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Supercell Thunderstorm Seen At 30000ft (Above Cloud Level!)

Zonbie says...

This is so cool I wanted to see what Thunderstorms from above cloud level would look like Awesome stuff! Btw, if you're interested, the clouds flattern out at the top, because the cloud hits the stratosphere (roughly 45000 - 125000 feet) causing the "Anvil" effect It's actually snow up there!


Time Lapse of Thunderstorm Development - 0:43

The Man behind the Winky's - Freakily Awesome Scene

10385 says...

Amazing scene. The camera work and pacing throughout this film actually set me on edge, and this is the first time in a long time I've literally gripped the armrest with sweaty hands. (and I don't just mean during the sex scene, buhdum tsh)


So this scene is the only one that doesn't fit into what I accept as the most reasonable interpretation of this film. Well it sort of does, in that it serves to set up the "you're in both dreams" bit, and to introduce scary-face man.

The interpretation I speak of was passed onto me just now after having seen it for the first time: the second half is the reality, evidenced by the real-world look, especially the lack of makeup and Diane's inability to maintain her fantasies (that's some really difficult acting that Naomi Watts did incredibly in). The first half is dream world, perhaps created out of a subconscious desire to reverse roles and put Diane in the position of power, whereby all the faces and aspects seen during that traumatic revelation at the party are pieced into logic by the dream-brain. Thus, the ever-presence of makeup (even after a shower) in the first half, as well as Naomi's overdone bubbly acting and Nancy Drew shenanigans. The extremely odd behaviour in the director's meeting could be a representation of Diane's resentment and imaginings of how the filmmaking executive world.

Also I was reminded of the beginning, in which we see Diane's perspective as she falls onto that pillow (presumably right after suicide), and thus came the inference that the first half occurs between the time she pulls the trigger and the time her brain shuts off.

Finally, in the Club Silencio, we (including Diane) are being reminded that it is all an illusion. The colour blue makes another dramatic appearance, popping in contrast to the black and red everywhere else. During the thunderstorm, Diane begins to convulse, which immediately reminded me (even though at the time I had no idea) of the waking convulsions that I get and I know some others get on occasion, especially when falling asleep sitting up.

As an afterthought, I don't know where the old people came from, and that last scene there scared the bejeezus out of me.

I realize that all of this is probably on some forum or site somewhere, but I just got home from seeing the movie and had to sort it out somewhere.

Giraffe running from a twister

therealblankman says...

Not really a "twister" in the sense that the term normally applies to a tornado. Tornadoes are generated from large thunderstorms- hardly a cloud in the sky here. It's really a dust-devil, caused by local convection currents. Not powerful enough to do a whole lot of damage to people or property, but there is a danger from the flying debris it might carry if it thwacks ya'!

Weather Promo: Watch me or Die

gluonium says...

haaa! praise Gary! Local news is such an absolute joke. We had thunderstorms roll through our area last night and you'd've thought the fucking world was going to end. constant "super ultra mega triple doppler radar!" feed with embarrassingly overheated weatherman voiceover for a full hour. just ridiculous.

MTSAT : Beautiful fighter jets short animation video

Sylvester_Ink says...

The F/A-22 would have done it quicker, and without needing to be in visual range. (Yeah, you know where I stand in the great debate ;-) )
I have some issues with the concept of the planes flying through a thunderstorm, and chasing the satellite instead of intersecting laterally, but there was clearly a lot of work behind this, so it deserves my vote.
However, I am getting tired of all the videos that have credits almost as long as the actual video . . .

Fed Ex Ant Hill - Plane Traffic Over Two Days

BicycleRepairMan (Member Profile)

silvercord says...

I believe that is right. There is another vid on the Sift that has to do with Fedex planes diverting around a thunderstorm and I think the focal point is Memphis.

The viddy is here:

In reply to your comment:
After a little google-earthing, I gather that place in the middle they all swarm to would be Memphis International Airport and home to FedEx's "Super Hub," which processes a large amount of the freight carrier's packages. Because of FedEx's hub, Memphis has the largest cargo operations of any airport worldwide.

If you loved the Helicopter AIR WOLF watch this !!!

bnsa says...

This is a modified Fan Based Remix/Opening Sequence which being an original AIRWOLF fan, I really enjoyed. For those who wonder what ever did happen to the beautiful Helicopter... It was stripped of its weapons and gadgets and sold to a German leasing company. They leased it as an Air Ambulance that saved lives up until 1991 where during a thunderstorm, she met her fate and was destroyed in a helicopter crash.

Rumor has it that rabid fans have bits and pieces of the original and are rebuilding an exact model to have on display in a museum.

For those wondering, It's a Bell Triple 2B (222) designed by Nasa & the US Army back in the early 1980's.

Storm Chasing - Close Call

Devlin says...

Idiot. And that wasn't even a bad storm. Loafers? Come ON! This guy is some kind of newbie who thinks he is brave for recording a typical midwestern thunderstorm. Shame he ran for it at the end. I would have liked to seen the whole thing without his commentary and bolting for safety.

Near-death by lightning (very, very, very close!)

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