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newtboy (Member Profile)

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

You can surf the perfect manmade wave for $10,000 an hour

SFOGuy says...

You're right! Costs have come down--though I don't know if they reach "reasonable" lol...
"two 1-hour surf sessions on the wave with equipment. The cost of that all-inclusive deal? A cool ...US 5,499...AU$250 for the booking fee, of may well end up sharing the 1-hour session with other people." or

Hiring the Surf Ranch for the day

Groups can also hire the whole facility out for the it will cost them just under ...US$50,000 during the high season and a bit over ...US$35,000 in the off-season. Yes, for the day." or

" a group of 10 surfers, they would each be paying ...US$5,000 in the high season or ...US$3,500 per day at the ranch..."

eric3579 said:

A friend of my brothers has paid $3,000 to join a group who rented it for a day. When my brother looked into going, the numbers were much less than described in the description above.

I think this article gives more accurate numbers

Sir Attenborough explains global deal to protect ocean

newtboy says...

A good, even *quality idea....for 40+ years ago.

It took 100+ years to mortally wound the ocean by 1000 cuts. A bandaid on one wound is not going to turn it around, and we almost certainly aren't going to do it anyway. Countries that don't buy into the plan will simply harvest most of the fish left by those who do. This only works in small scale preserves that are guarded against poaching, often by a military.

Fish stocks are disappearing at an alarming rate, many going extinct. For those species, it's too late, and they are numerous, and they are largely the fish humans prefer. Many others are in such decline fishing for them is already off limits or severely curtailed, like commercial salmon, abalone, and crab fishing in California. Even those actions have failed to revive their populations year after year.

Diatoms, phytoplankton, and other similar biotas are at the limit of acidity and temperature they can tolerate, and they are the base of the ocean food web, feeding most fish when they are fry or larvae. The gasses in the atmosphere today will push diatoms over that precipice with a massive ocean extinction following soon afterwards, and we continue to add more greenhouse gases than we added yesterday every day.

Then there's habitat loss, coral reefs and kelp forests are both being decimated by temperature rise and acidification. Together they are food and habitat for 25%-50% of all ocean fish and shellfish.

Less over harvesting of the ocean is a good idea, but pretending it alone can save the oceans is pure fantasy. The ocean has absorbed as much as 90+% of the excess heat from global warming, causing oceanic heat waves that destroy habitats both directly and indirectly. There is NO plan that solves that problem, it's well beyond our capabilities under the best conditions with worldwide maximum efforts.

Just sayin'.

Siberian Methane Bubbles Increasing as Permafrost melts

newtboy says...

I said it before and I'll say it again....
Game over, man. Game over!

When the tundra is outgassing faster than grass can release, we're hosed.
When the ocean methane is outgassing enough that it can be seen with the naked eye in open ocean among the waves, we're toast.
That makes us soggy toast.

Could Earth's Heat Solve Our Energy Problems?

newtboy says...

Safest...of those we discussed, maybe. It's certainly not safer than well designed solar, wind, micro hydro, wave/tidal, etc.

Some in Fukushima have seriously elevated risk for cancers, but no one died of radiation poisoning that I've heard of (but many still can't go home). Not true in Chernobyl. I've not seen claims of thousands dead since the very early days, but a short investigation shows estimates vary widely, from 4000-60000 early deaths from radiation related cancers, and even the lowest estimates are unacceptable. Direct radiation related deaths seem to be around 100 there.

It does seem that today the evacuations cause more deaths, likely because of safety measures required after Chernobyl and the fact that most are only exposed for extremely short times because they evacuated and are not allowed to return until exposure levels are low.

There are real, honest health concerns involved, including indirect impact caused by evacuations or shelter in place stress. That said, there's plenty of exaggerated fear mongering too.

Spacedog79 said:

Statistically nuclear is by far the safest means of energy production, even when it goes wrong the main impact is people panicking. No one died from radiation in Fukushima and there isn't expected to be any statistically detectable radiation health effect.

The figures that say Chernobyl killed thousands are extrapolations based on the LNT model, which assumes cells are unable to repair DNA damage. In fact the cell DNA repair mechanisms are a well established fact these days. Yet we still use LNT as a model, even though at low doses there has never been any real world data to support it.

Deliberate scaremongering is basically what it is.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Rogue Waves Queens Bath, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 352 Badge!

Rogue Waves Queens Bath

lucky760 says...

People far too often underestimate how deadly the combination is of waves and rocks. I've seen plenty of videos where people are killed or swept out for an imminent death.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Is @ant too cute? (User Poll by BSR)

BSR says...

Lol. There you go again. Too cute with your little ant antennae waving back and forth. Makes me just want to pinch your mandibles.

ant said:

I demand a recount! Actually, this poll ended too fast! Reopen it please!

newtboy (Member Profile)

Wave Pool Malfunction

An unexpected wave tries to steal everyones stuff

This Presidential Seal Does Not Look Like The Others

newtboy says...


Trumps are being named and taking it in the ass in the courts.

Donny ate everything burgers during the Mueller testimony that implicated him in multiple high crimes and misdemeanors yesterday.

Republicans predict that Dems will [lose] by [a] landslide in 2020....a repeat of that red tidal wave that they believe took out the Democratic party last year.


How could you lose? With stellar candidates like Danielle Stella (felony thief, proud Q conspiracy fan, confessed drunk driver, alleged ptsd sufferer who can't be in public without blacking out and stealing, not to mention felonious fugitive) taking on the rights biggest target, Illhan Omar, clearly the Dems have no chance.

bobknight33 said:

Trump is kicking Ass and taking names.

Sill a nothing burger during Muller hearings yesterday.

Dems lost bigly yesterday and will loss by landslide in 2020.

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