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The History Guy: American Airlines Flight 96

Taking your Rolls Royce for a saltwater car wash

Arnold Schwarzenegger Reacts to President Trump and Putin

How the Catholic Church censored the Golden Age of Hollywood

shinyblurry says...

Aside from the racism, I would love to see something similar put into effect today. The reprehensible garbage that Hollywood churns out has corrupted generations. Entertainment does in fact impact the life and moral climate of a nation and it should be regulated. The tide of filth that has spewed forth since those times has done incalculable harm

Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell: Egoistic Altruism

newtboy says...

There are a few problems they skipped.
First, that bigger pie is still finite, but we act as if it's infinite, pretending that one person having billions doesn't adversely effect others, but that's simply not true.
Second, it overlooked the fact that those countries going through industrial revolution often do so by using other non industrial countries resources, making it impossible to industrialize everywhere....we would need at least one more planet to harvest.
Third, it never pointed out that the GDP increases caused by industrial revolutions were met with massive increases in population, which decreases the per capita net worth significantly. Doubling GDP while tripling population makes the average person have less, not more.

I'm disappointed they didn't mention the French revolution, caused largely by the wealth disparity they're discussing.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.

This video seems to be a long winded version of 'a rising tide lifts all boats'.

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New Rule: The Lesser of Two Evils

newtboy says...

It's like the doctors have given you second and third opinions and told you your liver is failing, you have to stop drinking or you'll die. You won't die the next time you have a beer, but every beer takes you farther over the edge. You can say the bartender who knows this is blameless for serving you, because others gave you the alcohol that destroyed your liver and it took longer than one night, or you can work from now and realize that he's intentionally killing you in hopes of a tip before you stumble outside and keel over.
Working from today, our planet's liver is failing, there no transplant, and Trump just reopened the bar and is serving everclear. Chances are he can't accelerate things so much that Florida submerges in the next 3 1/2 years, that doesn't mean he can't make things be far worse, beyond the point of possible mitigation.

You may hold that theory, but climatologists disagree. We are past, but still near the tipping point, and every ton of CO2 takes us farther from a survivable rise. It's ridiculous to think that we're already past holding at 3.5 degrees global rise (edit: the maximum assumed to be survivable by civilization), so we might as well make it 5 degrees.

Island nations, people who live South of New Orleans, and millions of others are already being displaced. It only takes one high tide (edit: or one extended drought) to wipe out low lying farmland permanently, and erosion has become an unstoppable force.

Trump is moving towards raising the level of multiple greenhouse gases we produce, Obama had us lowering those levels. Time can only tell what that actually means in tonnage, but 180 degree turnaround is awful enough. I agree, we also didn't do enough under Obama.

? Reversible means it can be reversed, not that it's easy. I don't know where you get that idea. Irreversible in this context means sending the temperature trend the other way before civilization becomes unsustainable. Eventually the planet should normalize unless we really follow Trump's lead wholeheartedly, then we might go full Venus. There WAS a magic bullet, being responsible with our atmosphere, but we argued over climate change until it was useless.

If, before it reverses (which it may not do at all, btw) the planet becomes inhospitable to humans, then for humans, it's irreversible. In 4 years we can do enough damage to 1) make the effects longer and harsher enough to make long term survivability impossible and or 2) go beyond the next tipping point where feedback loops reinforce each other, leading to a Venus like runaway greenhouse effect. We're damn close to massive methane releases (already happening) and if we don't avoid that, nothing will save civilization.
All that said, Clinton probably wouldn't do enough to avoid disaster either, but at least she accepted the science and agreed we should make efforts to mitigate the coming damages.

I'm definitely a pessimist, mostly because I understand the systems and human nature, and so I think we're totally hosed as a species.

MilkmanDan said:

I appreciate your argument, but I don't share your alarm.

Movie Scenes Filmed in Iceland

newtboy says...

If you want gorgeous unspoilt vistas and astounding natural formations, it's damn hard to beat Iceland.

They skipped a great one (and many others)...In Die Another Day, the car chase on ice is filmed on a lake created for the movie. It's a lagoon that has one outflow channel where sea water enters at high tide. That adds just enough salt to keep it from freezing over...unless you make an ice dam in the channel like they did for the movie. The lagoon froze over enough to film the car scenes in what not only looked like, but was an impossible location. Today you can take boat rides among the icebergs in that lagoon.

Governor of Washington Slams Trumps over Muslim Ban

newtboy says...

If that were the ONLY reason they joined those groups, maybe, but it's not.
keep in mind, the refugees are fleeing the jihadists, they are not the jihadists (although we can push them in that direction and create more). The ones attacking those countries are mostly fighters that snuck in with the masses, not refugees that got mad and attacked. That is a big problem with having no way to stem the tide of humanity into your country, and is the only logical argument I've heard for the wall.

Really, you expect people to be reasonable just because they're Muslim? Why do you think they're so much better than the rest of us?

Really, then why were they right wing before they were attacked? They are getting more right wing for multiple reasons including confusing the terrorist attackers with the refugees, but the right didn't spring into existence in response to refugees or terrorists.

transmorpher said:

If people joined extremists groups because they weren't helped by some countries, then shouldn't the extremists at least not attack the countries that are now helping them?

Again I know it happens, but I'm not agreeing it's the actions of a reasonable person, and all it does is make a stronger case to have some hard border policies. (not Trumps policies, but some very in-depth vetting process).

They governments are only becoming right-wing because populations are demanding a right-wing government, and populations are only becoming xenophobic because of the attacks. Otherwise it would never have gained any traction and it would have only remained the view of a few racists.

The Coast Guard saves an SUV Driver

newtboy says...

One of our local morons. That's about 15 miles from me.
It's going to cost him a pretty penny to have his truck removed from the ocean. No clue why he thought he might make it, the jetty itself was washing out.
Darwin award runner up.

Edit:the truck (a Nissan, not Toyota) was removed at low tide. Good job Buddies Towing.

The Absurdity of Detecting Gravitational Waves

Suicide Bombings and Islam: An Apologist's Guide

enoch says...

why is @newtboy a dumb fuck?

for pointing out that historically suicide bombers have not been exclusively muslim.newt is not disagreeing that radical islamic suicide bombers exist,he is simply pointing out that the practice of bombing in the name of religion is not an exclusively muslim practice when viewed through the lens of history.

the problem is NOT exclusively the religion of islam,the problem is fundamentalist while at this point in history it is islam that is the theology that is twisted for a sinister and destructive purpose,the same justifications can be found in ALL religions,predominantly from the abrahmic:judaism,muslim and christianity.

this is not a simple issue,there are many factors to be considered on why people will strap a bomb to their chests and walk into a crowded cafe and blow themselves up.

factors such as:education,employment,community,family structures and most of all...hope.we need hope.all of us need hope but when conditions for normal people are so oppressive and hopeless,people will seek to find hope anywhere,which can be in the form of religion.

words are inert,they are meaningless until someone reads those words..and then interprets them.

this is particularly true when addressing religion.
if you are a violent person,then your religion will be violent.
if you are peaceful and loving,then your religion will be peaceful.

no matter which sacred text you adhere to,be it the quran,the bible or the will find justification for any and all acts you choose to engage in,be it violent or peaceful.

and THAT is what sargon is addressing!
sargon is dissecting the apologetics of those who are just not getting the plot.radical islam is a problem,a big problem,and attempting to dismiss the underlying factors in order to make a more "palatable" explanation is wading into dangerous waters.

so we can understand the politics and motivation of a young man from palestine who straps explosives to his chest and blows himself up taking innocent civilians with him.we can look at the events that led up to that grievous choice.we know,because there is historical record,how badly the palestinian people are being treated,and have been for decades.the young man was stripped of hope,and the only solace he found was in the quran and so began his radicalization.

it is the politics that always,and i mean ALWAYS,sets the stage but it is the religion that lays out the justification.

which is what newt was basically talking about.
we can use the exact same calculus for fundamentalist christians,or zionist jews.

think about it,how many radicalized muslims live in america?
how many?
deerborn michigan has the largest muslim community in go look at how many suicide bombers are born from that region.
notice anything?

politics is the fuel,religion is the match.

some here may take issue with sargon's take on this situation,but he is making valid points in regards to how some people (mainly on the left) engage in apologetics,while ignoring the larger implications.

if we,as a species,wish to curb the tide of religious fundamentalism and the radicalization of whole communities.then we need to address the politics first and foremost.otherwise this "war on terror" will become never-ending.because the "war on terror' is actually on "war on ideas",really bad ideas,predicated on even worse politics.

today it is islam.
tomorrow it may be christianity,and there is a whole army of fundamentalist and dominionist christians just waiting to be called for their "holy war".

or should i just call it "christian jihad".

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