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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

10th criminal contempt conviction comes with a warning that #11 will be jail time, as will #12-200.
Yes, Trump has been convicted of 10 serious crimes this week, and his release conditions say ANY crime should have his release from the other 3 cases revoked. Most defendants would have gone to jail after the first hearing and conviction, not Diaper Don.
Most defendants get one contempt charge before jail even when they haven’t violated other release orders.
More biased judges…but all biased in Trumps favor giving him special kid glove treatment that any other defendant would not enjoy. Blows the lie that the courts are being unfair to Trump out of the water for those who don’t have water on their brains like yourself…his special treatment has all been to his benefit not his detriment, never getting it worse than an average citizen would get at best, not once. I’m sure it won’t change your brain cell. It must be so lonely.

This weekend he spent whining and throwing a public tantrum to a room full of donors saying that he would rather be at the wedding next door because those people paid him, don’t expect any photos with him they didn’t give him enough money.
Why is a multi billionaire so apoplectic that people aren’t giving him money? He can fund his own campaign using the money he claimed to have ready but didn’t spend in 2016 or 2020, can’t he? Or ask his billionaire son in law. Oh wait…they could barely make a down payment on his judgements against him and he’s claiming poverty now, that’s right, I forgot. 😂

He’s freaking out to find himself losing in most new polls by well over the margin of error and he hasn’t even been convicted of secretly paying for sex repeatedly while married and with a mistress yet, committing business and tax fraud in the coverup, but the secrets are being aired, the others in the room are finally telling the truth now that they’re under oath.

Er-mer gerd! The defense has asked for another adjournment/delay because they are not prepared to question the Trump Org Controller…a long time Trump employee on the witness list. He has the notes confirming the fraud to hide the payment to Daniels, the extra payments to pay Cohen’s taxes since he falsely called it income, basically the entire business record fraud scheme on paper written at the time by those involved and kept hidden in a safe to ensure no one found out. He also proved that only Trump could have personally made the payment from the account it came from, only he had access to it. (If you don’t know, his latest story is Cohen paid Daniels on his own without Trump’s knowledge, and that Trump only paid her off to protect Melania not to protect his election chances so not election interference…too dumb to realize they’re contradictory positions that have both been debunked in court with corroborating evidence already.).
Despite knowing years ago what he would testify to, the defense doesn’t know what to ask him or how to deny the records and is begging for a recess to figure it out. This is the non-defense they’re putting on? The delay was denied, so they will be questioning him unprepared. Not good….for Chump. 😂

Oh, sorry….i must have imagined all that because as you know, I’m not following the felony trials (and tribulations) of the disgraced cheater, rapist, dog hater, and multiple convicted fraud ex president/candidate. Absolutely do not google any of the information I gave you.

Oh…Trump’s failed VP pick is just falling apart, not just over her penchant for murdering puppies but also lying about her credentials and history in her book SHE WROTE and blaming others claiming she didn’t know these lies were added but she herself read the audio version before release and read those lies aloud herself…but takes no responsibility for them being in her autobiography. 😂 This was going to be our president when Trump and company gets their blanket pardons and he leaves office? What if she was a liberal? Should we be electing viscous lying zealots like her?


Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

surfingyt says...

hey bewb you gonna be okay? what conspiracy theory you got to explain this? hahahahahahaaahaha

They have the PAYMENT RECORDS for the voting machine breach! Wow. I'm so glad that this was perpetrated by total and complete morons. We'd be screwed if they were actually good at this.

Let's all congratulate Mr. Donald Trump for breaking the record for most indicted former president, a title formerly held by Mr. Donald Trump, who stole the title held by Mr. Donald Trump, who stole the title from Mr. Donald Trump after he previously broke a 247 year streak of zero.

spawnflagger (Member Profile)

13 Strangers Rent Van Together After Canceled Flight

visionep says...

Did the same thing when a flight got redirected to Dallas that was supposed to go to Austin.

Bad part was that the airline wouldn't give us our checked bags. So didn't have clothes for a wedding that I was attending.

Lock Him Up Yesterday! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

bcglorf says...

I hate to say it, but I'm sure you are right.

If I have to prophesy on the future, the MAGA crowd will someday need to morph and abandon Trump for all his flaws and failings. And come that day, Trump will either by martyr, or equally likely listed off as just another part of the system. The Clintons at his wedding will be moved from a red herring into a central piece of evidence in their narrative.

And we should be worrying more about who that equally morally vile but less incompetent future figurehead could be.

newtboy said:

You miss his point….he’s saying the law is just for show.

He’s saying absolutely nothing should keep Trump from running in 24, not stealing and selling nuclear secrets, not killing 1 million Americans, not trying to end democracy in America, not a dozen separate vote frauds, not even his sex/pee tapes with Ivanka from when he fathered Barron with her….in fact his sex tapes with Barron won’t even do it, there’s absolutely nothing possible that should stop Trump from running….nothing. No matter who tells bob about crimes, it doesn’t matter. Trump is above the law (to cultists) and should just be dictator for life until he hands the nation to cokehead Jr.

You know that’s what he really means.

Fox admitting Trump committed treason only means Fox is now leftist and not to be trusted….fake news. Finally they got one right.

Shameless Worthless Grifters & Leeches

Democrats Are Getting MORE Unhinged Over Supreme Court Leak

Texas man strips down to make a point about vaccination

luxintenebris says...

believe the idea is that all of us do or don't engage in things that we don't necessarily enjoy (or enjoy). either for legality or decency or the stir, it causes...

- breastfeeding
- pistol wearing in town
- hats at weddings/funerals/churches
- shutting off cells at the same and more
- wheels on busy sidewalks
- not heckling the priest's sermon ("YOU SUCK FATHER!")*

some of these are up to the person, some not as bad as others, but common sense SHOULD guide sane people.

'tho if COVID becomes a public health crisis (ala Black Death-esque) they'll find where their freedom meets real oppression (Thyphoid Mary on a large scale).

personally, the idea that I could end up killing someone quickly replaced my health concerns. if found someone died because wasn't wearing a mask - would kill me.

so, in short, hope any/or all of these blunts find themselves in a situation where their car won't start. and no one will help them 'til them mask up.

"just need a part!"
"not until you observe our policy of public health! here's a mask...and if you'd put on shoes and a shirt..."

bet they'd do it for their f'n car. but for little bobby or old man Thorney?

...hope a camel w/a huge lip blister kisses them straight on the mouth.

reminds me of a song...


* Bobcat gag

vil said:

If he is against mandatory masks he is arguing against his own case by pretending to break other mandatory requirements that make sense.
If he is for mandatory masks his (sarcastic?) argumentation style is going to antagonize people who do not already agree with him.

BSR (Member Profile)

GOP Purging Anyone Who Won't Embrace Trump's Election Lies

bcglorf says...

Oh come now BOB, surely even you can do better than that.

Before Trump sniffed his chance for power running as a Republican, he had been a big time donor to the democratic party, and even invited the Clintons to his wedding.

Meanwhile Liz Cheney is a multi generational republican, with Dick Cheney's support for the part stretching back to winning his first election as a republican in 1978...

But yeah, they're the Republican's in name only, and Trump is clearly the party loyalist...

Unless you redefine republican as Trump loyalist, none of this makes any sense and is straight up madness.

bobknight33 said:

This isn't a trump thing.

Just realization that the party can no longer tolerate RINOS.

Hopefully there will be a good handful will be shown the door in 2022.

McConnell, Graham, Romney all need to go.

Joe Biden Speech about Trains

newtboy says...

BTW, @bobknight33, most presidents would have a non stop schedule of highly paid speaking engagements by now, getting paid hundreds of thousands or more to speak to huge crowds. Not Trump.
So far, Trump spoke at Cpac, it seems unpaid, and what he said was nearly all lies, and no one else wants him to the point where he's now crashing weddings at his properties to have any audience for his whining lies. Hilariously, now he can't get the crowds Biden had during peak Covid when he was "in his basement". LMFAHS!!

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy says...

Try it. If she takes the kid and bolts, it's legal. Even if you manage to get a court order before she leaves state, chances are you won't get equal custody unless she's a documented certifiable nutjob. I say this because you live in a fault state which are invariably the same states backwards enough to automatically give women custody and force fathers to prove the mother is unstable and dangerous, and even then you'll share with her as primary without documented abuse.

So you've been together 20 years and share nothing. What a way to live.

Shared assets when not married aren't divided by the courts. If you want their help, gotta be married or sign an ownership contract with every purchase.

I can find no instance where I said my brother "won". He got custody, that's different from "winning". Be real. If you're going to quote me, please don't make up the quotes. Spending over $100000 on a two week marriage isn't winning by my definition.

That link is off topic. Find a study of similar jobs with similar hours worked and compare salaries, not a study that says average women work X ammount less so overall earning should be X amount less but instead it's X-1 less, so women are overpaid. That's not what their study showed, they're extrapolating there, and ignoring that the lower hours are usually not their choice, but their superiors orders to avoid paying overtime and full benefits to women. Also, they said Married men managers without kids also earn more for each hour at work: they earn $38.40 per hour while married women without kids earn only $28.70. That means that for each hour spent at their jobs, male married managers without kids earn about 34% more than women. 34% more for each hour. Did you read it? Mic drop.

See, more insulting dismissiveness...those women couldn't possibly be more competent or harder workers, they must be succeeding because of preferential treatment. In case you missed it, that's incredibly misogynistic.

What?! Prove it.....with data not an anecdote.

So....You wouldn't marry a crazy person only because of what divorce would cost. Yeah....right.

" I wouldn't even consider marrying anyone that has any adverse indicators" sounds like personal issues to me, they aren't good enough to marry....because of divorce....Again ignoring the prenup that dictates divorce splits.

Lol. Such utter bullshit. Maybe if they have an impairment and no lawyer, and can prove it in court, not because they say so.

Ashley Maddison.

Wedding rings are aphrodisiacs. It's why I don't wear one, hit on repeatedly wearing it, never once without it. My experience differs from your assumptions and statistics, same with my friends. I'm 5'9", so not tall cute and photogenic....but two out of three ain't bad.

Bob said it, you agreed with him and more.

An uncodified partnership is one of convenience or even imaginary. Nothing to stop either of you walking tomorrow if you meet your new soul mate. That's not a stable partnership. It may be exactly what you want. It seems you made up your mind that marriage=bad for men long ago, in which case you should not partake. I hope your path leads to at least half the happiness mine has.


Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy says...

Were the house and dog yours before the wedding? Were there any marital assets?

Most people in the U.S. live in no fault divorce states, meaning marital assets are split 50/50 no matter what without a prenup. Your experience is not the norm.

Even my parents, who remained best friends for a decade after divorcing, spent a mint on their amicable divorce in Texas.

TangledThorns said:

I divorced my cheating wife without paying for a lawyer. She paid for one and I got to keep house and the dog, she got to keep her car and got $6, 000. I think she didn't want to push it as I had recording of her cheating, lol. Yeah, I think I came out on top.

Can You Hear the Difference Between Cellos

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Who's "THEY" ???

The fuck are you talking about, I do not recognize the phrase "basically erase" that's not the same as erase? "wash away" etc? or http://msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion/ if you're already on Tor WARNING this is ACTUALLY uncensored everything. (as in regular + deep + dark web) Be sure to report anything that constitutes a crime to the FBI "Hey, I'm not associated with this, but I just came across it on the internet accidentally, " lest you potentially can be charged with abetting would - be crimes that you are actually not responsible for.

Now you can find anything. Done.


BUT AS USUAL that's not really what you believe, just what you've been saying.

I remember the cakeshop, I thought it was okay to do that if you were a private company?

Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 584 U.S. ___ (2018), was a case in the Supreme Court of the United States that dealt with whether owners of public accommodations can refuse certain services based on the First Amendment claims of free speech and free exercise of religion, and therefore be granted an exemption from laws ensuring non-discrimination in public accommodations

Remember? Good, right? A privately (non-gov) owned business can kick out and not provide service to anyone they want right? Conservative. The private businesses aka google and amazon, decided they don't like your nazi bullshit. AND you're glad they're able to kick you back to the 14th page right? It's their right to do so thanks to the new conservative SCOTUS yes? Happy? Dumbass.


That case they argued was a free speech case. The bakery has the freedom to not display messages in the form of pixels on the screen errrrr frosting on the cake. Just like Google can choose to not display messages in the form of frosting on a cake errrrrr pixels on a screen. What do you think the rest of us were so pissed about? You're over there cheering on them taking away our rights and now it's come full circle. What? you didn't think it would affect your rights to say things?

Shouldn't have listened to that Golden Idol.

bobknight33 said:

Yea but they can filter the results so they don't' show up on first few pages or even send to the last page of results, basically erasing them.

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