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Birds Aren’t Real On Fox News

noims says...

On one hand, there are mentally ill people out there who will believe things like that - it looks like some of the audience bought into it - so I can understand why the host wasn't sure if McIndoe truly believed it.

On the other hand, either the people who invited him onto the show were playing a prank on Hegseth or they didn't do even a modicum of research - it's not like this is a new movement.

On the secret third hand that humans all have, I hope the commenters here on the sift who also claim birds aren't real stop doing so - it's only feeding into the birdbrains' delusion. This paragraph was not written under duress, and there are no starlings in the room here with me.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m going to guess you’ve heard the MAGA plan to get around Trump being banned from the ballot…just write him in.
I’m also going to guess you think it’s a great plan that will win him the presidency…because you like so many MAGgots can’t understand the clear wording in the constitution that bars him from OFFICE, not just the ballot. 😂

I just love hearing about MAGA thinking they’re smart. It always ends in hilarious disaster. More please.

Question….where’s your MAGA outrage about Enrique Tarrio getting 22 years for seditious conspiracy for directing the attacks on the Capitol on Jan 6?

Joe Biggs got 17 years and Dominic Pezolla got 10 for sedition and right wing social media lit up like a Xmas tree complaining how unfair it was, I bet Trump even made a statement about pardoning them (that’s another 14th amendment violation invalidating Trump), but for their dark skinned leader who wasn’t even present at Jan 6 (because he had been arrested for theft and arson of BLM property for stealing a banner from a church and burning it), for Enrique there’s silence…not angry crying and whining like the white guys got.
I wonder why? What’s different about Enrique from the other white defendants that would make his sentence acceptable to MAGA, even funny, while the others that actually committed the seditious violence got far less time and are considered martyrs and heroes?

BTW- it bears noting that the proud boys all refused plea deals that would have gotten them less than 1/2 the prison terms. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You’ve been saying that for what, at least 4 months… but really since Jan 21. Hasn’t happened, but sure as fuck did with your party in control. D’oh.

Trump created record setting unemployment levels…record HIGH unemployment.

(Adjusted) Inflation FOR THE LAST 3 MONTHS is 2.1%. For the year it’s 3.2%. I know reading comprehension is not a strong suit for you, but I spelled it out.

“Fed still need to destroy jobs”? Is this a prediction, or your theory? It’s so poorly written with such horrible grammar that it’s impossible to understand you.

More jobs were created than lost dummy…and good paying full time jobs. 13 million net jobs have been created under Biden, 3 million were LOST under Trump, the only modern president to lose jobs.

Massive government spending created the inflation…mostly under the previous administration that added $8 TRILLION to the debt in 4 years and dropped federal income significantly by letting billionaires pay less in taxes than fast food workers.

The economy is doing great. Inflation is low, wages are rising fast, unemployment is nothing, the market is booming, predictions for recession have evaporated and now they’re for a boom. Only morons that refuse to accept that a Democrat is better at the economy than conservative know nothings that refuse to admit it, but the numbers CONTINUE to bear it out despite your constant insistence it’s going to crash next week.

Tomorrow,tomorrow, we’ll go broke tomorrow, (but) it’s always a day away. -bob

Keep fooling yourself. Bidenomics is helping Americans and it’s getting better constantly. People who ignorantly believe what you say wouldn’t ever vote Democrat anyway, no matter what, but everyone else outside the cult sees reality and that’s great for the left and a disaster for bankrupt MAGA, especially next November.

bobknight33 said:

3.8% unemployment will go up.
Inflation is not at 2.1% Going down yes but not at target.
FED still need to destroy jobs.
670K Full-Time Jobs Lost In 2 Months Vs 1 Million Part-Time Surge; Worst Unadjusted August Payrolls Since Great Recession.

Massive Government spending created this.

Keep fooling yourself . Biden economics are hurting Americans and it will get worse.

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Oops…did I trigger someone with my opinion? I didn’t know my opinion means so much to you. 😂
god forbid someone doesn’t love your new anti tax anti assistance “where’s my assistance?” fat people fat shaming fat people MAGA anthem.

I just looked up who he is, a drunkard and high school drop out now complaining he’s not very successful, and looked at the crowd, 99.99% white MAGgots, and read the lyrics, which are easy to read/hear as racist, pro-incel, and anti government, blaming politicians for his low wages not his boss…blaming taxes for his lack of cash, not the $7 a hour minimum wage.

If he’s so popular among minorities as you claim, why were they not present at his concert? Are just his fans racist? Possible. The line “people like me and people like you” sung to pure white crowds has a definitive racist feel, and your denials are meaningless…you said the Charlottesville rioters weren’t racists. It’s less about what he thought when he wrote it (if he in fact did, there’s accusations it was written by conservative operatives, but no evidence of that) and it’s more about what his audience hears…and I’m pretty sure what the conservative lily white crowd he’s playing to hears.

You found a few “blacks for Trump” who like it. Ok. You think that makes it less a racist anthem? 😂 that’s fine, it convinces you. You’ve never seen racism you believed existed…except racism against whites, you’ve complained that that’s a major problem. 😂 Do you honestly believe that all black people are going to love this conservative country song? You probably do, you are that delusional.

“ It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you”. Who are those people, because the people in his crowd are all just one type of people. White middle class conservative and middle aged.

Or a pedophilic anthem?
“ I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere”
Really, he’s complaining the government (eventually) stopped Epstein’s pedophile island but only spent $850 million on welfare programs specifically supporting coal communities since Covid!?…,%2C%20and%20re%2

An obese man complaining that fat people get food assistance while complaining about people starving in the street is the height of hypocrisy and ridiculousness. The solution isn’t to starve the obese, it’s to feed everyone…but that’s not his solution. To him, only some people deserve assistance….you can guess which ones.

Go ahead, love the song. It fits you. Understand it wouldn’t have ever charted if your political leaders like Walsh and Greene hadn’t told you to love it, made it a “conservative anthem” (their words). It’s not a great song, it’s a politically motivated whine about stupidity by an uneducated drunk. Before MTG and others started hyping him, he had barely a few hundred followers…his success is not “natural”, it’s a political move.

I hate the Bob Dylan quality it has, never liked him one bit.

The best part is, the right has forgotten… who is the richest man north of Richmond? Hint, he moved to Florida in 2021, but wants to move back north of Richmond. If this song isn’t a pure conservative whine fest, it’s definitely 100% anti Trump…so which is it @bobknight33?

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Why are so many here upvoting this anti governmental America hating regressive racist extreme Christian right MAGA anthem the anti government America hating extreme Christian MAGA right has latched onto?

Do you not know what he’s saying?
Do you not understand “people like me and people like you” refers to white Christian nationalist people?
Do you not understand what’s meant by “with an old soul” (it means they want to regress to pre-civil rights era Jim crow)?
Do you not understand the “rich men north of Richmond” he speaks about are just the Democratic “tax and spend” politicians (and maybe RINOS but not MAGA)?
Do you not notice the anti government assistance message?
Did you miss the pro incel message?
Did you miss all the fat shaming by a fat man?
Did you not notice the COMPLAINT that the government protected minors being raped on an island INSTEAD OF coal miners (who in fact have had dozens of government “welfare” programs created to get them retraining and jobs in industries that are less deadly, pollute less, and pay over minimum wage as well as instituted hundreds of governmental safety regulations that have cut miner deaths exponentially).

Did no one listen to the message of the song?
Did no one else notice the completely homogenous angry white middle age crowd?

WTF people!?

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down

Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay

Ivermectin Is Now OK To Treat COVID

newtboy says...

While I understand the appeal, I think it’s dangerous to ban people for their political/religious/societal beliefs, no matter how disgusting, evil, or dangerous they might be in practice. Who gets to decide whose opinion is unacceptable?
Also, it drives the unacceptable into the shadows where they can plot in secrecy and surprise attack, which I find more dangerous….not that we have a good track record of being prepared for attacks we have warning for. (Jan 6).
I would much rather at least have an opportunity to know what they’re planning ahead of time, even at the cost of suffering through the stupid.

I do think spreading dangerous public health misinformation is another story.

kir_mokum said:

we should at least start banning pro-fascist people.

Hercules in New York (1970) Trailer

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha! Telling that you aren’t a bit embarrassed that EVERY attempt to smear Dark Brandon has dissolved into a puddle of “witness” lies and obfuscation backed by payoffs from the same people calling these disgraced and often criminal people, some actual foreign spies, as witnesses to the serious crimes they claim Joe Biden committed and instead call the dozen failed investigations and the tens of millions of taxpayer dollars wasted “spitballing ideas”. It proves even you never believed your nonsensical lies, and the ridiculous weaponization of the fed over known lies is still the only method of action the right understands.

Nice that you have now admitted EVERY baseless accusation the right has levied in the last 7 years was nothing more than spitballing ideas. We’ve known it for years. Sucker.

I guess you’re going to stop constantly whining about others “spitballing ideas” about Trump’s criminal activities, especially since those spitballed ideas have evidence and real witnesses backing them up….right?

Every single case against him should proceed, because even if there weren’t mountains of indisputable evidence to back all the charges, spitballing ideas is not illegal. Keep those investigations coming. Right? Or is spitballing only ok for the dishonest right?

No problem investigating Trump’s actions on Epstein island, or with his underaged daughter, nor the underage girls he forced to get naked for him, nor every business dealing he’s ever touched, nor his children, nor their spouses. All fair game to spitball accusations at to see what sticks. You will be reminded every time you throw a tantrum. Unlike you, I can remember what both I and you said.

Barron is Ivanka’s son. Check the dna. Don Jr traffics cocaine internationally on daddy’s plane. Eric has been caught raping young boys, covered up. Trump himself is STILL a friend of Hillary and protected her from prosecution. Trump has paid for over 3 dozen abortions by his rape victims, most under 16 years old. Trump and Epstein famously liked to end force underage 3 ways by docking. Trump owes the mob millions in multiple countries.
Hey, you’re right, this spitballing ideas is fun.

No, it’s not illegal to lie in most cases, but spreading bullshit lies and pretending you can prove them when you know all along they’re nonsensical lies makes you and your entire party untrustworthy dishonest liars, the absolute worst of humanity, and all non cultists see it.
Wasting tens of millions of tax money to “investigate” these spitballs using paid fake “whistleblowers” is criminal, as is paying witnesses for their false testimony…you guys got caught repeatedly.

Are you really so brain damaged you don’t understand? Because everyone else does. The right has put all their eggs in this basket, and you just admitted it’s made of nothing but spit and wet tissues. 😂 How’s this spitballing working out for you guys? Getting lots done in congress? Gaining support from independents? 😂 sucker.

You aren’t spit balling ideas, you are knowingly making baseless false accusations in the hope that one might stick despite having no evidence of anything….that’s what’s called lying by normal people. You aren’t asking questions, you are making random accusations, accusations you KNOW to be false.
We don’t have to lie about Trump, he left mountains of evidence of his crimes, often on audio and video tape and with witnesses. By the election, he could be in prison for hundreds of years if convicted of 10% of the charges….state or federal prison.
We both know he’s only running to try to escape that prison term.

We all know there are more nonsensical lies coming about Joe…your problem is everyone knows you people are nonsensical liars, so no one cares what you’re going off about. It’s nonsense. Like a tired 2 year old trying to argue…you don’t even know what you’re saying, you’re just whining and crying. Who cares what you’re screaming as you throw your tantrums? 😂 you need a long nap.

But I don’t have to lie, Trump is a fraud, thief, and rapist, all 3 found true in courts of law, not opinion. Lots more coming HIS way…maybe 7 more felony indictments by STATE DA’s that he can’t pardon himself from even if he steals the office of president again (remember he’s never won an election, even Clinton got millions more votes). Lots more of that coming your way. Lots more PROOF of Trump’s anti American anti Democracy crimes corroborated by his entire administration, recordings, paper trails, and his own and his lawyers idiotic admissions of the crimes he’s charged with. So much more for you to hide your head up your ass and ignore, anti American felonies you’ll have to just pretend haven’t been proven in court. Can’t wait for him to take the stand, that’s going to be hilarious. His only possible defense is insanity. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Spit balling ideas are not illegal.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid. Lots more of that coming your way.

Afroman - Will You Help Me Repair My Door

newtboy says...

These whining crybabies are suing Afroman for using the video of the illegal raid in his music videos and images of the obese pound cake lusting pigs on merchandise, clearly not understanding the ruling that civil servants have zero expectation of privacy when performing their duties, in public, or on private property that’s not owned by the police and clearly posted as secure and actually physically secured with a clearly posted prohibition from videoing the area.

Ignorance is no excuse, slim.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

(Oops, meant to quote, not profile page this)
ROTFLMFAHS!! Hunter Biden stupidity again! LOSER! You dumbshits just refuse to learn…he admits smoking crack and sleeping with hookers….(Trump always pays for sex using company money, I would think you might applaud Hunter following his lead)….he’s a private citizen…nobody cares. Rapist Trump’s dead brother who the entire family intentionally let die alone was a drunk racist…do you care?

Because it’s all about getting to show that revenge porn against and talk shit about a private citizen, and absolutely nothing else…because you’ve got nothing else. Even disgracing the walls of congress by shoving it down throats in a live broadcast hearing in your undignified desperation when you can’t tweet it out. 😂

Funny how family is only off limits when it’s a republican’s family that’s actually part of their administration, making policy and negotiating on the government’s behalf and getting tens of millions to literally multiple billions in payoffs from hostile countries while they do it…but not when they’re private citizens. 🤦‍♂️

And somehow you think this nonsense impugns Dark Brandon’s character….he won’t even notice your little self deprecating circus, he’s too busy crushing it hard and deep on every front to care what the completely out of control nutjob that believes in every Qspiracy is screaming on the street corner in her tin foil hat…and that’s who you’re standing behind here. This only looks bad for you…seems outrageously desperate. Hunter Biden doesn’t hold office and is a different person than his father, and overcoming a severe drug problem is something to be proud of. 😂

You are so stupid you think these baseless and meaningless screeched accusations by the mastermind “Jew laser” “There’s nothing wrong with asking for election fraud” Manly Traitor over there makes your team “right” and Joe somehow “wrong” despite your cult leader being a convicted rapist (forcefully penetrating another with your body is rape, and he was convicted of forceful penetration of a woman with his body part), child abuser (admitted on air to buying Miss Teen USA to forcefully leer at naked YOUNG (14 year old) girls), employee sex abuser (admitted on air he bought Miss USA and Miss Universe to force contestants to sleep with him), traitor, convicted fraud, charity fraud, admitted racist (willingly paid millions for his redlining), and under or nearing 7-8 indictments for hundreds of counts of various treasonous activities. 😂 😂

And since you say religion is real not silly superstition…the very personification of the 7 deadly sins, (to remind your tiny religious brain, those are) (1) vainglory, or pride, (2) greed, or covetousness, (3) lust, or illicit sexual desire, (4) envy, (5) gluttony, (6) wrath, or anger, and (7) sloth. Double check on every box and triple check a few.

You don’t even understand this performance is just for you and your fellow cultists, nobody else cares or pays attention to the tin foil hat brigade with their poster boards of naked men they absolutely insisted children see. Groomers.

You say prosecuting the well documented, numerous and ongoing treasonous crimes of a disgraced ex president is pure politics and should be tossed out as a nothingburger without seeing the evidence, but the alleged minor crimes of a president’s relative well beyond all statutes of limitations…that’s vitally important to government function not politically motivated attacks against a family member, also known as weaponization of the federal government!
You people are such jokes! Keep ‘em coming. Best laugh all day, and I found out it’s not slander or libel to say Trump is a rapist today because he officially is one. 😂

bobknight33 said:

MTG Showing revenge porn.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, agreed, the fake elector scheme to steal the presidency was BS. Just like the election fraud fraud was BS, and the attempted coup was BS, like the effort to have the military seize voting machines then declare Trump the winner was BS. Like all the fake house hearings with all their disgraced fake whistleblowers that are in fact Chinese spies or convicted seditionists in prison for assaulting congress or disgraced ex fbi agents mad they were fired for serious causes (like sharing/selling classified/secured information or refusing to serve legitimate warrants or threatening other agents) and paid by Kash Patel to lie are BS. Pretty much everything the MAGgot party has tried since losing the election in a mega-slide in 2020 has been BS…and nobody is buying any of it. Not one person has heard MAGgots whining in the last 2.5 years and thought “hmmmm…they’re right! There’s no way anyone would be prosecuted for theft of hundreds of top secret super sensitive documents and showing them directly to Chinese agents, or for trying multiple plots to illegally subvert the election and steal the presidency, or decades of tax evasion, or repeated slander and libel, or (etc. etc. etc), and their Chinese spy said Hunter is a bad guy…I’m now on team Trump.” The denials, poo pooing, whataboutism, attempts to distract, false accusations, etc are 100% for you, the cultists. No one else believes a word, we don’t even believe you believe it, you just have nothing else to try in Trump’s defense (Neither do his lawyers!) and can’t, under any circumstances, ever admit you’ve been w-w-w-wrong. “BS”….HA! How’s that theory working out for you?

No, just like the fake electors, if you sign a license you got in a (the phrase is) Crackerjack box and sign it, you aren’t legit to drive, and just like the fake electors that used their crackerjack box elector status when they signed affidavits stating they were the official electors knowing they were not, if you tried to use it it’s a crime…and like the RNC is, Crackerjack would be in deep shit for producing fake licenses….and like Trump if you tried to hire them and knowingly use their fake licenses as real for his benefit, like driving his fleet of trucks or stealing an election which Trump undeniably tried in multiple ways, each time you do it is a felony. That’s 84 more felonies for Trump.
So….what was your point? That the electors Trump knowingly tried to fraudulently use to steal the presidency weren’t legit? Um…yeah, sure, OK….so just BS. 🤦‍♂️
The courts are unanimously disagreeing, including those Trump appointed.
Sure, another nothing burger…because massive election fraud and attempted overturning a valid election are nothing when your guy does it, but the imagined fraud of not allowing illegal and illicit revenge porn of a political rival’s family member to be part of Trump’s public Twitter campaign is the biggest election fraud ever and means Biden isn’t president, so by default Trump now is. 🤦‍♂️
you’re so delusional and indoctrinated you think that last sentence is perfectly reasonable and rational.

Yes, any and every patriotic American is interested in prosecuting any man who tried multiple times to steal the presidency including by multiple frauds and at least once by force…so leftists are going after these seditious and treasonous crimes but not anyone on the right is interested. Understand?

How you like Manly Traitor Greene’s Biden for President commercial? 😂

bobknight33 said:

More BS.

So If I get a license to drive from a Captain Crunch box and sign it I am legit?

That is the kind of stuff Leftist are going after. Just BS

Flag Desecration

newtboy says...

Big surprise, @bobknight33 can’t understand what’s anti American even when it’s clearly spelled out in the US code….but you can’t read or write English above a second grade level (proven once again by this barely literate post), so it’s not that surprising.

Being against fascism and for the freedom to do what you want with your own body are VERY American sentiments, buddy. Again, no surprise you don’t understand. You believe we should have Christian Shariah law and no freedom of religion or bodily autonomy, and want to Make America Great Again like you think it hasn’t been since women and non whites got to vote.

Wearing an American flag as clothing, or defacing one to make a political statement is 100% AntiAmerican. I know, MAGA loves to do both of those things, so without putting two brain cells together you just insist that’s wrong, despite it being clearly stated in US law. Truth is that’s the least unAmerican thing MAGA has done…but it’s still actually an anti-American crime that carries a one year sentence.

Supporting an abusive civil servant displaying an anti American terroristic gang symbol of division that’s also undeniably a desecration of the American flag on a police uniform is about as unAmerican as it gets. Derp.

Again, your damaged little brain misfires…I’m hell bent against corrupt abusive cops because I love America, ya ijit.
(Btw- having a bent means having an aptitude, natural ability, capacity, or knack…so thanks for the unintentional compliment when you said I’m good at opposing corrupt cops.)

Enjoy watching MAGA eat itself and the Republican Party with it. Bankrupt in multiple states and physically fighting each other at GOP meetings. Talk about trash people! There is no group more trashy than MAGA, untouchable orphans in India are less trashy. 😂

bobknight33 said:

This if you anti American? -- Grow up
You have such a bent against cops and America, just leave, and go some place that will make you happier.

If you want to see anti Americans just watch ANTIFA and that fruit loop community protesting -- Trash people

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol! Pennsylvanian Republicans just lost another case trying to toss out their own mail in voting law after it didn’t help them in 2020 or 22. 😂

Seems MAGA is losing cases left and right in their desperate attempt to block any voters that aren’t retired white people or corporations. (Yes, Republicans are trying to give any corporation a vote in elections as if they were citizens).

Fortunately, they’re just too dumb to understand the law and constitution and are losing bigly, like with multiple MAGA states who implemented hyper biased redistricting intended to favor republicans now being forced to create new democratic districts. Trumpism destroyed your party and it’s prospects.

Bonus- DC Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson who just ordered Donald Trump to sit for a deposition in the wrongful termination and retaliation cases brought by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. They got around the “apex doctrine” because Trump repeatedly bragged publicly that he was 100% responsible for having them fired, and his lame excuse that he didn’t have time ignored because he has time for dozens of frivolous lawsuits against others, so he has time to be deposed. Not a huge deal, but likely another few million of your political donations will go to hand Trumps enemies huge judgements and settlements (and pay his horrific lawyers). Lots of that going around.
Also the DC bar report on Giuliani recommends his disbarment for his part in the big lie.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The courts are fake news now? 😂

If you earned it with your 3rd grade grammar and math skills, it’s not just easy, it’s simple. Most degrees require at least a basic grasp of English, math, and science, and you have displayed a total lack of understanding in every category consistently for years.

Perhaps I’m Jethro…but highly unlikely, but I wasn’t the very top student in my class. That said, he got a 6th grade mountain education, by 6th grade I (and my entire class) was reading at college level, doing algebra, and taking biology. At what grade did you achieve those milestones, or did you ever?

bobknight33 said:

it’s undeniable factual reality on your fake news spun outlets that you drink.

Sorry but a BSEET from Penn State was not easy.

Sorry perhaps possibly you are the simple Jethro.

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