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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Unemployment low.
Gdp high.
Inflation falling.
Markets rising.
Sounds good to me.

The biggest problem is the looming default on our debt that will cause at a minimum a recession, likely worse, because republicans are using their tiny bit of power to blackmail the country, and the banking issues caused by Republicans deregulating certain banks in 2018, guaranteeing a repeat of 2008.

I’m sure you disagree.

You said Trump’s indictment would make him more powerful and popular than ever last month. Where do you stand today?

You refused to address the Republicans in support of forcing child marriage on 12 year olds. Where do you stand today?

You refuse to talk about Ashley Babbitt who was either a terrorist insurrectionist rightly killed or was murdered by police for nothing which you say never happens. Where do you stand today?

Or are you still only capable of asking questions you don’t read the answers to but Incapable of answering most questions.

bobknight33 said:


You said before the other month Biden economy is doing well.

Where do you stand today?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No, bob. It’s not. Trump threatened America with death and destruction from his cult, a terroristic threat he’s followed through on before.
That is absolutely nothing like exaggerating a bit that the economy is slightly better than it actually is.
One is a terrorist threat, the other “puffery”.
Besides, you said you love Trump because he’s not a politician, right? Why does he only speak political BS speak then? Trump is every bad example of a politician rolled into one without any experience or qualifications of one.

That’s fake, and you know it’s fake or it would have existed and been brought out in 2018 (oh, they tried and it fell flat), and would have been his answer every year since (would have if it wasn’t so obviously coerced). By 2018 she had publicly admitted the encounter, and never denied it after that date. I bet you got that from Trump….yep, direct from Trump who even forges documents on camera sometimes. Only a clueless moron would believe something like that….from 2018! You’ve got to be kidding. So gullible. So idiotic. This is the stupidity your cult accepts as “evidence”. She was suing Trump over the near rape and confidentiality agreement in 2018…and you really think SHE wrote this DEFENSE OF TRUMP?!? Even if you convinced yourself of the idiotic, obviously false notion that she wrote it, do you really think he sat on it for 5 years?

Ahh yes, looked it up, old news. She was pressured by Trumps lawyer Cohen to sign this statement he wrote under threat he would “make her life miserable” with the full power of the president behind him, pretty certain he’s admitted as much years ago. At the time she said “This is the statement Cohen wrote,” she tweeted, referring to Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney, whom Trump previously acknowledged reimbursing for making the 2016 payment to Daniels. The signature doesn’t look like hers because she signed under threat so changed her signature to indicate duress. “It is old news from early 2018 before I came forward. I think it’s HYSTERICAL that tiny is trying to spin this as some kind of new information,” she wrote, with “tiny” being a derogatory reference to Trump.
Also note the letter denies a payoff, which we know for a fact happened. Proven fake letter.
Also, not under oath….remember, if it’s not under oath, absolutely nothing you say matters. Your rule….live with it.
Why even bring it up? Because you’re scared, that’s why…and can’t remember what happened yesterday much less 2018, so try to use discredited “evidence”…just like Trump lawyers. They lose every case.

If he wants to prove he wasn’t naked with her, show us the toadstool. If it doesn’t match her description (but older and smaller) we’ll see that. Tiny dick Don would definitely do that if it wouldn’t prove her right.

BUT ITS ALSO PURE RED HERRING- I suppose you don’t understand the case against Trump isn’t about the sex, it’s about HIDING the payoff. There’s no questions there, he’s admitted it and there’s a paper trail of the money, so he’s feeding you red herrings because he has no defense and will almost certainly be convicted of felonies he’s previously admitted to….hiding the payoffs by falsifying business records and not reporting the campaign contributions. What Cohen was already convicted of despite this “letter”.

Kinda hilarious that you extrapolate from Biden touching a woman’s shoulder in public to claiming he’s a repeat public rapist but despite 36 women claiming they were sexually assaulted, some raped, and multiple payoffs for sex, and Trump himself bragging about constantly sexually assaulting women, moving on his friend’s wives like a bitch, doing whatever he wants to women without asking, you believe the nonsense that he’s not a cheater. Melania doesn’t.

Every day you prove what an idiotic gullible cultist you are, making up or spreading lies for Trump. Your family has gone, haven’t they. I can’t imagine a rational person living with you.

Edit: Trump is planning a rally at Waco on the anniversary of Koresh….because he doesn’t want to be associated with terroristic anti government violent cults.

bobknight33 said:

Its the same as Biden claiming that the economy is doing great firing on all cylinders. Political BS speak.

Did you see the signed letter from Stormy Danielsl from 2018..

he letter read:

“Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago,” Daniels said.

“The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence on 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened,” she said.

“I will have no further comment on this matter,” she said.

Yet another failed attempt form bought elected officials to stop an none bought elected official.

newtboy (Member Profile)

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Triggered much!?

No, I think it’s disgusting the way Republicans groom and indoctrinate kids with intolerance and intentional ignorance.

As noted above, you do not know what the word “indoctrination” means.

Republicans want to eradicate any diversity in thought or action that doesn’t fit their tiny narrow mindset. Republicans want a world where children are taught early on that only cisgender white men are capable of leadership or honest success, and all others are peons or untouchables. That’s indoctrination.
Removing or hiding any diversity to force one “proper” whitewashed syllabus on all students is indoctrination.
Teaching religion or religious morals and ethics is indoctrination.

Teaching diversity is the opposite of indoctrination.

If you want your children to have most knowledge kept from them, to be indoctrinated with ignorance and intolerance, go ahead and send them to school in Afghanistan where your ideas are accepted, and stop trying to turn America into another failed theocracy.

If your ethics and morals are threatened by diversity, they are weak or non existent.
If your world viewpoint is threatened by knowledge, it is ignorant and immature.

If you want to make a real dent in child molestation, close religious schools and pull all Republican teachers who are more than twice as likely to be abusers than the general population, and keep getting caught doing it WHILE whining incessantly about “groomers”.

One more, who is Mark Foley, bob. Why do you know that name? It’s because he was caught molesting 16 year old male congressional pages for YEARS, with many many witnesses and proof, proof the Republican led congress hid and destroyed to shield him from prosecution for child porn. He is still a big wig in your party, still courted by your leaders (much like Epstein), still accepting massive donations from this serial child molester, still wining and dining him and begging for his support. Why? Because so many of them are also child molesters, more caught every week.
Republicans LOVE child molesters and vote for them constantly, almost never voting them out “just because they touched some children” or just because they “covered up for others touching and penetrating multiple children in their care for years allowing the abuse to escalate to hundreds of young victims.” (Jordan).

Remember, it’s a fact that every accusation you make is an admission….we all see it. Your whining about “indoctrination” is, like every complaint, simply more of your own self loathing. There are better ways to deal with that you might have been taught if only your school had been allowed to teach you.

bobknight33 said:

Indoctrination of kids .. And you approve?

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

newtboy says...

Bob- “Derp….that news outlet isn’t in the Trump cult, so I can’t listen. FAKE NEWS!”

Now what?

You don’t burglarize a campaign headquarters for cash or food, all they have there of value is campaign materials, you only do it for political motivations. Even a sub 75 iq individual like yourself knows that.

Joe wiped the floor with tiny dick energy Insecure Don from that basement without breaking a sweat.
Lake told her crowd to go ask their little kids if Trump has big dick energy (they all said no)….party of debauchery, grooming your own children to be Trump’s next…he doesn’t have Epstien or Maxwell around to get more little girls for him, now he needs Lake.

Now, how about Ashley Babbitt….she sure did ask for it, didn’t she?

bobknight33 said:

"It’s possible, but highly unlikely, that Carrie Lake or her campaign is not involved…it’s not possible that it’s not politically motivated."

Such biased speculation. Oh wait this is a fake news outlet

Hobbs is a failed canidate ,, Like Joe she hides in the basement

Despotic Tyranny

newtboy says...


Propaganda? No sir, this is the definition of entrapment being used as a deterrent to voting against only Democrats, Republican counties exempted. Not one bit made up, like your red wave….another red tsunami coming to wipe out your dreams. How’d that work out last time? ROTFLMFAHS!! You sucker.
There’s a reason even Trump started calling fraud last week before voting started, he knows his candidates are major losers, the most insulting incapable mentally defective candidates ever put up for office. They lost you 100% of independents and nearly 25% of republicans, and are already driving democrats to the polls in record numbers for a midterm.

#walkaway is real this cycle….but it’s Republicans walking away by the thousands. I personally know many that, until 2016 voted Republican across the board every election no matter what. They will never vote Republican again after Trump. D’oh!

Edit: And let’s not forget this election happens in Roevember, and Republicans made the stupid decision to ignore the long held rights of the majority and legislate for the tiny minority. It’s going to cost you the under 35 vote, and the real “smaller government, more freedom” Republicans like my family who, had they not already left over Trump, would have left the party over abortion rights.

The party that fucked America is yours, buddy. Over 1/2 of inflation is due to corporate profits going up over 50% in the last 2 years. The other half is from Trump’s policy of printing money when he couldn’t get funding for his personal ego projects, and from spending trillions in 2020 while gdp went to negative 36%!

Statistically every prosecuted voter fraud case this decade has been against Trumpist cultists or Republican candidates, sucker. (DeSantis’s blatant, now determined by the courts to be entrapment notwithstanding). You guys fucked up election integrity, intentionally, because you cannot win fair free elections, and cannot accept your losses because you’re babies.

Tool of the party…..stop with the projection, dummy. No one has been as much of an unthinking dull tool as yourself. Proof? Ashley Babbitt, treasonous anti American that deserved to be shot dead….she destroys at least two of your idiotic party positions just by existing, that’s why you cower, hide like a frightened child from the question. You know your propaganda regurgitation painted you into a corner with your toxic spew.

This idiotic, desperate “democrats want communism” nonsense….you don’t even know what communism is, moron, and you can’t point to a single policy from democrats that supports this idiotic accusation….so I’ll ask…why are Republicans wanting communism? (Your baseless accusation against your enemies means you just admitted YOU want communism fast. Very reminiscent of Republicans calling investment in infrastructure “democracy destroying socialism” then rushing to Biden on their knees, mouths open wide, begging for some of that sweet sweet socialist jizz that’s just so delicious). Yes, I’m rubber, you’re glue, but only because you speak in projection from a place of intentional ignorance, and because it’s painfully obvious to those with brains that every accusation the right makes is an admission….like calling democrats “the party of debauchery” when Republicans get caught jerking it in public to kindergarten children while in their clear view.

Ashley Babbitt, I’m so glad that, by your cowardly silence, you admit your total hypocrisy and now say she deserved to be shot point blank along with every single MAGA terrorist “fucking with police” on Jan 6. and those leading them to it….all the MAGA traitors deserve a bullet in the head says Bob.

bobknight33 said:

This is the propaganda you need to stem the tide of a red wave in midterms? Wow such Bull shit.

The red wave is coming to wash away the Biden stain. You can't stop it. Biden and the party fucked up America too much.

Newtboy : The Tool of the party.. I truly feel you pain. Capitalist America not turning communist fast enough.

Bolsonaro: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Watch Brazil to see what might have happened here….and still may.

If Trump had a tiny bit of foresight, loyalty, or the ability to see another’s point of view and had actually been a friend of the military instead of using it as a disliked but necessary political prop his entire tenure, Jan 6 could have been different.

The far reich is on the rise worldwide.

"IT'S CALLED SHUT THE F*CK UP": Officer Has Had Enough

newtboy says...

Aggressive, abusive, power tripping, insulting, unprofessional, thin skinned thug with a gun and authority. Huge dick with a tiny prick.
What an out of control fuck wad, throw him off the bridge.

Bob’s kind of cop….unless he stops a Trumpist then defund him and harass his family.

I believe anyone that could, under any circumstances, act this way over a slight should absolutely never have been in authority. He shouldn’t be a mall cop with no power, much less a real cop with a gun. He should not wait until retirement and neither should his superiors, he needs to be fired today before he costs taxpayers tens of millions for losing his shit again.

This shows the kind of Assholes YOU are you thug and you wonder why people hate fucking pigs. This is exactly why people don’t respect police and call them lawless criminal thugs.
The police accounts supporting and applauding this in YT comments is almost as disturbing as the act itself. It seems, like I assume Bob does, they approve of policing based on contempt of cop and would clearly cover for it if needed.

It should be noted that this is such poor policing that any charges he levies will likely be tossed. He admitted he pulled him over for flipping off the cop, which has been determined by courts is a violation of the citizen’s civil rights. Anything else becomes fruit of the poisoned tree.
I only hope he gets fired for costing his department a few hundred thousand dollars for this armed tantrum. My wish is it would come out of police pension funds, not general funds.

Ken Casey of Dropkick Murphys on an epic rant against MAGA

newtboy says...

Nope…and if a tiny victory garden and not wasting gas is all it takes, anyone can do it.
I live in Cali, with high grocery and the highest gas, the closest real grocery store is about 15 miles (there’s a market close, but expensive) and we do just fine on under $40k. My wife works over 30 miles away, she burns near a tank a week, I burn about a tank every 2-3 months.
I can’t understand why others can’t do the same where gas and produce are cheaper. I grew peas, beans, and lettuce on my balcony in an apartment in the Bay Area. Most don’t have such only because no one told them they could, and how. Sad, I taught myself and didn’t find it difficult, only a few failures over 30+ years of growing. I had a few years here when I grew at least one veggie for every letter of the alphabet (I think I didn’t have a q).

Green privileged? I do live in Humboldt, so you could say that.

bobknight33 said:

So you aren't loosing your shirt at the pump or grocery store.

Lucky you.

You are a rich man with your garden. Most dont have such.

You must be Green privileged

Ken Casey of Dropkick Murphys on an epic rant against MAGA

newtboy says...

Last election cycle the RNC had to return more donations than any political party ever because they swindled their donors into making multiple, repeating donations that automatically doubled…swindling their own out of millions.
This election cycle that amount they’ve had to return quadrupled, because they continued to use underhanded swindling to get money…this time using Facebook adds to get contacts then texting old people telling them to text Trump to tell him they love him (and in tiny font tell them they make a repeating $25 donation by texting).

Only $28 million left out of $180 they had…and they used much of that money horrifically farming donations….spent $10 for every $1 back! ROTFLMFAHS!!! Some of that $28 million will have to be returned too.
Almost every donator that was swindled is another lost vote for Republicans, most people don’t like being swindled. Trusting Rick Scott with your money is second in stupidity only to trusting Trump with your money! 😂

Also, Republicans are scrambling to remove any references to abortion from their websites, knowing their anti choice positions will sink them. 😂

Guess there is no hope for Trump or the RNC….and happy day they both absolutely hate each other now.


Remember, Trump doesn’t like people like you, he absolutely HATES you. He would never allow you in his club if you’re worth under $25 million, he would certainly never stoop to speak to you or address your concerns. You aren’t his friend, you’re a fool ready to be separated from your money and nothing more to Trump.

bobknight33 said:

This guy drank all the Kool Aid Media is pouring. Guess there is hope for CNN/ MSNBC

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. What fantasy. Based on what? Nothing. Cite your source if you have the balls.

Biden doesn’t have billions, certainly not Hunter. None of them. Not all combined. Just utter nonsense. Again, cite your source if you aren’t a coward spouting lies you’re making up on the spot.
The $2 billion no show contract the Saudis bribed Jared with, that’s real, is public record, and is being investigated as major fraud/bribery.

Hunter, the guy you say is a crazed crack head, flawlessly launders billions of dollars through international banks for Joe, miraculously leaving absolutely no trace at all. The most perfect, untraceable, impossible crime in history.

Sounds a lot like the perfect, flawlessly performed election fraud you still believe where, with no evidence whatsoever left behind, Joe managed the biggest, most complicated, most convoluted, most scrutinized con ever in history from his basement that was so undeniably perfect that the right and hundreds of millions wasted on fake investigations can’t come up with a single tiny shred of evidence almost two years later.

If you really believe the Bidens are such absolutely perfect masterminds, why wouldn’t you want them in charge working for America?….

…’s because you don’t really believe any of it, you’re just throwing infantile tantrums and screaming insults as fast as your little brain can think them up, never considering the implications of your stupid accusations. You spout this ridiculous stupidity and say I’m blinded from reality!?! ROTFLMFAHS!!!, 😂

bobknight33 said:

Hunter just launders his family money for the "big guy"

Sad that you are blinded from reality.

Sen. Whitehouse Questions FBI on Kavanaugh Background

newtboy says...

Come on, people. I know it’s dry politics, but only 2 votes including my own!?

The FBI director admitting under oath that they did not investigate any accusations against Kavanaugh (and yet claimed publicly that they had for years while stonewalling congress), but instead of investigating tips like they claimed repeatedly they had done thoroughly, they in fact just forwarded them directly to the whitehouse and awaited instructions on who to talk to and exactly what to ask them should enrage every American. They are not supposed to just be a propaganda department for the whitehouse.

Another institution totally disgraced and now untrustworthy after being infiltrated by dishonest Trumpists willing to break every rule and law to gain power. Add them to the DOD, secret service, DOJ, etc. All untrustworthy now thanks to Trump’s deep state people.

Guaranteed the same went for unqualified Barrett and Gorsuch…no investigation or vetting at all and every accusation just forwarded to Trump and forgotten.

Not caring about this kind of thing is why the tiny minority of the far right controls so much of this country now. It’s why Republicans have held the presidency for 3/5 terms this millennium despite only getting the most votes once.

You need to care about the degradation and politicization of national institutions or this country is doomed.

newtboy (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Thanks - worst-case I will just fill it with phrases but provide no extra info (which shows up once you've finished the puzzle), like background info, explanation, link, image, video.

Those are the bits that take the longest. Each phrase can become like a tiny research project. And I don't even know if it's worthwhile. No clue if people read those let alone appreciate them. 😀

newtboy said:

I wondered how you automated choosing phrases….I guess you didn’t, that’s how! I suppose another thanks is in order then, one for creating it, another for keeping it going! Double thanks!
Yeah, I probably play 5 a week on average. The short ones get hard!

I hope you can figure out a way to automate it completely, or at least to the point where you just need to authorize it’s choices once a week. I would hate you to burn out and for it to die.

"A Fourth Car Absolutely Buggered!" - Deadly Mexican Street

newtboy says...
But I now see I misread, it was in a MexicAN city, ciudad Juarez,not Mexico City. In my defense, it came up googling “ mexico city record low temperature”, but I should have read more carefully.

Ice will be extremely rare, agreed, but not unheard of. I’d be more afraid of oil….even just a tiny bit of water makes me say “nope” and I extreme off-roaded and desert raced in the past.

Buttle said:

Wikipedia says the record low is 24F, which is admittedly below freezing. I am skeptical of the 9F figure, where did you see it?

"A Fourth Car Absolutely Buggered!" - Deadly Mexican Street

newtboy says...

Krikey….that’s got er, mate. Fair dinkum.

Scary, the street grooves look worn smooth, oily, and probably get icy in winter….and holy shit is it steep! I’m surprised the tiny bollards hold up to that abuse.

BSR said:

Perhaps this one? The narrator is a little annoying in this one.

Google Earth - Paso Florentino takes you right to the street.

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