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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Michigan State Senator, Deluded boy....

What nonsensical twaddle. You grasp onto the stupidest lies but this one takes the cake...McConnell was working AGAINST Trump!? Too funny, LMFAHS. It's telling that you think your best arguments are pure whataboutism comparing and excusing serious and actual crimes with just dumb fantasy created out of thin air. "Telling the truth"!?! ROTFL.

I guess you forgot you are claiming Antifa caused it, because now you're saying McConnell caused it. Are you supportive of removing him now, impeaching McConnell, since you now suddenly think McConnell is against Trump, a leader of Antifa, and the architect of the Trump coup, despite all evidence to the contrary? Your lies are flailing contradictions.....if you had an iq above 80 you might notice you just claimed Trumptards followed instructions from Antifa who was really working for high ranking Republicans in an effort to disqualify effort the same high ranking Republicans thwarted by delaying a trial until they wrongly claimed it was too late to try one and used that lie to excuse their not guilty votes, even though they freely admit Trump committed treason by instigating the coup attempt.


As usual, Fuck your unknown far right wing propaganda/virus hosting site. Creativedestructionmedia....sounds really professional and exactly the kind of deep investigative journalism that would uncover such a brilliant bipartisan scheme to defraud you......oh, sorry, I meant to say it sounds like another propaganda site spreading stupid lies based in pure partisan fantasy, bearing no semblance to reality, blatant lies that only total brain dead morons can't see through from the title alone. You just beg to be lied's so dumb're being so dumb it's impressive you haven't drowned looking up at a rain storm mouth agape.

This time i won't bother looking up this new lie, it's just so incredibly fucking stupid. Because a stupid Trumptard Michigan state senator said it indicates it's made up stupid bullshit, not that it's true. Duh. This one is particularly brainless even for you. Holy shit. Caught on camera!? He's said it in interviews, the guy's a total trumpcuck and nutjob liar willing to come up with any dumb lie to save Donny....just like you.

Trumptard senators and representatives believe Trump won the election, false, he's NEVER won an election.
They believe in baby eating cabals of hundreds of thousands of magically young baby eaters and rapists despite zero evidence of that nutty claim that requires belief in actual magic and has plenty of evidence and reality itself against it.
They believe Jewish space lasers are creating all that evidence of global warming they said was all made up, but now they suddenly admit the evidence is real, they just switched the argument to claim those temperatures, melting glaciers, droughts, wildfires, etc are created by Jews with space lasers.....but they aren't antisemitic, noooooo.
They believe in a multi-million person international conspiracy to defraud the election that went 100% perfectly leaving absolutely no trace of the biggest crime syndicate of all time by a factor of 1000. Not one email, text, letter, carrier pigeon message coordinating this convoluted, international scheme created by someone long dead and a group they say are dumb and incompetent. You people should all be committed for your own safety. You are clinically insane.

McConnell voted not guilty, and told other republicans to use the debunked and legally wrong claim that the trial was unconstitutional (a legal argument with no basis in fact, history, precedent, or which was legally decided before the "trial" started when the full Senate declared it constitutional, and no court has ever ruled otherwise) kinda proves this new stupid and bat shit crazy desperate claim is utter bullshit....and only believed by hyper partisan idiots that don't care if they believe lies as long as those lies help their Messiah.

You are such a stupid brain dead tool for Trump. How does that mushroom tip taste? Better get a syphilis test. It rots your it's probably too late for you.

I don't think you could come up with a stupider more ridiculous self contradictory lie if you hired Mensa to create one. Jesus fucking Christ, this is some hard core dumb insanity Bobby. You MUST be joking trying to sell that stupidity.

This crap is why people think you, and most Trumptards, are all ignorant morons that can barely spell their own names. Even people with below average intelligence are insulted by the implication that they might be convinced of this kind of idiocy. I'm flabbergasted you aren't embarrassed to try it.

...and I'm not your son, guy.

bobknight33 said:

Dreaming my son.

what about this..
Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.

It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh, and BTW, you did say that, liar.

Bobknight33 said: Looks like you are searching via google who have washed all evidence.

“Washed all evidence “ doesn’t mean “I can’t find it on page one of a poorly worded search query.”, it means they washed all evidence, erased it so there’s no trace.

Funny, when I searched for it I found pages upon pages of information, including the original debunked and retracted claims, multiple articles describing what they claimed and what “evidence” they produced to back up those claims, and what that evidence actually showed. What you can’t find are the original claims without that debunking factual information because the liars who posted them retracted the posts when their “proof” came to light....proof like known and identified Trumptards taking pictures with capitol police somehow proving ANTIFA coordinated and led the treasonous and terroristic attack against the USA, all evidence to the contrary be damned.

What is it about dishonest stupidity that attracts you so much? 99% of the nonsense you spout can be debunked with a single three word search, 95% doesn’t even need that, just a brain to consider what’s being this one where you claim ANTIFA agents, not Trump, not the trumptards that posted in December on their blogs and Reddit boards their plans to take over Congress by force, kill representatives, and stop the government from changing hands, instigated the attack on democracy by convincing thousands of otherwise peaceful law abiding Trumpists (that just happened to be well armed with everything from pepper spray to bombs and molotovs on Federal property, but obviously planned on being peaceful and law abiding) to follow their most hated enemies, ANTIFA, who are telling them to hold a coup for THEIR most hated enemy, Trump, and install him as king.

Can you even follow along enough to see how bat shit insane that accusation is?

bobknight33 said:

I didn't say that.

The can bury down to the 10 or so page.
IF you not on first few you basically dont exits.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. You’re such a lunatic paranoid snowflake you think google can erase all traces of the proof that ANTIFA committed the insurrection and tried to force a coup for Trump (what insanity) not only from google, but yahoo, bing, the DOJ, DHS, FBI, YouTube, etc. everywhere but parlor, where oddly enough you still can’t find it
You can’t find it anywhere because it’s another Republican lie, not because it’s been purged from the internet. Duh.


bobknight33 said:

Yea but they can filter the results so they don't' show up on first few pages or even send to the last page of results, basically erasing them.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That's what you have to tell yourself to get through the day....but there was absolutely no evidence produced of that.

If the election was stolen, then Democrats also control the Senate because those republican senators didn't actually win their elections. Can't have it both ways....and you can't explain how or why only the presidential portion was effected by fraud but not the rest of the ballot. If it was stolen, it would have been across the board. So asinine, little Bobby. You're grasping at straws.

If democrats stole it, they have suddenly become the ultimate Ocean's 80 million, pulling off the most intricate heist without leaving a trace. If they are that competent, they should definitely be running the country....but thinking they are that competent means ignoring their entire history.

My election was stolen in 2016 when the "winner" had over 3 million fewer votes than the "loser". When the person with the most votes loses, that's a stolen election, not when the person with millions more votes wins. Duh. This isn't Russia.

Now get out there, destroy the GOP and boycott Georgia like Trump ordered.

bobknight33 said:

Stolen election.
Someday they will steal yours.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Still the best you've got is one poorly spoken statement you can intentionally misinterpret? So kindergarten Bob. Try using the same criteria on any Trump speech ever, you'll be horrified.

We had a fair election despite all the republican efforts to block and hide and deny votes. Trump lost. Bigly. Get over it and grow up.

There is zero evidence of any improprieties. None. Nada. Zip. Trump and Giuliani can lie on tv all they want, dishonest people can make all the accusations on the hotline they want. OAN can claim Trump got >400 electoral votes all they want. No one is willing to lie in court yet, they all recanted when placed under threat of perjury. The cases they submitted are based on supposition, suspicion, and idiocy (like using one states results compared with another states population to show fraud). There's zero evidence of fraud, and zero chance the courts will reverse the outcome. Get over it and stop the tantrums, threats, and terroristic behavior. It's 100% unpatriotic.

Edit:your little veritasesque video is more of the same bullshit. Liars who won't tell these same lies under oath....but you're happy to believe them if they support Trump no matter what nonsense they suggesting we just have another election because they lost this one...or because the trump crowd wasn't all allowed inside.

Trump has today to refile a real case in Pennsylvania, the state has one day to the same republican judge that unceremoniously tossed their last case with prejudice as a bag of jenkum the lawyers involved must be huffing. The interesting part is they are so incompetent that they didn't even request a stay of the order allowing Pennsylvania to certify today. Good luck with that.

Riddle me this....if Democrats are so capable that as the minority they can create a multinational conspiracy with tens of millions involved to commit the greatest crime in American history, leaving no trace, not a scintilla of actual evidence of this enormous world wide criminal conspiracy beyond untrustworthy people's accusations, don't you think they should be in charge? Don't you think their leadership would have to benefit America more than Republicans who can't make an agreement with foreign powers because no one trusts us to keep our obligations now? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, democrats are all baby drinking lizard people who have gone through this astonishing effort flawlessly because they hate America and only want to sell it out (contrary to the pedophile filled party that actually tried to sell Puerto Rico). 🤦‍♂️

Stop being a crybaby loser and grow up. Your tantrum is going to cost lives thanks to a delayed vaccine rollout and international crises we are creating by pulling out of the middle east and provoking war with Iran.
Trump lost by a massive landslide and you want him to ignore the clear will of the people and stage a coup. Remember that in 4 years when President Harris refuses to leave office because of how racist Trumpsters treated her, and claims she gets a preemptive do over of her next term because of expected obstruction and begins openly declaring she's going for four terms or more. I'm going to rub your nose in it so hard you're going to intentionally get covid to get rid of the smell.

Michigan just certified. D'oh!

Edit: the trump administration has just started the transition officially. Pretty much game over.

Harris 2021-2036 or longer! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

Game not over.
Just warming up.

You do want a fair election, correct?


newtboy says...

His personal lack of planning, lack of concern, and total ineptitude caused it. Because he isn't a leader, he shirks responsibility, but the responsibility is his, personally.

And he did it again, 17 more of you chumps were hospitalized for heat stroke/exhaustion after another super spreader rally yesterday. When fire trucks and paramedics showed up to help the people collapsed on the ground, Trump actually suggested they might be the enemy attacking his crowd, saying "lets find out if they're friend or foe, and if they're foe let's take care of this", telling the crowd to attack the first responders who were trying to save their lives if they suspect they might be non cultists... he's so incredibly clueless and irresponsible, and he doesn't care if you die as long as you vote for him first.

How many have had to be hospitalized after Biden rallies? ZERO.

At this point, it's a certainty that his Petri dish events have killed at least hundreds by infecting thousands, in every state he visits there's a corresponding massive spike in cases and deaths a week or so later, contact traced back to his rallies every time. This is forcing new lockdowns and has already overrun the medical system in many areas.

Side note, he's socialistically dumping the problems on the first responders in the areas too, having made no plans or contingencies for these foreseeable fiascos, costing the local towns tens of thousands to millions in unrecoverable tax dollars to clean up his messes, and he still hasn't even paid for his rallies from 2016 in most cases, costing dozens of cities millions each for events he put on with the agreement to pay for them, agreements he consistently welches on.

As for his idiotic herd immunity plan guaranteed to kill at least 8 million Americans and likely to kill more like 50-75 million thanks to a total overrun of the medical system causing a lack of treatment for most, virologists have determined the immunity it might give the population wouldn't last one year before the virus mutates enough to reinfect everyone, starting the pandemic cycle over.

But you fell for the idea because you a low IQ tool.

And this is you guy you voting for?


bobknight33 said:

Like Trump personally left them there.

BS news and you fell for it because you a low IQ tool.

And this is you guy you voting for ?

Joe Biden walks to the podium in Warm Springs, GA.

newtboy says...

By getting more votes.

He can accomplish this by not holding super spreader events daily.

Contact tracing has proven that Trump's cult meetings are all turning out to be super spreader events that are partially responsible for the second (being called a third) wave of infections, now at the highest level ever and rising while the Whitehouse completely gave up fighting it just in time for flu season.
Every cult meeting makes the lockdown longer and the economic and human damage greater.

Sane people understand.

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his 50 supporters.
VS Trump and his 15K supporters.

How on earth will Biden win legitimately?

Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

newtboy says...

Every trump chump rally has been a super spreader event.

According to public health officials in five different cities in three different States, Donald Trump's rallies have in fact been super spreader events for COVID-19 and the health officials looked at the hospitalization rates in their areas, the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19, the number of new COVID-19 cases and through contact tracing, were able to determine that these were people who attended Trump's rally or have been in close contact with people who attended Trump's rallies.
These were two in Pennsylvania, two in Minnesota, and one in Wisconsin. These took place several weeks ago, kind of before the really big rally blitz that he has been on the past 10 days.

He may singlehandedly be responsible for the second wave that's starting, Friday was the worst day for infections and hospitalization, Saturday was the second worst. You morons are killing yourselves off for Trump, and those that can get into a hospital and survive the ICU have an average $80000 bill, not including those that require lifelong care from brain damage or lung failures.

I hope Biden makes owning a maga hat the one pre existing condition that invalidates covid coverage, and insurance companies deny you all.

bobknight33 said:

Trump in Gastonia NC with 15,000 supporters tonight and the great Obama pulls 1200 today in Philadelphia.

No one is buying what Democrats are selling, Lies!

MEGA landslid 2020

A mask is an IQ test

mram says...

The benefits are mostly in reverse. You wear a mask because it better protects others from you - you should always assume you're infected, if you're truly being safe.

If you can get a medical-grade mask, then it can have additional benefits, but that's not really the point here. Everyone can and should wear a mask, and then everyone has an improved chance of preventing the spread.

It's not a psychological thing. Every time I go to the store and see someone without a mask, they are a greater risk to me and my health. I don't know if they are infected, and quite possibly, neither do they. That's the problem with this disease, the incubation and spread can be done entirely without awareness of infection. Blind assumptions are absolutely awful.

You can catch this disease today, and spread it without knowing you're infected, completely without symptoms. That's why we quarantine, contact trace, and above all, always assume you're infected and therefore wear a mask to protect others.

Now as for whether a simple bandana mask is worth it or not, hell -- we can talk, but I'm going to push everyone to do something rather than nothing. If I could get a medical grade protections I'd do it, but the point is when you have to have a worldwide effort, if this helps 20-50% more than nothing, I'll take it. Everyone should. To the point of this video -- there's no reason not to, the science has spoken loud and clear on these points.

vil said:

I was extremely suspicious about the effectiveness of simple masks and still am. They do stop you from sneezing on other people, obviously.

The biggest effect seems to be psychological - once the majority of people agree to wear masks that means they have taken control of the situation and are willing to do something about it, be responsible.

Run The Jewels | Close Your Eyes (And Count To F**k)

eric3579 says...

Lyrics in case you want to sing along

Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, run them, fuck the slow mo

Fashion slave, you protestin' to get in a fuckin' look book
Everything I scribble's like The Anarchist Cookbook
(Look good, posing in a centerfold of Crook Book)
Black on black on black with a ski mask, that is my crook look
How you like my stylin', bruh? Ain't nobody stylin', bruh
'Bout to turn this mothafucka up like Riker's Island, bruh
Where my thuggers and my cripples and my blooders and my brothers?
When you niggas gon' unite and kill the police, mothafuckas?
Or take over a jail, give those COs hell
The burnin' of the sulfur, God damn I love the smell
Blankets and pillow torchin', where the fuck the warden?
And when you find him, we don't kill him, we just waterboard him
We killin' 'em for freedom cause they tortured us for boredom
And even if some good ones die, fuck it, the Lord'll sort 'em

We out of order, your honor, you're out of order
This whole court is unimportant, you fuckers are walkin' corpses
I'm a flip wig synonym, livin' within distortion
I'll bite into a cyanide molar before you whores win
I'm a New Yorkian, I fuck for the jump
I wear my Yankee so tilted I actually walk with a hunch
Look at Mikey, I think he likey, we are sinister sons
(Aye, we the type to beat the preacher with a grin and a gun)

Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them
Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them

A wise man once said, ("We all dead, fuck it")
Just spit it disgusting youngin', and hold your nuts while you're gunnin'
I listened, tatted a sentence on my dick last summer
Now I'll never get that phrase off my brain, it's no wonder
I'm here to buy hearts, I got hundreds, honey
The cheaper the parts, the better buy for the money
I'm trained in vagina whisperin', glistenin'
Waitin' for their christenin', I know the neighbors can't help but listen in
A dirty boy who come down on a side of dissonance
I can't even relax without sirens off in the distances
Not shittin' you, little buddy, this fuckin' island's a prison
The only solace I have is the act of conjugal visitin'

My solitary condition's preventin' conjugal visits
Go mane and missin' my misses, they keepin' me from my children
Conditions create a villain, the villain is givin' vision
The vision becomes a vow to seek vengeance on all the vicious
Liars and politicians, profiteers of the prisons
The forehead engravers, enslavers of men and women
Includin' members of clergy that rule on you through religion
(So strippin' kids to the nude and then tell 'em God'll forgive 'em)

Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them
Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them

It's De La on the cut, liftin' 6 on your stitchy crew
I'm miles ahead of you, you can sip my bitches brew
My battle status is burnin' mansions from Dallas to Malibu
Check my résumé, your residence is residue
Call her a skin job and my honey dip'll backflip for you
You playin', God your eye sockets, she gon' rip in two
We sick of bleedin' out a trace, spray a victim, you
Done dyin', Phillip AK Dickin' you
With clips in the bottom, we dippin' from Gotham
Yes eclipsed by the shadows, a dark dance to the coffin
I'm a fellow with melanin, suspect of a felony
Ripped like Rakim Allah, feds is checkin' my melody
Yes aggressively tested we'll bump stretchers and penalties
Dump cases with face and the cop pleas when we seizing a pump
With reason to dump on you global grand dragons
Still pilin' fast, plus Afghani toe taggin'
Now they trackin' me and we bustin' back, see
The only thing that close quicker than our caskets be the factories

Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them
Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them

China bankrolling Biden Center at UPenn

Drachen_Jager says...

Your guy and his cronies literally quote Nazi propaganda, openly support Nazis, openly support and laud dictators while denigrating democracies and democratic process both within the US and in other countries. At the same time a concerted effort has been in effect the past years to stack the courts and public service so heavily with blindly subservient ideologues to the point where laws and the constitution often have no bearing on judicial decisions any more if they impact the president or his allies.

In short, Trump has been engaging in one of the most transparently dictatorial power grabs of the twentieth and twenty-first century.

And you're worried about a report from a news agency known for inaccurate and biased reporting that maybe his opponent might have been involved in something shady (but without any actual evidence to back up their claims)? I mean it's not like Biden personally sees that money. China gives a shitload of money to US universities in general. If you want to connect the dots there, go look at Harvard, they receive a billion dollars a year from China, and yet you'd rather trace a few million because they happened to go to a school with Biden's name on it. Great detective work, Mr. Magoo!

If Trump came out in public tomorrow with a toothbrush mustache and a Nazi armband you'd still support him, wouldn't you?

If it walks like a Nazi, quacks like a Nazi, and supports Nazis, it is a Nazi.

I hope you can fill in the blanks, @bobknight33

I hope it's just that you just don't realize what you've become and you still somehow believe you're doing "the right thing", but honestly your lack of any semblance of integrity strains that perception. The alternatives, that you're intelligent and fully aware of what you're doing, or you're a propagandist for a foreign power who is merely acting in support of his own nation's goals are the less kind (but sadly more likely) interpretations.

PS5 Demo

Trump Walks Away After Being Challenged on Virus Testing

newtboy says...

Sure, because Obama never once took a question from any reporters or from right wing media...remember them, those non reporters who would repeatedly ask about his birth certificate being fake, or Benghazzi because then every single American life lost from a lack of foresight was reason for removal and prison unlike now when 80000 dead at Trump's tiny feet is a win in their eyes and not the president's responsibility at all, or lies about the ACA they knew were lies (death panels), etc.

Trump should know exactly how to deal with Incessant bashing , second guessing of every move, decision over last 3 years... even outright lies designed to make his presidency illegitimate, that's exactly what Trump was doing 3 years into Obama's administration. If you can't take it, don't dish it out snowflakes.

Trump failed at leadership at every turn here, from ignoring the danger for months until public outcry finally got some minimal actions, clearly too late and weak actions like halting only some Chinese from the quarantine zone but letting 40000 people from the area in without testing or tracing or quarantine. From continuing to facilitate shipping American PPE to China and elsewhere through March and maybe later, long after there were massive shortages here, to ignoring American manufacturers who in early February were offering to ramp up production and charge regular price, not a 1000% markup like Trump's federal distributors do, from absolute denial of the problem to debunked conspiracy theories that barely mask the underlying racism featured in this latest attempt to shirk any responsibility for his administration's failures that cost 80000+ American lives...the buck never once stops with Trump in his mind, the direct opposite of being presidential. *facepalm

If nothing is your responsibility or fault, you're far too impotent to fix anything. That's Trump.

Trump is a racist coward who can't answer even softball questions from Fox sycophants without looking stupid and naive. If you don't have the backbone or intelligence to answer basic factual questions with calm civility, you don't belong in ANY public office, much less the highest one.

bobknight33 said:

Why does Trump even bother with media. Incessant bashing , second guessing of every move, decision over last 3 years. Watch the full clip. Trump is right to walk away.

Dog Loves Jumping In Leaves

Very Fine People On Both Sides, Lee Was The Best General

newtboy jokingly says...

No surprise you don't know the word, it's 3 syllables over your limit.

...and no, but I can trace it all the way back to God through a German king who, like most, claimed divine lineage.

bobknight33 said:

genealogist?? So you can trace you path back to the ape?

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