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Megyn Kelly Loses it When the Obama Camp Calls Out Fox

rosekat says...

I love how he starts off with 'Good morning Megyn, I hope you had a nice weekend...' with a smirk, and it all just unravels. Hah ha ha 'We don't HAVE an agendaa!! SQWAAWK SQWAAWWK!' I enjoyed that back and forth very much, thank you for posting.

III. Do Free Markets Exist? (Blog Entry by imstellar28)

Farhad2000 says...

I disagree that free markets are highly prevalent in modern economies.

One tenant of a completely free market is the lack of asymmetrical information, that both the buyer and seller are aware of all other buyers and sellers.

In your example, the parent would know of all other kids competing for money to mow the lawn, the kid is aware of all parents seeking his services and at what price point.

This is just a small local example, this can be taken further on international levels, where it gets even more complicated as we factor in protectionist trade policy, trade agreements, trade restrictions, trade quotas and so on.

For example in the 70s, the Japanese auto industry was decimating the local auto industry in the US, the Big 3 lobbied the government to do something about it. Through negotiations the Japanese agreed to a voluntary quota system, they would import only a limited amount of their more efficient cars, this drove up their price artificially in the market, allowing them to gain alot of profit by re-branding their cars for a luxury car market known today as the Lexus.

The Big 3 gained via continued dominion of the US auto market, the Japanese gained through a new luxury auto market, while the consumer lost because market efficiency was not there, the cheapest model cars made in Japan were not available to the US consumer.

International trade fails free market ideals in many ways, since a lot of first world nations do not allow third world nations into their markets especially in terms of agriculture. In the 1920s to 1950s, there was highly restrictive trade as various international economics locked off their markets to rebuild their economics, this took over 70 years to slowly unravel via the GATT and the emergence of the WTO. However there are a lot of barriers, the G8 also have larger influence and bargaining strength over third world nations, they also understand WTO legalese better.

Now think of something that holds a large control of the market like Wallmart in the retail industry, in some areas they are the sole superstore thus this is already not a free market, everyone is forced to purchase their products at one place. This doesn't stop the seller to change their price because the consumer is dependent. This is where we can say no free market exists due to regional monopoly.

The closest we come to a free market is the stock market but only on price, all sellers and buyers know the price however not everyone knows profit forecasts, insider information, business conditions, corporate structure and so on.

Back to the Future 2 Alternate Ending

Björk & Tori Amos - Unravel

Baghdad 5 Years Later. Seriously WTF Have We Done to Iraq?

Farhad2000 says...

I believe two things.

1) The administration did not expect resistance in Iraq to be as heavy as it was, thats why it was so poorly planned with regards to post invasion action. However the problem was further exaggerated when the CPA followed with disastrous policies like sending young college kids to rebuild the nation based on a US model and the disbanding of the Iraqi army and previous governmental offices.

2) The various infractions that the administration committed with regards to US citizens rights, privacy rights, torture, obfuscation, governmental privatization is a clusterfuck that will not be unraveled or brought back from excesses by the next administration. This will leave a gaping policy hole where US rights and standards used to exist, allowing further infractions to occur in later years.

The Eyeball Song

Cornel West: To Be a Leftist in the 21st Century

qualm says...

The pernicious and appalling fashion to be indifferent to the suffering of others has now reached its saturation point, in human terms, through the (value-neutral) internet. Tragically for us, there will be no reversion process. What happens now is an unraveling of all essential human terms.

DJ Krust & Saul Williams - Coded Language (intense)

eric3579 says...

Whereas, breakbeats have been the missing link connecting the diasporic
community to its drum woven past
Whereas the quantised drum has allowed the whirling mathematicians to
calculate the ever changing distance between rock and stardom.
Whereas the velocity of the spinning vinyl, cross-faded, spun backwards, and
re-released at the same given moment of recorded history , yet at a
different moment in time's continuum has allowed history to catch up with
the present.

We do hereby declare reality unkempt by the changing standards of dialogue.
Statements, such as, "keep it real", especially when punctuating or
anticipating modes of ultra-violence inflicted psychologically or physically
or depicting an unchanging rule of events will hence forth be seen as
retro-active and not representative of the individually determined is.

Furthermore, as determined by the collective consciousness of this state of
being and the lessened distance between thought patterns and their secular
manifestations, the role of men as listening receptacles is to be increased
by a number no less than 70 percent of the current enlisted as vocal

Motherfuckers better realize, now is the time to self-actualize
We have found evidence that hip hops standard 85 rpm when increased by a
number as least half the rate of it's standard or decreased at ¾ of it's
speed may be a determining factor in heightening consciousness.

Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the
unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

Equate rhyme with reason, Sun with season

Our cyclical relationship to phenomenon has encouraged scholars to erase the
centers of periods, thus symbolizing the non-linear character of cause and
Reject mediocrity!

Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which as been given
for you to understand.
The current standard is the equivalent of an adolescent restricted to the
diet of an infant.
The rapidly changing body would acquire dysfunctional and deformative
symptoms and could not properly mature on a diet of apple sauce and crushed
Light years are interchangeable with years of living in darkness.
The role of darkness is not to be seen as, or equated with, Ignorance, but
with the unknown, and the mysteries of the unseen.

Thus, in the name of:

We claim the present as the pre-sent, as the hereafter.
We are unraveling our navels so that we may ingest the sun.
We are not afraid of the darkness, we trust that the moon shall guide us.
We are determining the future at this very moment.
We now know that the heart is the philosophers' stone
Our music is our alchemy
We stand as the manifested equivalent of 3 buckets of water and a hand full
of minerals, thus realizing that those very buckets turned upside down
supply the percussion factor of forever.
If you must count to keep the beat then count.
Find you mantra and awaken your subconscious.
Curve you circles counterclockwise
Use your cipher to decipher, Coded Language, man made laws.
Climb waterfalls and trees, commune with nature, snakes and bees.
Let your children name themselves and claim themselves as the new day for
today we are determined to be the channelers of these changing frequencies
into songs, paintings, writings, dance, drama, photography, carpentry,
crafts, love, and love.
We enlist every instrument: Acoustic, electronic.
Every so-called race, gender, and sexual preference.
Every per-son as beings of sound to acknowledge their responsibility to
uplift the consciousness of the entire fucking World.
Any utterance will be un-aimed, will be disclaimed - two rappers slain
Any utterance will be un-aimed, will be disclaimed - two rappers slain

9/11 WTC 7 Conspiracy Theory Debunked

Farhad2000 says...

I find it funny that when it concerns the holding of 9.11 evidence the anti-conspirators always say that its okay for the government to withhold evidence.

Given the legal and judicial infractions over the last 8 years, I don't believe a fucking word from the Administration anymore. Torture? Iraq War? Insurgency? Gitmo? Don Siegleman? David Addington?

I think discussing 9/11 is a moot point, its really like the JFK thing now, what is important is what that day has meant for the principles upon which the US was founded and how all that was unraveled by a bunch of lunatics at the helm with regards to legal standing, world standing, foreign policy, security and economy.

Obamarama (Blog Entry by BicycleRepairMan)

Farhad2000 says...

I agree with BicycleRepairMan, looking at political stances and such he is no different then Hillary. Sure his character might be better, and its wonderful to see someone being able to speak coherently again after so many years of NUCULAR. I wonder how the GOP is reloading it's slime guns, am waiting to hear all about him being a terrorist, a muslim, with middle name of Hussein. Fox News will be going beserk if he gets the nomination.

Though I think its all a facade, I don't think he will change so much. He pulls alot of string with his hope and change rehetoric, but doesn't really say all that much of substance, its classic JFK in that sense, that why he can't be caught not acutally doing anything, unlike Bush who promised the world democracy and a trip to Mars.

Will Obama unravel all those years of consolidating executive power? Reform DOJ? Reform OLC? Come out against US torture programs? increase taxes? rebuild the import based economy? End the war with dignity? Wane off oil?

Though one bright side is that speeches by him internationally would be something to really witness, I can totally see him pulling a "Ich bin Berliner" somewhere... "Ana Arabia" would be awesome to ease Middle East tensions.

But then again part of me thinks there is a white neo-Nazi loading a sniper rifle right now somewhere out there.

Zero Punctuation Review: Crysis

Farhad2000 says...

I signed a pact with the devil to attain a PC that could run Crysis, I didnt have the numerous hardware problems alot of its users report.

However while it is pretty its still solidily no more then a mod for Far Cry, plus the pretty graphics are nothing but filler for a game that starts out great with the nano wankyiness, it is nice in the open scapes (though not as free roaming as FC) when dealing the DRPK troops but quickly cascades into being shit when it goes all "Xen" on you after encountering the aliens, battles with which consist mainly of shooting at them till they drop unravelling the nice strategic combat with the troops at the start of the game.

The end was particularly underwhelming, I mean Crytek revealed the boss battle at the end of the game a full 2 years before release. Not to mention it was basically Contra by then.

David Lynch hates movies on the fucking iPhone.

dystopianfuturetoday says...


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The first half of MD is a dream, the second half is reality, or at least the subjective reality of Naomi Watt's character. Give the movie a second watch with that in mind and you just might enjoy it.

I can also give a pretty good interpretation of the impenetrable 'Lost Highway'. If enough people request it, I'll rewatch it and blog it on a sift post.

PS: I have no fucking clue how to interpret INLAND EMPIRE. It has shape, form and logical emotional arcs, but I don't think there is a clear-cut plot to unravel. It's just abstract. For the record, I like IE quite a bit.

Unsubscribe Me from Forced Position Torture

Farhad2000 says...

Alot of administration officials and apologists of torture always put forward the ticking bomb concept, where something terrible will happen but if we torture this person we might all be safe. What they fail to mention is that the ticking bomb scenario never happened in all the annals of history.

In less then 6 years since that fateful date, the current administration has unraveled almost 250 years of judicial justice and staunch American concept of standing for right, of not succumbing to tactics used by barbaric monarchists, the Nazis and the Soviet Union.

All in the defense of the 'American Way of Life'.

Artistic Tribute to Rosalind Franklin

Christianity in a nutshell

MINK says...

qruel, your definition of "unravelling" and mine are different.
byphenlow, welcome and thanks, you are right, not all the bible is a "poem" but it's just so hard to discuss because some atheists immediately place the bible in their own frame of reference and then dissect it like it's a scientific formula... when in fact it isn't, and its strength does not depend on its historical accuracy.

I don't personally use the Bible as a guide for my life, because it was written for other people, in a galaxy far far away.

I also don't criticise the bible for factual inaccuracy because I don't think the bible actually claims to be an encyclopedia.

Like I said, the Beatles are not claiming to be The Walrus.

Well anyway, continue revelling in your intelligence, atheists, you're obviously very clever to have worked out that snakes didn't really have legs 4000 years ago.

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