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Students Support Socialism. Until It's Applied To Their GPA

newtboy says...

Assessment of ability is not the same as having your needs met. Also, it's like he doesn't know public colleges are socialist concepts, paid for with tax money for everyone's benefit because it's good for everyone to help people be educated.

Like many rich people, Trump was given his money by right wingers believe they get to add their parent's GPA to theirs, and add points based on who they know and how unethical they can be? That's how they "earn" money, so that must be the argument.

This is just dumb, the right wing version of Jaywalking....ask a loaded, ridiculous question then edit your footage down to make your targets look's a stupid comedy bit that's not funny, not a thoughtful political observation.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

You misread. I'm blaming radicals for drinking mountain dew, which hypes them up to the point of being ready for race war. It doesn't make radicals, it energizes them.

Sadly, no. The right has abused and ignored their constitutional duties as a party, handing supreme power to one man over and over while ignoring and actively hiding his multiple crimes and appearances of crimes and actively obstructing the investigations at every turn.....advancing their cause so no investigation should be undertaken, no charges levied, and certainly no punishments for what are real, treasonous felonies....dozens of convictions about subversion....collusion....but you still believe they are the patriots?! You still claim they care about the constitution, as they wipe their asses with it?! Explain.

Come on, Bob, it's ok to admit they aren't perfect and that you don't support at least some of their crimes. I wish you would consider how you would feel if Obama stayed a third term (which Trump hints might be his plan often) and/or bypassed congress to add trillions to the deficit while cutting the military by over half (note, Obama increased military funding consistently, contrary to the lies Fox and Trump tell you).

Democrats want to save the union, granted some of their ideas are poorly thought out, republicans from the top down are itching for a civil war because your side believes the other side isn't armed and will be easy to eradicate.....they're wrong, and totally unpatriotic.

Bob, it's not "one proud American", it's tens of thousands who aren't proud, anyone who MAGAs is saying America isn't great now, and right wingers want to completely reimagine the country as not a melting pot, not a place of refuge, not a place of fairness and opportunities, but a place where rich get richer and the poor pay for it, and where white privilege is codified law, nothing else really seems to matter any more than as a rallying cry, or Republicans would have funded the wall when they had total control.

Um....when republicans step out, it's quite often with a gun or swastika, when democrats do it, it's with an egg or a paper peace sign. Hardly the same thing.

Also, tell that to Senator Stewart Smallie (among others)....he was good enough, he was smart enough, and dog gone it, people liked him, but because of one non G rated joke as a comedian, he resigned....never in million years would republican resign for any such thing, one became president by bragging about actions similar but 100 times worse. Democrats actually hold themselves to their own standards, not Republicans, not anymore, not one tiny bit...

Good people on both sides. Yeah....except good people don't stand with Nazis and white supremacists....EVER.

Edit: again, since you persist in your insistence that the left is worse than the right, I ask you to list the left wing terrorists of late....because we can list quite a few right wing terrorists since Trump was elected, including multiple mass murderers and multiple mail bombers.

bobknight33 said:

Blaming Mountain Dew drinkers as radicals.
Brilliant logic buddy.

Nope. We have folks that believe in the Constitution and see it being ignored by 1/2 people and the Democratic party is right there trying to tear it down. Flaws and all, this is still the greatest country in the world and your side wants to destroy it.

So when 1 proud American snaps, Its understandable, not tolerable and they should be punished.

When your side steps out, all is OK. They are advancing the cause. No punishment should be taken.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

I am. You are becoming too funny. What happened to Dimitri? He was never that clever to just say 'black is white' and sit back. What's your handle, comrade?

A chronically ill informed fear mongering right winger claiming the left is the fear mongering and hoaxing party is just so over the top hilariously ludicrous...the left's leaders aren't convicted criminal frauds who's entire platform is "they're coming to get you and only I can save you by protecting unregulated gun sales, banning im'grants, saving Christmas, and fixing some fence....i mean getting Mecxico to build that wall.", it just wouldn't work on the left, only the right celebrates known lies.
Before Obama, I might have agreed about the left being the snowflakes, but absolutely not now. You babies are so thin skinned, snowflake seems too adult, you melt over nothings daily.

If I thought for a pico second you honestly meant it and weren't just angrily projecting and trolling I would suggest an immediate brain scan, because that's so incredibly irrational that non professionals are simply not qualified to deal with that level of clinical dementia.

Funny you didn't contradict the neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue....I guess you must agree the right is now, by their own standards, a violent terrorist organization, and a more pressing issue for the U.S. than other terrorist organizations as the most active by far, outpacing to the point of replacing Islamic terrorism.

bobknight33 said:

You are losing your shit there Newt.

So sad. I’ll come visit you you in the psych ward.

I’ll come cheer you up and bring you a TRUMP button.

president trump announces a new and better national anthem

newtboy says...

Wow, do you have the characters wrong.
Bob is not master Poe, Bob is one of the scapegoating cattleman demanding the head of that halfbreed Chinaman for the crime they won't admit they committed themselves.

Even Obi wan took up arms against active stormtroopers.

There is no winning your opponent to your side when your opponent doesn't even believe their own argument. Bob applauds what he angrily railed against just 2.1 years ago and denounces the exact same tactics he defended. His arguments aren't rational or capable of contradiction, they're feelings he won't defend against facts except with occasional whataboutism....feelings he hopes will make you distrustful of all right wingers, I think that's why he's comes here, he thinks he has an audience of lefties that will believe the right is as silly and deluded as he claims, and some are, but the purpose certainly seems to be sewing division, not comprehension, certainly not unity.

BSR said:

"i shall now engage in a campaign to verbally rape each and every trump supporter who is willfully ignoring that mans blatant abuses and crimes."


The game is to win your opponent to your side.

Your opponent just won. You are now one of them.

You've learned nothing about how to use the Force.

The Master still holds the pebbles in his hand.

Ann Coulter: The Coulter Veto

newtboy says...

I understand the feeling, but sadly, ignoring the vitriolic bile people like her spout only allows them to go unchallenged, which they convince their naive followers is proof they're 100% correct, so correct even their haters can't contradict them....and it works.

I've always liked that Bill puts her, and other far right wingers, on his show to show his audience exactly the nonsense they're peddling so they can be well prepared to obliterate idiots that repeat it in public.

And yes, she has always failed to hide her schadenfreude at the misfortunes of the less fortunate and clearly derives pleasure from their pain.

Drachen_Jager said:

Nobody should give this terrible human being air.
There are a lot of liars and underhanded dealers among the Republican party and their supporters, but most of them seem to lie, cheat, and steal for financial benefit or power. I've always had the feeling that she does it simply because she enjoys hurting other people and causing disruption.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

No sir. There is a world of difference between slight bias in reports about the nationalistic leader who continues to attack all actual news reporters like a 2 year old and direct his terroristic followers to attack them as enemies of the people and a deeper level of bias against all non right wingers paired with outright campaigning for the same anti free press candidates. still defend Fox as having reporting but claim you don't need someone to bend facts? Bending facts like using proper English to describe a scene? But reporting on the birther movement for years as true, and the ridiculous waste of money named the Benghazi investigation, continued denial of climate science, etc. does bother you? Fox doesn't bend fact, they omit it. They don't get credit for using 5% (yes, that's exaggerated) truth to sell their lies.

I watched Chris Wallace interview Conway just yesterday (for as long as I could stand it, which admittedly was only a few minutes), his questions were ok, but delivered with a slow underhand pitch and with no follow-up or contradiction of her ridiculous rambling factless replies. That's not good reporting, it's being the setup for spreading their agenda/propaganda.

You think CNN goes to far by using words like "accost" to describe 3 policemen tackling a topless woman in tights, and while you claim to have looked up the definition , you still claim the word is somehow loaded and not proper. Please explain.

When the police were going after the fleeing armed supporters of Mr Bundie under Obama I think you likely called them violent thugs who attacked that poor innocent man unnecessarily....Fox did. That man was armed and an anti American terrorist, but right wing so Fox called him a strong patriotic American standing up for American values that the unAmerican Kenyan thug in the Whitehouse wanted to murder.
There is no equivalence. Fox is (disgusting unAmerican) entertainment, not news. There is no right wing news outlet, they are all propaganda outlets and little more today.
The Ministry of Truth doesn't need fact, you will believe any nonsense they tell you to, even when it contradicts what they had you believe yesterday. They have you believing any non Trump biased news is fake news reported with hyper liberal bias, even in other countries, but Fox has good reporting and less bias.

Briguy1960 said:

As I pointed out before.
There is no need for them to go on stage.
They promote the democrats every day on TV.
You are making way too much of these 2 morons appearing on stage.
You have obviously never tried to seriously watch the good reporters I mentioned as it would shatter your illusions which you hold dear.
Like I said I don't need someone to bend the facts in order to digest my news like the BBC and CNN do.
Social engineering.
I still think it can be a good thing as long as it isn't taken too far which I fear is starting to happen.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

Ok, I, and almost all non right wingers disagree. CNN and Faux are no where near the same level. CNN may have some bias against the man who actively encouraged right wing terrorists to attack them as enemies of America and continues to do so....that's perfectly reasonable and professional.
What they don't do is make up stories out of thin air like Faux, edit video to create false impressions that are diametrically opposed to reality, hire mostly frauds who have been caught falsifying reports, repeat obvious lies because their preferred candidate/politician said them, or go on the campaign trail with candidates not to report, but to speak on their behalf. Your conflation of the two is either disingenuous, outrageously ignorant, or insane, you choose.

I watch more than enough Faux to know what they are, pure propaganda. You can deny it all you like, that only makes you look ignorant or dishonest. I'm certain I watch more Faux than you watch CNN, yet you've made similar (but less honest) claims about them, you must not watch it enough to know of what of you speak, you just take a convicted frauds word that they're liars as gospel and never investigate it seems.

You don't know me, sir, or you wouldn't make such a spurious claim. I gather information from multiple opposing sources. How could I debunk the lies from Faux and OAN if I don't watch them spout those lies?

Then how about what Trump himself did?...turnabout is fair play, so in this instance two wrongs might make things more right, at least more balanced. The left playing fairly, honorably, and attempting to avoid even the appearance of impropriety got us Trump, who has no such qualms. I hope Democrats don't sit on their high horse and complain that Trump doesn't play fair while he destroys our democracy and's well past time to start tossing the steaming shit back at them.

Trump raped his pre-teen daughters on film and bragged about it, that's why he won't show us their long form medical and financial records.....that's far truer than his birther claims.
Also, his kids are all illegals, born to non citizens as anchor babies, (all his baby mommas are immigrants/invaders) when he tries to remove birthright citizenship they should be deported immediately. ;-)

No, none of those people are good at reporting news, not one can separate their rabid hyper biased opinions from fact, although Smith is doing better lately......but slightly better than god awful isn't good.
Fox is a joke, period. They don't have reporters, they have hosts. They're an opinion/entertainment/propaganda network, not a news network. It's really sad that you watch them but don't understand that basic fact, and you defend them as offering good reporting while also admitting they aren't even news...WTF, man?

The thing there is the news media is not being unprofessional, Trump is, but you're listening to him as if he wasn't an impudent infant and believing the nonsense that reporting on his constant vitriolic foibles is unprofessional. It's simply not.

Trump is the leader of the nation, not CNN, not his advisors, not Hannity. He is not being led to the right, he's dragging centrists far right or attacking them if they refuse to go along.
How about maybe he tries to lead towards civility and professionalism instead of impetuously attack any detractors like a spoiled brat, blaming them for his own actions?

Briguy1960 said:

I do place CNN and Fox in the same category.
That is how low CNN has sunk and how much better Fox has become in my experiences watching what amounts to garbage reporting on a whole.
Trump did this today blah blah blah but yes he still lusts after his daughter.
He is actually saying she is just a really hot looking young woman as he works in that business but lets go there anyway.
Fox is not pure propaganda.
You don't watch it enough to see the right people to know of what of you speak.
I don't simply watch what appeals to me or justifies my point of view which too many people like you are doing with the rise of the internet.
Relying on late night comedy shows who never show Fox News or Trump saying anything good is useless too.
Shep Smith, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace are pretty decent at giving you the news.
Yes Fox is a joke at times and seems to be in Trumps pocket but there is good reporting on there and some good reporters.
You just have to skip the garbage like Hannity a lot of the time and the judge jeannie idiot all of the time.
Laura Ingram seems to be there just to act the asshole.
Tucker can be good sometimes looking at the current insane trends.
I watch several sources everyday to get an overall view on how things get reported and it is eye opening.
I never liked what the Republicans and Fox did to Obama but 2 wrongs don't make a right and after all Fox News is just entertainment right?
CNN has been around how long?
It was once very respected.
You don't seem to be grasping my point.
I don't like most of how Trump does things.
Even when he is doing something good he ruins it sometimes by the way he words it.
I think he is being led by people and could have been a lot more palpable to the left but they have pulled the strings and yanked him back most everytime.
The birther thing showed how low class he will always be despite his money and gross looking home with all the ugly so called appointments.
I am saying he is playing the media and it is suffering as a result and the media by acting unprofessionally is playing along.

Everyone Is Gay

Samantha Bee, Full Frontal - Voter Suppression

newtboy says...

Bwaahahaha. I'm the resident troll, says the person who spouts insane right wing propaganda and insults on what they call a liberal site, and is almost always wrong on the facts.
I would hope to appear as a troll to such a person.
I found a lot wrong with your did you looking at your response.
Btw, you can travel just fine without an id or license, driving is not a right.
I'm a resident "right wing fact" of many. Hilarious you think fact checkers are trolls....that says far more about you than it does about me.

Edit: Oh yeah, I get it now, fact checkers are trolls to right wingers, because facts are for liberals.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy is the resident Troll He checks everything. He will find something wrong.

Liberals 'Drag' Kids Into Early Sexualization

newtboy says...

Sure, @bobknight33, but when right wingers bring their children to violent Confederate, KKK, and Nazi rallies, those are good people teaching their children about the real world, and it's perfectly reasonable for them to teach their children to violently hate who they do.

I suppose you would like to have some government regulations imposed on parenting so everyone is required to do it as you see fit, right?

'Cornerstore Caroline' calls 911 on 9 year old for 'groping'

newtboy says...

No Bob, just no.
Almost every leftist believed Ford should have an opportunity to tell her story and present corroborating evidence, only the former occurred, she was not allowed the latter.
That is the voice of reason.
Claiming it was a political setup before having an iota of information, that is what every right winger did, where is this voice of reason there?

Wow, considering the men who's word you do accept at face value, you are hardly an appropriate person to be making such blatantly sexist suggestions.

I have to wonder what would have happened if the boy had done the right thing and apologized for bumping her instead of pretending he hadn't and his parents assuming she must be a racist asshat because she's white and calling him out. I would hazard a guess that it would have been over before it started had he not been a jerk first.

bobknight33 said:


Kanovaugh-- Every leftest believed Ford- on her word alone. Where was the voice of reason then? Maybe if Kanovaugh was black. Oh wait never mind Democrats pulled that stunt on Clarence Thomas. Political Witch hunts are blind.

Don't take a woman's word at face value.

Crazy women like this need to be caged up -- they are dangerous to males.

I do feel sorry for this young boy. He did nothing except be a kid.
I also for sad for our society that encourages crazy women like this.

Brett Kavanaugh Is a Terrible Judge & a Liar...

newtboy says...

No Bob. That's just a lie.

Only one account refutes Ford's testimony, that's Kavanaugh's. Many refute his.

Up to 16 others (your number, not mine) have said they didn't see him do that, and some of them said it's not consistent with his character as they know him. That is not refuting anything, it's saying they don't know, and some saying they don't believe it.
No one besides Kavanaugh and his drunkard friend could possibly know it didn't happen, because they were the only ones involved. That's the point of shoving her into an upstairs bedroom, so others don't see it.
We have no idea what his drunkard friend told the FBI, if anything.

He clearly lied under oath about his drinking, and displayed a temperament wholly unsuitable for any judge, yet every brain dead (they aren't actually conservatives) right winger is in hog heaven to confirm him anyway simply because he's anti choice and clearly prepared to be a Trump loyal right wing political activist from the bench.
Trump loves him because he's also (now) anti presidential prosecution (especially odd since he apparently zealously worked for years to prosecute Clinton while he was in office).

Worst is the ridiculous whining of "delay" by the same people who delayed the last appointment almost a full year in order to outright steal it from Obama, not for any cause at all. You people are such hypocritical infantile crybabies, were I Spartan I would toss you all from a cliff before you reach childhood.

bobknight33 said:

Every account refutes Fords testimony .. Yet every leftest liberal in in hog heaven to derail his nomination --

17 people say nope did not happen and 1 say it did.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh Testify

newtboy says...

It's far more honest and honorable that outright stealing a nomination, neglecting their constitutional obligations for pure partisan gains, degrading and abusing our system of government. Wanting a full vetting of a lifetime appointment to the highest court is the norm, making these appointments pure political spectacle and obstructing procedure is 100% the methodology of're just pissed the Democrats are finally learning to play the game republicans have been playing for decades. I can only hope they continue that MO when the Democrats seize congress next month.

Republicans are now insisting on an FBI investigation or they'll vote no. We will have a new justice, but it may not be might not be a right winger.

I believe there's a question about who to believe. I believe that question disqualifies the nominee. Justices should be above reproach and their morality unquestionable, he fails on both counts. If you have just a reasonable doubt about his innocence, and no reasonable person wouldn't at this point, that's enough to disqualify any nominee.

bobknight33 said:

Damning a man for some nebulous event when he was 17-- just for political points. Disgraceful.

What a sad spectacle for all to see--- Democrats using Ford and Kavanaugh pawns to derail a good/ decent morally just man.

Blasey Ford believes 1 POV

Many many others state the opposite, under oath, penalty of law.

Who do you believe?

WE will have a new SCOTUS.

McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

FYI...#walkaway is a right wing campaign where they had republican actors (and stock photos) claim they were Democrats who were sick of the liberal nonsense and they, and millions like them, were walking away from the Democrats. It was for right wingers, not left, false verification that they are correct and lefties are finally coming around to their truth, and a counterpoint to the "blue wave" campaign. They were caught on day one, and it never caught on outside right wing websites, mostly because it was a horrible, stupid, poorly implemented, transparent ploy. No surprise that, even though he knows that, Bob still puts it out there hoping to convince someone.

Looking into it, I've found that it's reportedly become a Russian ploy.....
#WalkAway has also now been connected to Kremlin-linked Russian bots, and it is now the seventh most popular Russia-influenced hashtag as of this writing (July 17), according to the website Hamilton 68, which tracks Russian influence on Twitter as part of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, an initiative of the nonpartisan German Marshall Fund. The purpose of this now-astroturf campaign is to manipulate public opinion by creating the illusion that this is a popular movement. In reality, #WalkAway has become pure propaganda, a psychological operation.

Just one more time Bob is spreading Russian propaganda.

MilkmanDan said:

I appreciate your response to my question earlier, @bobknight33.

I don't mean to try to drag you back into the thread here if you're trying to disengage -- I dunno what you mean by #walkaway. Anyway, this doesn't require a response.

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

bcglorf says...

without racial preferencing FOR white kids
I know for a fact though that in Canada any law, policy or practice that in any way, shape or form stated that has been abolished long ago. Any new ones would be destroyed in court immediately and without question. I've always understood the US to be the same, is that not correct? Is there anywhere in existence in US law, or policies that discrimination based upon race, outside of affirimative action, is ever allowed to exist?

I was convinced enough that the US was like Canada in this regard that back when Obama was president I had someone tell me about a Breitbart report claiming anti-white racism being dictated directly from the President's office. I barely bothered to look for evidence to disprove such a blatant lie from a known extremist propaganda rag. It's hard to express my shock/discouragement to hear that very same refrain, not from a right winger, but from the sources on the left adamant about the necessity of it...

I don't know how else to say this without repeating myself, but you can't achieve equality with racism. It is a situation where even if you are right, your still wrong. Putting actual race based discrimination into official party policy, and now apparently even into law is no longer something society is willing to tolerate. Doubly so when their children are the ones being discriminated against. The people will vote you out of office. You can kiss swing states goodbye. They will stack the Supreme Court against you to challenge and throw out the discriminatory law as unconstitutional.

You are fighting a battle you can not win. You are wrong to think that solving the problem of underfunded schools in bad socioeconomic regions is the harder nut to crack. Maintaining a law and systematic racism against whites to 'balance' the lack of opportunity is much harder, it's being dismantled already because people will not tolerate it. Demanding that university's open up XX spots for socioeconomically disadvantaged kids, regardless of race is already normal practice here in Canada and everyone can get on board. Doing it for race though, humans just don't work that way. The only times that's been successfully maintained is through force of numbers or military strength.

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