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Pussy Riot Gets Whipped in Sochi

shagen454 (Member Profile)

Pussy Riot Gets Whipped in Sochi

Yogi says...

Seriously, also if they just "Detained" them it wouldn't be a big deal. But WHIPPED, just using that word is fucking ridiculous. Having video to accompany that word, holy shit.

Januari said:

The stupidity of it is just incredible. Had they not touched them... there song and video would have received virtually no attention. Congrats gentlemen you made their protest infinity more effective then they ever could have on their own.


chingalera says...

'But I still think their beating could have been avoided if they'd stopped when ordered' and '"Stop or I'll whip you," then you don't stop and they whip you, you reaped what you sowed'-It's this attitude towards the use of force for control which makes the future of a world government a horrifyingly paltry settlement.

Any sign that the future of the planet is headed in this direction should be met with unified opposition and any force, with creative and coordinated force in return.

Humanity still has the power to deny options which governments (criminal organizations) conjure in back-rooms then offer-up to us.


lucky760 says...

Let's not misconstrue my statements.

I never said nor would I say they deserved it. I said they must have or should have expected it, therefore I don't feel badly for them.

If you intentionally do something that you know with a great deal of certainty will cause you harm and you are harmed as a result, my reaction is not "Aww, poor babies."

Again, everything about it sucks, and they should have the right to protest, and their country and authorities could and should be better, but if someone who you know will follow through says or implies "Stop or I'll whip you," then you don't stop and they whip you, you reaped what you sowed.

If someone says "stop or I'll stop you," you're going to stop one way or the other. Don't stop on your own if you don't want to, but do expect to be stopped.

Jinx said:

I don't see how aforementioned state supported thugs asking them to stop singing/dancing/merrymakin/putindissing makes the subsequent beating somehow more deserved.

Is not the point of a protest to defy authority? Is it not healthy for a democracy to allow dissenters to have a voice? Remember when Ukraine "asked" protests to stop by rushing through legislation to criminalise pro-EU protests back in January? In what fantasy land do you imagine protest to be possible where if you don't stop when asked to by authorities then you can expect (and deserve!?) a beating. It's one thing to say that they should have expected that there protest might result in violence against them...its quite another to say they deserved it/had it coming.

I sympathise with them not because I think that they did not expect to meet resistance, I sympathise with them because they meet resistance and attacks for what I believe to be a perfectly legal activity. They should not have been asked to stop, they should not be expected to stop, they should not have been beaten for not stopping.


lucky760 says...

My assumption is the officers (security or otherwise) weren't just standing around clapping their hands singing Kumbaya, but issuing an order to stop.

If in actuality cessation was never demanded, then I retract all my negative statements toward the women, but I find it unlikely that the guys just snuck up on them and started whipping them without any warning.

Of course, the video starts immediately as a whip is slung, so this specific embed doesn't hint at context.

Truth be told, I've been speaking out of ignorance toward their band. I was assuming they were idiots from the US who just went to Russia to protest. Now that I see they're actually native Russians, it makes more sense. But I still think their beating could have been avoided if they'd stopped when ordered.

Again, if and only if they were never ordered to stop, and they weren't defying the authorities who were standing there with whip in hand, then I do feel for them.

Jinx said:

No. Singing and dancing is not an instigation of violence. If the Cossacks aren't there the monk still burns but Pussy Riot don't get beaten.

But apparently Russia is a country where singing and dancing is "inherently dangerous to their physical well-being". So. yah. No singing or dancing I guess. Russian women should know that when they make too much noise they get assaulted. Therefore when they get assaulted we should feel no sympathy for them.


If you're country is policed by violent state supported thugs (not police!) then all the more reason to challenge them. peacefully. with a song and dance. Oh right sorry, i forgot that's actually instigating violence in Russia. really. fucking really.

Pussy Riot Gets Whipped in Sochi


Pussy Riot Gets Whipped in Sochi


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