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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Hey shit head

We live in a REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY

Voter cheated very little
Election fraud was great and led to febel man put in White house.

Poll workers were not allowed to do their job.

JiggaJonson said:

Hey, shithead.

Let me make something clear.


Storming the capital building, shooting people, and planting bombs, is not democracy.


Let me know how you feel, because right now my sense of it is

-the voters can't be trusted
-the poll workers can't be trusted
-the voting machines can't be trusted
-the media can't be trusted
-Bill Barr can't be trusted
-the guy who was in charge of election security can't be trusted
-the lower courts can't be trusted
-the appellate courts can't be trusted
-and the Supreme Court can't be trusted

-Only donald trump can be trusted.

----> Is that accurate?????????????????????????

THAT does not sound like a Democracy.
THAT does not sound like a Republic.

Why Was the Islamic Golden Age of Science… Golden?

newtboy says...

The problem being we live in a society in the U.S. that, despite tolerance and even acceptance of diversity being part of the reason for the creation of the nation, is fairly closed minded and intolerant of ethnic diversity and getting worse rapidly.

We could learn a few things from Sweden.

vil said:

Last names as a way to determine ethnic diversity, lost me there.

Cool though, that makes my sister latin american.

Too bad I am stuck with a name thats probably German in origin.

Diversity is fine. It was the tolerance of the society to entertain the notion that feeding a bunch of good for nothing intellectuals was a noble idea that made a golden age possible. Also the possibility to travel and communicate, the spread of information was helpful. Language barriers came down. That tolerance ended around 1250. Muslim lands were still ethnically diverse after that, but no more tolerance for science.

So tolerance of different ideas, customs, religions, foreigners and races seems more important than attempting to induce diversity artificially.

Tolerance naturally leads to diversity - you can see this in areas like scientific teams, hi-tech companies, or top sports teams. If you want the best people you arrive at not evaluating their race, but their abilities. That is if the society around you lets you do that.

My friends son just spent 6 months working in a chemical lab in Sweden. Met few Swedes, mostly worked with people from all over the world. So he helped with a Swedish project, he can now go back to work on his own project and he knows all these people from around the world who work on similar stuff. No one gives a damn about what ethnicity any of the people involved are or if the lab was "diverse". They all concentrate on the project. If a commision goes in and starts counting how many Laplandian scientists are filling a quota the scientists would show the (imaginary) commision their collective middle finger or just leave.

So i would argue that ethnically diverse scientific teams are not more succesful because they are diverse, they are more successful because they are open and tolerant (and that has led to their diversity).

Forcing diversity will not bring the same result.

Long? Sorry.

Mark 38 Machine Gun Hits Small Boat Targets

scheherazade says...

Lot of worry about a 17 year old trying to fend off looters and arsonists. And seemingly no worry about the looters and arsonists. Strange times we live in.


TheFreak said:

Except, this time the armed public seems to be joining the tyrannical government as it turns away from the constitution.

So now any 17 year old with patriot fantasies and enough allowance money to buy a weapon becomes a constitutional scholar who can decide what's best for the country? I'd rather rely on our constitutional checks and balances. Even though current events are revealing flaws that can be exploited by a determined political faction, it's better than an angry, propagandized, armed mob.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Thanks for the support.

My problem is, more often than not, children playing with matches burn other people and, because they lack empathy, they learn nothing and do it again.
If there was a way to isolate the mini arsonists, I could go along. Unfortunately, we live in the same house, and when it burns down we all lose. That's why when you catch children playing with fire the responsible thing to do is douse them with accelerants so the next time is the last.

I don't hate Bob, I'm on the fence on the question of his existence, it seems at least as likely he's multiple actors playing Bob the American.
I do hate his lies he tells with certitude and vitriol, his snide little quips and cheering for Trump totally divorced from reality, his reveling in lawless governance if it triggers some libtards, and his bat shit crazy racist insistence that racism doesn't exist in America and Democrats are all racists. How can you refrain from ridiculing that? I'm not capable of such restraint.

When he does burn, are you standing by ready to fill the room with halon and lock the doors? I don't want that job, it's long and thankless.

Yes, especially since I just found out how, I do need to 🤦‍♂️ ;-)

Thanks again, and love you too, but you still aren't getting my last bud light.

BSR said:

Personally, I don't give up hope. If you know what the truth is then all you have to do is wait for them to burn themselves while playing with matches even thought you told them 1,000 times about the consequences. Then when they learn the hard way, as most of us do, be there for them when they find you were truthful with them the whole time.

Your great work does not go unnoticed, newt. It's something that I could not do on my own and you have my support and admiration.

I too have gotten private messages from bob. I have even sent him power points once when he showed compassion. I let him know I don't hate him but I do like to use him for a funny reply once in a while.

Regardless of his intentions or beliefs I still give him the chance to burn his fingers. It's the flame that teaches the lesson.

If you need to 🤦 do it. Just don't stop doing what you are doing for all of us.

Love you, man

Joe Biden Mental state

StukaFox says...

So would I, but it has nothing to do with Trump: I'm just fascinated by those goddamn things. I mean, what does the bird get out of it? Seriously, I'm pretty sure there's some branch of Calvinist theology that's needed to explain Drinky Birds. Hmm, what an odd and wonderful world we live in.

JiggaJonson said:

I would vote for one of those fucking toy birds that dips its face into a cup of water instead of Donald Trump at this point.

Orange County is the Florida of California

wtfcaniuse says...

There was similar backlash and claims that car accidents were a hoax when wearing a seatbelt became law.

Nils Bohlin received death threats for inventing a safer belt, giving the design away and perpetuating the hoax. The deepstate now credits the man with saving millions of lives from a hoax.

Dark dark times that lead to the world we live in today. Never again!

Policeman Just Hanging Out While On Duty

newtboy says...

Let his friends help him.
It would be great if we lived in a society where assisting the police didn't end in charges and lawsuits or worse more often than not. Sadly, that's not the society we have.
It's unfortunately likely another officer could mistake the help for an attack and shoot the citizen helping, then have zero consequences for his deadly mistake thanks to blanket immunity and a blue wall of silence and lies.
Besides, police have squandered any good will they once deserved with self serving lies covering almost daily deadly or life ruining abuses by their group. Just as I wouldn't help a Medaine cartel member, even though some do help the community too, I wouldn't help a policeman today. They're all part of a violent gang, better to keep your distance until they clean house, which is unlikely. Cops that don't back criminal cops are driven out of policing with death threats and retaliation top to bottom every time.
Furthermore, shouldn't kindness logically begin with the civil servants instead of their victims?

Sadly, while I agree about helping fellow citizens, that's also not without risk. If you try to help and fail, often you might find yourself liable for the damage you couldn't prevent. Even if you succeed, you may find yourself at risk. Years ago, my brother gave CPR to a stranger who collapsed nearby, when the man died he was nearly charged with homicide even though he had done it correctly and not injured the victim. Had he not had thousands to spend hiring a lawyer, he certainly would have been charged and sued. To this day, he can't find out what the man died of or if it was contagious. Civil society is breaking down, and civility is becoming increasingly risky. If you're going to help, get a liability release first. ;-)

makach said:

I think, in this particular case the guy filming should have assisted the policeman instead of ridiculing him in a video. Kindness has to begin somewhere.

But it is not just the police. It is many things, instead of helping or doing the right thing it is filmed from a distance instead.

There recently was a huge fire in our neighbourhood. Firemen said that it would have been contained if just one person used a fire extinguisher. On the other hand, it is documented well from many angles.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

geo321 says...

hehe. The amazing world we live in eh

oritteropo said:

Thanks for the *quality

I think they now qualify as my second favourite Mongolian band

p.s. I never expected to be saying I had a second favourite Mongolian band.


Sleddge says...

If this was to go viral and everywhere it has the potenial of causing the mass panic to the likes of the original "War of the Worlds" radio program IMO. We live in interesting times

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

bcglorf says...

I kind of swing the other way on this. We live in a cruel, violent, unjust world. Talking about that is not automatically an endorsement of it. Making jokes about it is part of talking about it and an important coping mechanism. Yes, talking and joking about it CAN be done in a way that encourages it, but it's NOT automatic.

As per your Toy Story examples, the ultimate take away for the young audience exposed to it is that the violence/torture was a clear cut bad thing. When someone in your office pulls a prank on someone and the other party responds by jokingly threatening to kill them for it they aren't normalizing murder. Nobody comes away from that interaction with the idea that murder is somehow more acceptable or less bad.

We need to relax a little bit about looking for micro-aggressions and 'bad' culture in every little thing that people say or joke about,

JiggaJonson said:


As someone who watches a LOT of kid's movies with my daughter, I notice an alarming regularity of torture in children's media.

You like Pixar movies, right? Pick a Pixar film, ALL of them have a torture scene. It's bizarre.

It's late, so I'll be succinct about these, but let's define torture as follows:
Torture - noun - the act of deliberately inflicting severe physical or psychological suffering on someone by another as a punishment or in order to fulfill some desire of the torturer or force some action from the victim


This is a short list I can think of off the top of my head

Toy Story
Sid tortures Woody "Where are your rebel friends NOW?" as he burns his forehead

Toy Story 2
Stinky Pete tortures Woody "You can go to Japan together or in pieces. Now GET IN THE BOX!"

Toy Story 3
Buzz gets put in the "time-out chair" with a burlap bag put over his head and is forced to turn on his friends

Monster's Inc.
Mike is put in the "scream extractor" and is interrogated "Where's the kid?" as the extractor inches towards his face.

Wreck it Ralph
Ralph asks "What's going on in this candy coated Heart of Darkness?" Sour Bill tries to run away but Ralph picks him up and threatens to lick him. "I'll take it to my grave" "Fair enough" and Ralph pops Sour Bill in his mouth "Had enough?" "OKAY OKAY I'LL TALK!"

Cars 2
The green-gasoline in his tank, the spy car is put in front of the radiation shooting camera and is interrogated about who the other spy is and who has the information about the green gas he recovered that could unravel their plan to get revenge for being discriminated against for being "lemons." His engine explodes (he's killed?) in spite of giving up the information.

The Incredibles
Mr. Incredible is restrained via some black goop and asked about his family's whereabouts on the island.

Finding Nemo
Near the end of the film when Dory finds Nemo but Marlin has wandered off thinking Nemo was dead, they need to know which way Marlin went and come across the little crabs sitting on the pipe "heyyyyyyyyheyyyyyyyyyyheyyyyyyyy" "Yeah I saw where he went, but I'm not telling you, and there's no way you're gonna make me." Dory lifts him up and threatens to feed him to the seagulls sitting on a small rock until he starts screaming "OKAY ILL TALK ILL TALK HE WENT TO THE FISHING GROUNDS!!!"

I could go on, but I hope to make this simple point:
These films do NOT have to include a torture scene. It's simply odd to me that it appears so often, instilling the idea early on that torture works for getting information or cooperation out of people.

Finally, I point to one of many pieces of research on the matter

Vicious Dog Pack Attack


How these penny-pinchers retired in their 30s

newtboy says...

My household income is about $30k for two adults and two stupid furry children (dog and cat). We live quite nicely because we aren't trying to keep up with the Jonses. We even go on international vacations almost yearly. It's really not that hard.

What is Intergenerational Poverty?

Mordhaus says...

My mom didn't marry my father. I never knew him. I was placed with my Grandparents because my mother wasn't done with her fun 70's lifestyle.

My Grandfather was a violent alcoholic who was only able to get money because my Grandmother was disabled and he was paid to be her caretaker for part of the week. We ate from the garbage sometimes at Safeway (Randalls). We supplemented our income by picking up cans on the roadside. I lived right on the border of the Tohono O’odham reservation and had to go to their school for 5 grades.

Then we moved to Texas, I had to go to a reform school in Killeen for one year because they couldn't find room for me in the regular school and we lived too far outside the city. The next year, after being in multiple fights and failing the 6th grade because I couldn't concentrate on my studies, I was allowed to go to a smaller country school on hardship.

Every single one of my immediate relatives had some type of drug issue or were mentally ill. All 3 of my Uncles were criminals. I had major problems with trust and making friends because of these and other related issues. I played football primarily to hurt other people. I suffer to this day from anxiety and depression.

Yet, thanks to nonexistent government programs designed to prevent me from succumbing to Inter-generational Poverty, I somehow managed to be the first person from my family to go to College, not be addicted to drugs, have a completely functional and non-abusive marriage that has lasted almost 20 years, and managed to make a quite successful career in computers that allowed me to retire early when I started having health issues.

Yes, I thank the government every single day for all they did for me, because there was no way I could have overcome the hand I was dealt without their help. I would have just been poor, white trash like the rest of my family, since no one can strive for a better life or aspire to anything unless they have the hand of Big Brother to lift them up.

exurb1a - Hymn for Goldilocks

00Scud00 says...

I'm not sure what the message is here, while it is true that we live in a world of tremendous beauty, we also live in a world of tremendous suffering. Are we supposed to see the people at the end as silly or inconsequential?

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