experienced something supernatural.<BR><BR>Now my first reaction was, oh god i hope i dont become bat shit and experience "supernatural" things one day, which seemd plausible since you said you've been one of us.<BR><BR>But then i remembered what i know about the human mind and psychosis. When a person is in a psychosis he/she is deemd mentally insane and has lost contact with reality. "Funny" thing is though, that the person is not aware of it, and so does not feel that there is anything wrong with him/her and might get frustrated about why people think he/she is insane.<BR><BR>Now there are alot of things that can create a psychosis but im not gonna start listing, if youre interested you can google it.<BR><BR>There are no hard lines when it comes to the human mind, theres no 100% insane or 100% sane, everyone have most of the mental illneses to some small extent. And we can witness symptoms of these diseases in most people to some extent. (Denial<BR><BR>The mind is a tricky thing, it has lots of funny defence mechanisms (you guessed it, psychosis), and if you dont know enough of your brain and how it functions, it can royally screw you over one day.<BR><BR>So... to me it sounds like you've experienced something traumatic and suffer from a psychosis, I am however interested in hearing about what turned you religious, how did god wake you up and show you that he is there, and i notice you write he with a capital H so why is he a he <IMG class=smiley src=""><BR><BR>Im sorry to say but if you dont tell me more about your experience, in other words convince me that what you experienced wasnt a mental brakedown, im gonna continue believing that youre bat shit and ignore you<BR><BR>You can always argue that im the one who is psychotic, but then you cant convince my because im in denial<BR></em>

The thing is that emotions are much stronger in controlling trains of thought than logic, why is why depressesion is so common and when in a depression you think of only sad things, which is why medication is prescribed, its not to make people numb (which alot of people seem to think) but to ease the pain temporarily so the person can think logically and not in the same trains of thoughts. And from my point of view it seems like you've confused emotions and mechanisms of your brain with the presence of a god (stephen fry talked a bit about this in the infamous stephen fry on god and gods video didn't he ?)

Now that is my opinion, ive created that from the experience and "knowledge" ive gathered in my lifetime regarding the human mind, philosophy and religion etc. Its gonna take alot to change my view on this, and I think it might be even harder to change your view of what really happend and what is going on, with the god and what not.

So, I guess we can just agree to disagree?

Obama Impersonator Kicked Off Stage At Republican Event

BoneRemake says...

>> ^burdturgler:

>> ^quantumushroom:
A mediocre impersonator: the only job His Earness can take credit for creating.

Surprisingly, you and your buddy up there missed the point. This isn't about the comedy or the performance, it's about the hypocrisy of the g.o.p. conference laughing at infantile jokes then kicking the guy off stage when the jokes turned on them.

I dont have time for buddies or friends, take your heart felt hurted feelings and make a pie and keep your fingers busy doing something constructive. You dont know why I downvoted or upvoted because you never asked, you dont seem "man " enough to actually engage in conversation and ask questions, you seem a tit for tat grudge holding Popsicle.

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