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One Man Street Orchestra

Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Cost of Space Exploration

Trancecoach says...

Who said I was an adult? That's part of the fucking problem. This isn't about winning or being right.You're fighting an argument I haven't made.>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Trancecoach:
you're so right. I know nothing about being inspired by the mysteries of the universe, or becoming so enthralled that I pursued a masters and a doctorate, not in an effort to get answers, but to ask wiser questions... And I know nothing about the federal government slashing the funding of crucial social programs that have measurable and direct impact on people's lives -- like whether or not they have enough money to eat, or whether or not their child gets the medical attention they need...
And, surely, I've never thought at all about the hundreds of thousands of orbital debris objects from NASA's abandoned or lost equipment or spaceships that are orbiting earth or items as large as 10kg re-entering the atmosphere to fall god-knows-where (to say nothing of all the hardware that was left on the moon).
There's certainly nothing I can say about the ongoing "civil wars" in which our planet is continuously engaged, be it on the basis of race, status, gender, wealth, resources, or just some petty bullshit argument on a website! No, I'm certainly nowhere near smart enough to understand deGrasse-Tyson, or your scintillating brilliance that you demonstrate in your stunning ability to recognize irony versus sarcasm, and knowing just when to let it go.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Trancecoach:
ad hominem will get you everywhere... while I play the tiniest violin for you and Dr. deGrasse-Tyson...

Dude you didn't WIN anything here stop trying to take the high road, you're not smart enough to understand what in the hell he's even talking about.

Yeah don't be an adult, just make shit up so you can win an argument. Do us all a favor and stop trying to be a cynical bastard, you're bad at it.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Cost of Space Exploration

Yogi says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

you're so right. I know nothing about being inspired by the mysteries of the universe, or becoming so enthralled that I pursued a masters and a doctorate, not in an effort to get answers, but to ask wiser questions... And I know nothing about the federal government slashing the funding of crucial social programs that have measurable and direct impact on people's lives -- like whether or not they have enough money to eat, or whether or not their child gets the medical attention they need...
And, surely, I've never thought at all about the hundreds of thousands of orbital debris objects from NASA's abandoned or lost equipment or spaceships that are orbiting earth or items as large as 10kg re-entering the atmosphere to fall god-knows-where (to say nothing of all the hardware that was left on the moon).
There's certainly nothing I can say about the ongoing "civil wars" in which our planet is continuously engaged, be it on the basis of race, status, gender, wealth, resources, or just some petty bullshit argument on a website! No, I'm certainly nowhere near smart enough to understand deGrasse-Tyson, or your scintillating brilliance that you demonstrate in your stunning ability to recognize irony versus sarcasm, and knowing just when to let it go.

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Trancecoach:
ad hominem will get you everywhere... while I play the tiniest violin for you and Dr. deGrasse-Tyson...

Dude you didn't WIN anything here stop trying to take the high road, you're not smart enough to understand what in the hell he's even talking about.

Yeah don't be an adult, just make shit up so you can win an argument. Do us all a favor and stop trying to be a cynical bastard, you're bad at it.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Cost of Space Exploration

Trancecoach jokingly says...

you're so right. I know nothing about being inspired by the mysteries of the universe, or becoming so enthralled that I pursued a masters and a doctorate, not in an effort to get answers, but to ask wiser questions... And I know nothing about the federal government slashing the funding of crucial social programs that have a direct and measurable impact on people's lives -- like whether or not those below the poverty line can still make enough money to eat, or whether or not a child in the urban ghetto has access medical attention when needed...

And, surely, I've never thought at all about the hundreds of thousands of orbital debris objects from NASA's abandoned or lost equipment or spaceships that are just orbiting earth or, at times, plummeting back to earth as large as 10kg, to fall god-knows-where (to say nothing of all the hardware that was simply left behind on the moon...).

There's certainly nothing I can say about the ongoing "civil wars" in which our planet is continuously engaged, be it on the basis of race, status, gender, wealth, resources, or just some petty bullshit argument on a fucking website! No, I'm certainly nowhere near smart enough to understand deGrasse-Tyson, or your scintillating brilliance that you demonstrate in a stunning ability to discriminate between irony versus sarcasm, and knowing exactly the right moment to just let it go.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Trancecoach:
ad hominem will get you everywhere... while I play the tiniest violin for you and Dr. deGrasse-Tyson...

Dude you didn't WIN anything here stop trying to take the high road, you're not smart enough to understand what in the hell he's even talking about.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Cost of Space Exploration

Yogi says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

ad hominem will get you everywhere... while I play the tiniest violin for you and Dr. deGrasse-Tyson...

Dude you didn't WIN anything here stop trying to take the high road, you're not smart enough to understand what in the hell he's even talking about.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Cost of Space Exploration

Trancecoach says...

ad hominem will get you everywhere... while I play the tiniest violin for you and Dr. deGrasse-Tyson...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Trancecoach:
Very quaint. Too bad life doesn't work that way.
Like, at all.>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Trancecoach:
Still -- we got plenty of problems on this planet to work out before we continue exporting our junk, waste, and pollution to other planets and the intervening spaces. Seems like we need to get our own house in order before we start pouring the foundation for a new one...

What if our galvanizing our educational system as a result of our space exploration leads to changes in how we power everything? What Neil is talking about is changing everything, a small push that leads to a dramatic shift in everything. Suddenly because we put our minds to it and it's necessary for space travel we have Cold Fusion. We have weather machines, we have clean waste disposal. A world where technology and science works towards a specific goal but has a multitude of other effects.
You can basically draw any sort of technological advances we've had in the 20th century and point it towards our government and NASA working towards something else. Why don't we try doing it again...seriously it doesn't even cost that much as he points out.

It did work that way is what I and Mr. deGrasse-Tyson is saying. Please though dismiss any counter idea by calling it "quaint" doesn't make you seem like a douchebag at all.

Orchestra Teacher Loses It

ant says...

>> ^fjules:

Thanks, because it was hard to hear what they say.
>> ^Payback:

On the off chance you are deaf...
Teacher: "STOP TALKING!!" smashes violin, breaks bow
Teacher: stands for a moment, asks "Do you know what day it is?"
Broken Violin Kid: "April 1st?"
Class: Much laughter as they realize they've been had... unlike fjules. High fives and cake.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> fjules said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">"Your trolling needs work. Perhaps you should try misspelling words, or going on long rants with lots of unnecessary punctuation."
Oh, how witty! Maybe just answer my comment, geek. I'm not English btw.

Ditto especially when one is deaf like me!

Orchestra Teacher Loses It

Orchestra Teacher Loses It

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Andrei Tarkovsky's 1st Film: The Steamroller and the Violin

Lindsey Sterling plays a song with her shadow

westy says...

Very good video , grate editing and corigraphy worked well with it.

but at the same time I find her so annoying , the exspersions she makes and the same movements she does in every video ( mind you this video was far far better) granted moving around with a violin is going to be pretty limiting.

Still what she and the people she works with are doing is way more creative than allot of the shit on you tube or at large so have to give them credit for that.

"Save Jerry" - (NYC Newsstand Owner Fights Eviction)

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

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