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Lev Parnas Testifies In Biden Inquiry

newtboy says...

Alexander Smirnov, the Russian agent/ “whistleblower” maga based their entire Hunter Biden “investigation” on has been sentenced to 6 years in prison for making up everything he said to congress, admitting every accusation he made against Hunter was a lie, and admitting it was all baseless lies that many if not all Republicans knew were lies he had been paid by Republicans to create before they started the hearings.

After 4 years of wall to wall Hunter Biden fake “investigation” coverage, you would be hard pressed to find any reporting on this final outcome.

134 vehicle pileup in Fort Worth, Texas

newtboy says...

I don’t think honking would help at freeway speeds, but hazard lights might. If you find yourself in this position, hit your hazards immediately…before you crash… it might save you from the next guy.
In this case I wondered why the people filming weren’t at least waiving a flashlight at traffic to warn them…or something. A few extra seconds to brake might have avoided most of this…as would driving a sane speed in ice which no one was doing.

cloudballoon said:

I've always wondered... why nobody that got in the pileup honks and create a loud cascading effect to alert the incoming ones and slow down to minimize the carnage?

Is that a thing? Does it help? Is it realistic (understand people are in shock and/or physically hurt, so it's not as easy as what coming out of my mouth)? I'm not sure.

That wasn’t very nice

newtboy says...

My dad liked to play “kill the kid” where if he caught me walking in the road he would drive at me at 15-20mph, I would jump on the hood, he would hit the breaks so I rolled off, then he would drive off. He said it was to see what the neighbors would do, but he did it at our ranch with no neighbors to see more than once, so…..
Call it a prank, inappropriate joking, fun between a dad and his weird kid, or serious child abuse, it sure beat how my brother treated me…but yes, it left multiple scars I can still see 45 years later…they’re not the only ones. Growing up in Texas in the 70s was dangerous.
Nobody ever said anything. I know some of the neighbors and my mother saw him do it. That’s way scarier and more scaring than the car coming at me.
(Side note- Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t trying to get me!)

cloudballoon said:

Carrying a bit of cynicism is a good thing in general, as long as it doesn't fall into paranoia. I'm all for siblings & peers pranking each other, but coming from parents... that's a bit much. It leaves scars.

Gaetz Ammendment

newtboy says...

The report has been released….this candidate for attorney general, the highest law enforcement position in the nation, spent over $90k on sex with children and illicit drugs while in office….so much he had a “secret” (not so secret) phone line specifically for drug deals and to set up drug fueled prostitution sessions with high school juniors….children.
The (Vice) president elect knew all this before nominating him for AG, and had no issues with this mid 40s man having paid drugged sex with trafficked CHILDREN.

Still no answer on why he wasn’t prosecuted, especially seeing as they have evidence proving all of it. Think of what this man would refuse to prosecute were he AG.

Visibly Drunk Trump advisor Alex Bruesewitz Passes Out Live

newtboy says...

“WINNINGS”….yeah…not even for them.

Too bad their “winner” has already backtracked on every campaign promise….now admitting food prices won’t go down, gas prices won’t go down, goods and services prices won’t go down, in fact all prices will rise sharply under his plans…deportations won’t be targeted but will be any non citizen they round up….taxes won’t be lowered or simplified, in fact the program that allows the fed to just tell you how much you owe is being ended….today, shocker, he admitted he can’t stop the war in Ukraine, it’s more complicated than he thought….and don’t forget unemployment which he needs to multiply by 5 to feel secure as the boss.

“Winnings”….that would be laughable if we weren’t speeding towards oblivion.

BSR said:

Congratulations on all your winnings!

POTUS Pardons Son, Hunter Biden

Brian Cox Reveals Betelgeuse's Supernova Countdown!

noims says...

Firstly, Brian Cox did not feature in the video, from what I saw.

Secondly, it said that he predicted it would go supernova in the next 2 weeks. I believe there is no way he said that. Please prove me wrong.

Thirdly it said we might be able to see the supernova from Earth with the naked eye. Yes. We can see the star, therefore we'll be able to see the bright explosion.

Fourthly, I just couldn't watch such awful auto-generated content for that another 10 minutes. I skipped through and judged it bad enough to downvote. I don't usually do that, but I feel it wouldn't stop talking me into it. Sorry.

Americans Moving To Canada Receiving Not So Warm Welcome

The Boeing Doomsday Boeing E-4B Nightwatch

cloudballoon says...

What would I do if I'm an American far right "Christian" seeing it taking off? CELEBRATE! They're a-OK with re-electing Trump and all the rapists & unqualitified TV personalities to the cabinet posts that Trump can find. What do these MAGA people care? Bring on Doomsday! Yeehaw!

The Really Dark Truth About Bots

newtboy says...

Back when people read books this would be called Orwellian.
Today it’s called Tuesday.
Sadly, a huge segment of the population has accepted being lied to as normal, even preferable….otherwise no one would be stupid enough to get their “information” from random social media sources….but as we know some do.

Half-Life 2: 20th Anniversary Documentary

spawnflagger says...

This makes me want to go back and play HL2 Episodes 1 & 2. I know I bought them, but don't remember ever finishing them. HL2 was so technically impressive. Portal 2 was also great, especially the co-op multiplayer. Alyx is a good VR title- it's close to a "killer app" for VR, but not quite there. 1 of the few VR titles compelling enough to keep headset on for more than 1 hour.

Not half-life related, but "old but cool" PC tech from that era: I had a DVD/MPEG2 decoder card that did VGA passthrough, and would replace black pixels with the movie content - so I could watch the Matrix in the background of playing Quake or other FPS (this was a dual PIII-450Mhz). I later installed an ATSC tuner card - one of the first channels that broadcast in HD was Fox, and one of my favorite shows, 24, started to broadcast in HD - and the early days all the makeup artists took advantage of low-res, so as soon as the show went to HD, you could see how fake all the blood, makeup, and other effects were. Hollywood ramped up quickly once the first HDTVs started shipping.
That computer also ran BeOS quite well.

Rage Against New Zealand

newtboy says...

I love a good real angry haka, and I’m only disappointed it wasn’t followed by dozens of half naked warriors wielding war clubs rushing in and braining the representatives who put forth the bill she’s protesting.

What she’s tearing up there is a bill creating a new interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi which was signed in 1840 by the British and 500 Māori chiefs to describe how the government(s) would operate and what rights the native people would retain….but those rights would be curtailed and limited to the point of being wiped nearly out of existence with any civil/tribal rights expansions won in the last 184 years erased by the new “interpretation”.

Needs more rage.

Formula Offroad Iceland Top 10 Best In Show Runs

newtboy says...

I have a good story for that comment.
My wife and I went to Iceland (I went to a formula offroad event while there!) a while back, and one B&B host told us that for years they sent videos of Formula Offroad to SkyTV (the European version of ESPN) with no response. Eventually they got through to someone to ask why, and were told “SkyTV doesn’t broadcast remote control cars”….yes, for over a decade they assumed no human would drive like that and it must be RC cars! When they proved it was real full size cars with real live drivers, it was immediately put on air and has been popular ever since.
Good stuff.

Side note…these events are one main way Iceland funds most of its rescue teams that save stupid tourists that go off trail and get lost.

BSR said:


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol! Nick Fuentes was doxed by women he taunted and had to move back into his mommy’s basement.
Hope nobody doxxes her…that would be awful.
Enjoy 4b! It’s going to be a frustrating incel 4 years for you.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Your evidence?
Russian bloggers on twitter?
Beyoncé, Lizzo, Megan, Eminem, the Harris campaign and official campaign financial records all say it’s 100% bullshit spread from Twitter accounts.
You bought and repeated another stupid lie without checking it out, because you don’t care if it’s true you just love to talk shit like a spoiled little girl.

The Harris campaign, as of Oct. 17, lists only one endorsement-related expenditure — for $75 — in its Federal Election Commission financial reports. It was made to the League of Conservation Voters, a pro-environment nonprofit, in June, when President Joe Biden was still running for reelection.
Sorry, not sorry, liar, another stupid lie debunked as soon as you spout it.

Why is it that you continue to buy every stupid lie you’re sold and never are embarrassed or apologetic when your stupid insulting lies are proven to be lies? Must be because you have no morals or ethics left, and we’re never smart.

By comparison….
The felon’s campaign finance records showed he had to pay actors to pretend to be auto workers, union workers, blacks for Trump, etc…paid people to show up at his rallies and post a picture to prove it, etc…Elon had to pay millions for votes (and is being accused of hacking the election using Starlink to edit the data it transmitted, then crashing the satellite to erase the evidence…14 million missing votes, recounts started!)…every single relationship he’s ever had including familial has been transactional.
If you actually had a problem with that, you wouldn’t support the felon who only has paid spokespeople who make millions themselves…parking lot attorney Alina Habba?!? How many millions did she get paid?
Even Melania had to get paid $250000 to stoop to speaking for 15 minutes to support her husband.

THAT is a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!

You also have conceded that you expect every metric of the economy to be worse under Trump than it has been under Biden, you can’t come up with a single measure you expect to improve in the next 4 years…and have telegraphed your nonsensical intent to blame Biden for Trump’s economy and accept no blame despite holding full control of all 3 branches of government. If only your people had been honest about that before the election things would be different.

bobknight33 said:

Kamala paid Beyoncé $10 MILLION to publicly support her!!!

$5 MILLION for Megan Thee Stallion
$3 MILLION for Lizzo
$1.8 MILLION for Eminem

These fake relationships is what you guys wanted in the government? People paying people to act like they like each other.

A Billion $ campaign and she still LOST.

That is a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!

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