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Little Girl Puts On Lipstick All By Herself

newtboy says...

She is going to be serious trouble in about 10 years.
Lying comes naturally to her, and dad is encouraging it.
This is like playing rough with your pit bull/mastiff puppy, teaching it to bite people. Sure, it may be cute when they're little, but it's also just begging for real problems later.

Rhino Flips Out

Simone Biles Debuts New Beam Dismount

Center fielder first position player to ever record a save

Trump Claims 1775 Revolutionary Army 'took over airports'

Drachen_Jager says...

"I don't use Teleprompters." - Donald Trump

"I say we should outlaw teleprompters … for anybody running for president.” - Donald Trump

“I’ve started to use them a little bit, They’re not bad. You never get yourself in trouble when you use a teleprompter." - Donald Trump

(referring to this particular speech) "I knew the speech very well so I was able to do it without a teleprompter," - Donald Trump

"I have one of the greatest memories of all time." - Donald Trump

Hmmm, @bobknight33 what do you say? Were there airports in the revolutionary war, or - perhaps - are DT's mental faculties not quite as amazing as he claims?

Jim Says Christian Leaders Will Be Murdered If Trump Loses

newtboy says...

So 'Stranger in a Strange Land' style....Thou Art God?
Yeah....that still could have been better without God or religion at all...Smith and his cult caused tons of trouble, and don't get me started on the Fosterites.

BSR said:


Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

bobknight33 says...

Dishonest about what????????? I just presented an video of disagreement of thought. - I did not take any sides yet you say I'm dishonest.

The kid spoke up in opposition to what the teacher said that is not necessary disruptive. Kid got kicked out for having a different opinion and would not accept that of the teacher.

All in all that is not the issue. It is that is there only 2 sexes or more?

Regardless of what the teacher actually thinks on this matter the teacher is boxed in to accept the policy of his employer/ system. He can't speak against this policy for fear of loosing his job or getting in trouble.

The kid is free to think and express his thoughts.

Defying school policy, -- So its not right to defy school policy, or policy for that matter. Don't challenge? You don't want a world that does not challenge thought, do you?

newtboy said:

Bullshit totally dishonest title usual.
Kicked out of class for being disruptive, interrupting, not shutting up after stating his opinion, arguing in class, denying and defying school policy, and being a douchebag. His time is worthless, not the teacher's, not the rest of the class. He wasted THEIR time by insisting they agree with his ill informed opinion and not shutting up. I hope he has fun in Summer school.
*lies for the misleading title

Irish Farmers Lose Their Sheep - Impossible Accent

noims says...

In case you're wondering, as an Irishman (albeit a Dubliner) I only caught the gist of what Mikey was saying, but didn't have too much trouble with Richie.

That probably means Richie's not a true Kerryman.

What Happens To Good Cops?

newtboy says...

No...the gift of being violated is not precious. The gift of mistrust might have kept me out of trouble to some extent, but I could and would have learned that lesson without a gun to my head and knee in my neck, and without the threats to my freedom if I told on him.

I don't KNOW....I said I would bet. Please read more carefully before making assumptions and accusations. It's far more likely he's not remorseful, I said why I think that.

They wouldn't take a report or complaint, and I don't remember his name. That makes checking in on the thug a bit difficult. Your suggestion is like asking someone to look up their uncaught mugger to see if they feel bad decades later. I would love to face him as an adult, but he's not my white whale like you want him to be....he's just one more dangerous whale in a sea full of them, he just happens to be the one that bit me, they all bite. Nothing special about him.

I have zero need to give him forgiveness nor to take away the mistrust. I don't care a whit about him. Hate implies he's important to me, he's just not except as an example, an instance where I learned some harsh reality, that police are not there to serve and protect citizens as I had been taught.

Please don't presume to tell me what I need or how I feel. I find it insulting. You obviously don't know me a bit or you would never take that path. Assuming I'll react, think, or feel like an average, normal person is about as big an insult as I can think of.

I'm no cop. I'm not assaulting those I'm charged with protecting and serving. I'm not abusing anything by having an opinion.
Just stop, please, you're becoming dismissively insulting with your naive assumptions. Love isn't all you need...obviously....or you would be in line for your lobotomy right now and happily spend your life loving whatever you see without thinking. Remember, the group that told you that lie was broken up by love.

BSR said:

Do you not understand that he gave you a very precious gift. He gave you his problem whether you know it or not.

How do you know he's not remorseful now? It's been 30+ plus years.

You're a fact guy. Check the facts if that's what you need. But that means you'd have to face your fears. Find him. That's the only way you will know for sure if he remorseful. Do you have the guts to face him again? I doubt he would send you a greeting card.

But you still have another problem. If he's dead already you will still need to forgive him. You will still have his anger. His death will not take away the hate.

You need to do this for yourself otherwise you will pass the anger onto someone else to find the answer you're not capable of. You may even pass it on to the people you love the most.

In short, you're just another bad cop. You have become the very thing you hate. You are abusing the power you have.

Trump Calls Into Fox, Calls Russia Probe a “Coup”

Mystic95Z says...

Not a surprise there. Can't wait to see him voted out in 2020 and then his real legal troubles start. At this point I think its not even worth trying to impeach him because of all his sycophants in the Senate, 99% of them don't have enough spine to stand up against him...

If Fox News Covered Trump the Way It Covered Obama

newtboy says...

If it's not obvious, my replies are mostly not meant for Bob. He is closed to any new information that isn't Trump branded. He does read some, and has repeatedly privately agreed with my assessments in an effort to look more reasonable and less Russian, but won't do so publicly.

My replies are meant to inject some fact into the debate, contradicting the cultist beliefs and known lies the right has no problem spreading today. Without contradiction, those lies gain traction with those ignorant of the facts, and once entrenched the lies are infinitely more difficult to eradicate.
It's nice to know I'm not just babbling into a least not all the time.

I've got passion, with a capital P, and that rhymes with T, and that stands for trouble....right here in River city.

BSR said:

I would just like to say "Thank You" for the dedication and time you put into your replies to Bob.

I suspect Bob probably doesn't read your replies as I notice he never seems to debate you.

Know that your time IS well spent regardless of Bob. If it wasn't for him I'm not sure I or others would have learned as much as I have from your writing.

I appreciate what you do and your words aren't falling on deaf ears.

You've got passion.

Helicopter mounting a 1 ton TV antenna on top of a tower

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

JiggaJonson says...

I actually had this happen to me after I got a ticket. A $250 + $150 court fee ticket because I was going...wait for it...35 mph.

I got pulled over at this exact location, go on and try to find a speed limit sign going north.,-87.508833,3a,75y,12.09h,82.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxVT9eHxtCpzbkw2Q6wPCaQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I remember because he whipped out from that liquor store parking lot, but long story short he wrote me a ticket and I didn't notice until later that the ticket said I got pulled over at Calumet and Lyons (right in front of the school down the road). It may be the case that the whole area is actually 25, but to be fair I was driving at 10 p.m. on my way home, whole fucking street empty.

Red n Blues as I approach the railroad tracks. I look at my speedometer "Is he pulling me over? I'm only going 35. Hmmm. Okay."

"Sir, do you have any idea how fast you were going?"
Sheepishly - "Thirty? Five?"

License - Reg, and he walks off, I look at it and say "Jesus christ! $250 for going 35?"

I find out about the court fees adding another $150 and then I see that he wrote the wrong street down "Hmmm what's this street he wrote ohhhHHHH right in front of the school where it's obviously 25 not near the railroad tracks eh? What a fucker"

I go to complain and the chief of police comes out and wants to know why I want to complain. He explains that it will go on the guys record and I should really just pay it because it could end up being a lot more trouble for me than it's worth. Strong insinuation in his voice, I left and didn't pay, didn't file complaint, went to court and explained.

Nothing happened to him, he didn't even get asked why he wrote the wrong street. It was just assumed that he was being honest.

Yeah, people don't write songs calling for "fuck the firemen" or "fuck the EMT's" - gee, I wonder why.

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

newtboy says...

I was 18, barely supporting myself working at dominoes pizza. I felt sure I couldn't get a lawyer to talk to me without a video and hospital record, much less do something. I didn't have serious injuries, just some scrapes and dirty clothes, and a well earned lifelong distrust of cops.
This was the 80's when people didn't get paid big bucks for civil rights violations they could prove, and all I had was my punk kid word against an entire police force. That wasn't opening any doors.
When I couldn't even make a record of the incident, I dropped it. After all, the cop did tell me he had my address so I should just walk away and not make trouble for myself, and his superior was clearly going to have his back 100%, to the point of refusing to take my complaint, aggressively. I really just wanted the cop to be reprimanded for being so threatening even after realizing it was all his mistake, I didn't see a winnable case or dollar signs.

BSR said:

What did your lawyer advise?

David Attenborough on how to save the planet

Spacedog79 says...

Nuclear energy is the only way we can do it, we can run the planet forever and do things cleanly and more densely to leave more of our planet for wildlife.

The trouble is almost everything we hold as common wisdom about it is completely wrong, using breeder reactors have enough uranium to run the planet forever leaving almost no waste and removing the possibility of big accidents which actually aren't as harmful as commonly believed anyway.

We have thorium too, and many designs of each that can do the job. In fact we have a wealth of of options, but also a decades old and highly effective PR campaign from the fossil fuel industry to convince us otherwise.

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