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What Would You Do if You Were This Guy?

bareboards2 says...

Pretty big essay in defense of that pop in the mouth, when I haven't seen a single person say he was at fault for it. At least, that I remember.

The only reason I piped up was because I thought there was a chance he was sexually harassing her, which nobody had mentioned.

And a calm and clear voice say -- "This guy. This guy here touched me without permission" -- Gosh. If every woman did that, not with anger but with truth... well, these guys count on women staying silent.

We are talking about two different things, yeah?

What Would You Do if You Were This Guy?

bareboards2 says...

I am confused about what happened. He "touched her shit"? What, her stuff? Yeah, he should walk away.

But did he touch her "shit" -- as in, sexually fondled her without her permission? That was the only thing I could think of that would make someone so angry. And would explain why he didn't skulk away guiltily -- he would be admitting guilt.

Still, getting mad doesn't work. The best thing to do in that situation is to calmly address the entire car and say, "Excuse me, I want everyone to know that this man right here touched me without my permission. This guy. Touched my body without my permission. Take a goooooood long look at this guy."

Or she is just crazy and went off on him for touching her bag. (But why did he stay? I don't understand....)

I can't tell. I just know that if he did something wrong, then she was in the wrong for escalating a bad situation. And if he didn't do anything wrong, then he was a fool for staying there. Hitting her was out of line.

What Would You Do if You Were This Guy?

newtboy says...

Back up slowly while maintaining eye contact...just like with any other angry animal. ;-)
Once she aggressively touches me...Oh IT'S ON! Crazy is no excuse for angrily touching someone. I'm broken, but I took karate for years and have a high pain tolerance, so I'll do my utmost to defend myself.
In case this is what's you're looking is of no consequence to me. Women can injure men, they don't get any free pass to try. The first person to touch is the aggressor and deserves what they get in defense, almost always.

Mordhaus said:

What if she followed?

After Hours: Why Sauron is Secretly the Good Guy in LOTR

Mordhaus says...

The ring doesn't grant powers, it boosts the powers of those who wield it...if they already have innate powers.

If they do not have innate powers, basically mortals, then they simply are pulled into the half-spirit realm so that they can be found easier by Sauron and his henchmen (that have power).

The only creature, in the books, with innate powers that put the ring on is Tom Bombadil. He does not seem to be affected by the ring in any way. IF any of the non-mortal characters were to wield it, they would control the Nazgul and would meld a portion of Sauron's power to their own.

Now, in the borders of Mordor, the ring's powers were boosted immensely. When Sam encountered an orc in the Tower of Cirith Ungol while holding the Ring, he appeared to the orc as a powerful warrior cloaked in shadow "[holding] some nameless menace of power and doom." The orc was so terrified that it fled. Similarly at Mount Doom, when Frodo and Sam were attacked by Gollum, Frodo grabbed the Ring and appeared as "a figure robed in white... [that] held a wheel of fire." Frodo told Gollum "in a commanding voice" that "If you touch me ever again, you shall be cast yourself into the Fire of Doom," a statement fulfilled when Gollum fell into Mount Doom with the Ring.

B Dolan-which side are you on?

enoch says...

my comment was pointed directly at the government,corporations do not create laws.

since you acknowledge the perversion of the rule of law i can only assume you are referring to an idealized memory of said rule,which no longer exists in reality.

so when i read your answer to the question "which side are you on"? it comes across as "the idealized version from beginning of our country".
which,according to your own commentary is pure has been perverted.

i actually agree with the tenor and flavor of your comment,i just dont understand choosing a fantasy side when this video draws a pretty clear line in the sand.

this video really touches me for that very reason.incredibly powerful,yet simple message.i love how dolan uses depression era union organizing folk music to accompany his ridicule and disdain for the fake and ineffectual person who thinks wearing a t-shirt or colored ribbon is somehow helping the plight of the common man.that it is time to choose sides.

my jesus reference was not intended to shock or offend,but rather point out a hypocrisy i am encountering daily,and with increasing frequency.jesus walked with the oppressed,the disenfranchised and the abandoned.his ministries were directed at these pockets of humanity.he was an insurrectionist,a radical and a dissident.he was always on the side of the powerless.

so how i look at it,to choose the "other" side is to choose an ever-increasing authoritarian powered elite that is systematically stripping you of the very ideals you propose to support.the very power structure that robs and steals your grandkids future,commodifies human beings and criminalizes the poor.

or a more apt analogy:you have chosen the plantation owner and the slave master.

which is why my reaction is a visceral one.

my faith has always dictated my politics,and i cannot,in good conscious,choose a side that seeks to crush my fellow man for its own continued:greed,luxury,social status,political influence and social relevance.

the price they demand is too high.
it is time to choose sides.

as for being vulgar piece of trash..yeah..i dont see it.
maybe the music is not your thing or the video production value is low,but "vulgar piece of trash"?

sorry man..just dont see how this music video can be placed in that category.

bobknight33 said:

You point the finger at wall street when you government is at fault.
The rule of law have been perverted year over year since the beginning and been sliding ever so fast the last 100 years.

Vote for Joe lunch bucket next time time around, Forget Hillery and any of the mainstream Republicans. That are all puppets.

But the people are more concerned for their single issue than the betterment of America. Corporations are no different but they have the $ to hedge their best by playing both sides.

And yes the video is still a vulgar pile of trash.

Glen Campbell - I'm Not Gonna Miss You

nanrod says...

Alzheimer's is really an insidious thief in the night. It can steal a loved one away almost before you know there is anything wrong. A couple of Christmas's ago my mother came up to me and said "You really remind me of one of my sons." I knew she was becoming very forgetful but this blew me away. She's in a care facility now and on a good day recognizes me as one of those nice young people who visit her. My father passed away on July 29 and I think the realization that she no longer knew who he was in some way allowed him to just let go. This video touched me in ways I didn't think I was capable of. and brought out emotions I thought I had successfully suppressed.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Lilithia (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Make a scene, my friend.

Doesn't have to be anything dramatic. Just say it.

"This man is rubbing his pelvis on me. I do not know him. Everyone. Please look at this man who is touching me without permission."

Don't have to scream. Don't have to be frightened.

Just say the descriptive words.

Let's stop this crap.

I'm sorry that happened to you. That sucks.

Lilithia said:

This video reminds me of a situation I was in about a year ago. I was sitting in a bus and all the seats were taken, but there was plenty of room to stand comfortably without having to press against each other. A guy got on the bus, came to my seat and stood unreasonably close to me, pushed himself against my left side and started rubbing his pelvis against me. I didn't know how to respond and although I was very uncomfortable, I just endured it, because I knew that the bus stop was only a few minutes away and I would soon be able to get off the bus. There were many people around me, who probably didn't pay any attention to it. Afterwards, I tried to think of other reasons for him standing so close to me, thought that it might have been unintentional and that I might have read too much into it. I tried to forget about it and moved on. Come to think of it, I can't find a reason for him rubbing against me, since the center of the bus was almost empty.
Until now, I didn't realize that these things seem to happen to women on a regular basis. I don't know if I would be able to speak up if something similar happened to me again. I would be afraid of making an unnecessary scene, thinking that it may actually be unintentional and that I am reading too much into it, in which case I would sound like a lunatic. I know that this thought is irrational, but this is what I would think in that situation.

Speaking Out On Street Harassment

newtboy says...

I'm confused why it seems you think it's an either or situation. You turn around, knee him in the balls, hard, then as he crumples to the ground you repeat, loudly, 'THIS GUY RIGHT HERE IS AGRESSIVELY SEXUALLY TOUCHING ME, INTENTIONALLY, INAPROPRIATELY, WITHOUT MY CONSCENT.'
Take them down physically AND emotionally, it's what they were doing to you, no? Turnabout's fair play.

bareboards2 said:

That is just the point.

I had the physical skills to take this guy down.

It is the silence that is the problem for women.

I heard another story in that self defense class, which I think will illustrate what I mean even better.

A young woman at college was on a date. She went back to the young man's dorm room. He trapped her there for three days, continually raping her. She could hear people walking down the hall, she could hear people next door, and she never called out. She said later -- she didn't want to make a scene.

Women need to make a scene. We need to teach our girls to make a scene, and they will grow up to be women who make scenes. With clear, true voices.

It is the verbal equivalent of "the pen is mightier than the sword." Kneeing some guy in the balls, in the long run, is not nearly as effective as teaching our girls and women to speak up.

Speaking Out On Street Harassment

bareboards2 says...

That assault on the subway -- that happened to me at 11 am on a Sunday in NYC. Beautiful sunny day. Outside. I stopped to watch a street vendor with a crowd, and someone was jostling me from behind, I thought to see better.

I realized he was jostling me rhythmically and panting.

I had just finished a self defense class, so I thought I was prepared to deal with it. I turned.... and looked down. This tiny guy was standing behind me, with a tent in his pants. I was 6 inches taller than him, and outweighed him by probably 50 pounds. He just looked up at me and... shrugged. Shrugged and smiled.

I had the physical skills to decimate him, but we were taught in class to use the skills to protect ourselves, not to attack.

I wasn't in danger. So I turned on my heel and walked away. Joined my friend, laughing. I'm a tourist in NYC for six hours, and I get sexually "assaulted." How funny!

It wasn't funny 15 minutes later. I started crying, just like this woman. I spent the day with my back against the wall where ever I went. I couldn't stand to have someone behind me. I kept feeling him on my ass. All day long.

I finally asked my friend to replace the "muscle memory." So she put her hand on my butt where he had assaulted me, and said soothing words.

That worked.

For six months. Until I was standing in line for a movie back home, and the man behind me had a cold. I could hear him breathing and I internally flipped out. I kept moving so he wouldn;t be behind me, but he wanted to stay in line, and kept getting behind me.

I went into the theater, took a seat, and sobbed.

Over something that didn't physically threaten me.

I had guilt over how I handled it. I had just taken that self defense course, and I had heard a story that amused the hell out of me.

A woman was on a bus, rush hour, pressed into the crowd, when a guy started groping her.

Know what she did?

She said LOUDLY so EVERYONE COULD HEAR -- I want you all to know that THIS MAN, THIS MAN RIGHT HERE, is touching me. I did not GIVE HIM PERMISSION TO TOUCH ME.

He slunk away. He left her alone.

I wish that this video offered solutions.

It was frustrating to know that the blonde woman was in a car full of people, and she didn't have a voice. She wasn't taught to speak up and make a scene.

And it is months later, and because she didn't speak, she still carries that.

And it is months later, and she didn't offer a solution based on her experience. She is still caught.

I'll tell you one thing -- that happens to me again?

I'M SPEAKING UP. Calmly. Loudly. Assertively. With conviction.


If all women did that, this crap would stop.

They count on us staying silent.

Tell this to the women you love. Tell them to speak up if they feel safe -- and a crowded bus, a crowded subway car? You are surrounded by people. Nothing is going to happen to you.

They operate in the dark. They operate in silence. They count on your embarrassment.

Turn it on them, embarrass the bloody hell out of them and this crap will end.

Drunk dude testing bouncer

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Yogi says...

What's disturbing to me is the body language. That girl does NOT want to be here, she's saying one thing and her body is saying completely the opposite of "Don't Touch Me."

BoneRemake said:


thats what I thought. I mean.. I can spot a porn pre-interview when I need to.

In this quantum world, what does it mean to touch something?

DJ Frankie Wilde -- Need to feel loved

BoneRemake says...

Come and catch a fire baby, don't let me fade away, don't let me fade away

Come and catch a feeling, it's a electrifying me
With eyes wide open, I'm dreaming
Breathe for me baby, a wake before I'm down
Come and free me baby, a wake before I'm down,
a wake before I'm down

Come and touch me baby
I need to be loved
Come and hold me baby
I need to feel loved, I need to feel loved
Come and catch a fire, don't let me fade away
Come and catch a fire baby, don't let me fade away
Come and catch a feeling, it's a electrifying me
Eyes wide open, I'm dreaming
Pray for me baby, awake before I'm down
Pray for me baby, awake before I'm down
Come and touch me baby
I need to belong
Come and hold me baby
I need to feel loved
I'm in love, in love, in love
I'm in love, in love, in love
I'm in love
I'm in love

I'm in love, in love, in love
I'm in love, in love, in love
I'm in love
I'm in love

Come and touch me baby
I need to be loved
Come and hold me baby
I need to feel loved
I need to feel loved
I need to feel loved
I need to feel loved
I need to feel loved

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