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Catapult Base Jumping

siftbot says...

Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 2:30pm PDT - promote requested by lucky760.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Base Jump, Thrill Seeker, Catapult, Parachute' to 'Base Jump, Thrill Seeker, Catapult, Parachute, angry birds' - edited by lucky760

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Cool racing action (formula vee @ bathurst)

SwimWithSharks says...

when somebody talks about formula vee being basically a vw beetle engine on ancient suspensions and not much else you wouldn't think it'd look this thrilling: I'd never heard of this before driving this type of car in a videogame and found this video while looking for driving tips

Zawash (Member Profile)

Zawash (Member Profile)

80's soft Rock anthem for the Hound: Glory of Thrones

Victory for Mercedes-Benz at the 1939 German Grand Prix

TheGenk says...

(Grand Prix of Germany - 1939)

Again hundreds of thousands converged on the Nürburgring to witness the struggle for the first Grand Prix of Greater Germany.

Seventeen racing cars stand at the race's start: Mercedes Benz, Auto Union, Alfa Romeo, Maserati und Delahaye.
The proud airship «Graf Zeppelin» with its 4 Mercedes Benz motors came to visit, too.
The field is already entering the southern bend - the battle has begun.

From a bird's eye view the racing race cars look like kid's toys.
But for the drivers 500km on the hardest racetrack of the world is all but child's play.
More than a thousand times they have to de-clutch, shift, brake.
The tiniest of mistakes endangers life and victory.
Bend joins bend; sharp inclines and abrupt falls alternate.
The machines' strain is enormous.
The machines have to provide over 7000 revs.
And all that for close to four hours - a grim ordeal for car and driver.

Breakdowns are numerous.
Caracciola, who seized the lead in lap 13, bears the great Mercedes Benz community's hopes.

Scattered showers made the track dangerously slippery, but calm and confident, the experienced master Caracciola guides his car towards the finish line.
Excitedly, chief engineers Wagner and Heeß, the designers of the Mercedes Benz racing cars, watch the contest's thrilling final stage.
The last round: Celebrated by the spectators Caracciola crosses the finish line.

Kacy Catanzaro 1st Woman to Complete American Ninja Warrior

lucky760 says...

*Quality run.

When I watched this the other night, I stood up, clapped, and cheered, and I was watching all by myself. Quite thrilling to watch.

Granted, this is just a semi-final round, but I'm pretty certain there's never been a female to complete the first stage in America nor Japan.

I had a similar fist-to-the-sky cheering moment in the previous semi-final round where Kevin Bull was used his legs to hang from a ball and stick his upside-down landing.

The American version is getting really great, though I still vastly prefer the Japanese version.

andyboy23 (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I think I have hit the magic formula. Thanks to @EMPIRE. It was his idea.

As someone who loves to exchange ideas, I have learned that the internet just isn't a good place to have a conversation. We sit at our computers, throwing monologues at each other.

This one was a great example -- he said something untrue in the first sentence, I wasn't able to correct it, and off he went, building up a head of steam based on an error in reading comprehension.

I have done the same thing, of course. Built up a head of steam in error.

But empire's idea to actually talk in real time? Brilliant. I'm so thrilled at having a new tool for REALLY getting into topics.

And if they don't want to, well, they don't want to. I made the offer.

Empire is my hero.

andyboy23 said:

You've got mad patience, props!

Funny lynch mob in Brazil

chingalera says...

Yeah, has everything. Hind-brained punks attacking bystanders, news-bobbles promoting sensational human indignities towards other humans, and your own apparent thrill-ride of approval as well as an assumption that others wanna watch this kinna shit.

Suggestion: Kill your television and use the internet to better yourself.

Announcing (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

chingalera says...

S'gonna be cool to live long enough to have been one of the last generations to have experienced the thrill and abandon of gasoline horsepower, legal bonfires, gunpowder projectiles.....farting without being ticketed by the local constabulary...Har.

18-Month-Old Healthy Giraffe Publicly Killed and Dismembered

bareboards2 says...

I rather admire the ethics of the zookeeper. They could have made big bucks for the zoo, but instead made the ethical choice of feeding the lions. Who eat meat.

The NYT article above walks us through the reasoning for this giraffe being part of the cycle of life -- albeit the unnatural cycle of life of a caged animal. And why "selling" the giraffe into a life of isolation would have been the cruel act.

Reminds me of a situation in San Francisco Bay, years ago. I may get some details wrong. There was an island with non-native deer, I think, with no natural predators. The deer were in danger of starving to death, so those in charge decided to do a controlled hunt.

All hell broke loose and the wildlife managers caved to public pressure. At ENORMOUS cost, the deer were airlifted into the wilds of Montana, or someplace like that.

The wildlife managers were smart though -- they put tags on the deer, or locator devices, or something. More than 50% of the deer were dead within six months -- killed on the roads, mostly. They didn't know how to live in their new environment.

We are getting so divorced from common sense in our modern world.

Nature is red in tooth and claw. Things die. Lions eat meat. And why not be thrilled for the lions, that they get their natural diet for a change?

Bill Maher says Shuck it to seniors

bareboards2 says...

It's not that easy, @chingalera. I am one of those progressive liberals who are supposed to be twee about every life.

And I share your horror at medical costs that are poured into the days of our eldest citizens.

It is different when it is your loved one. My dad almost died seven years ago, was in ICU for a week, rehab hospital for a month, then to a nursing home. He would have died, too, if he had had a DNR. But how could I sign a DNR for someone who was going into the hospital for a simple gall bladder operation?

He has one now, but he didn't at the time. He survived and went from being miserable living with his second wife to having seven years of great quality of life. Seeing five great grandchildren born, two of whom were named for him. Winning just about every fishing tournament they had -- most fish, biggest fish, smallest fish -- one prize, if not all three of them. Finding his way into being a more loving person with his family than he ever allowed himself to be before.

And he "should have" died, by every practical financial measure.

These seven years have been the greatest blessing our family could have received.

Is that gross negligence and fraud, for the hospital to have saved his life at an enormous cost? Because in many ways, we got a father we never knew before.

And he has a DNR now. If it repeats, he is a goner. And we are all fine with that. But damn if I am not thrilled that I failed to get it before.

Police, Lies, Videoptape - Unlawful Arrest of Protester

chingalera says...

"There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever."

-O'Brien to Winston, Room 101

Make Your Dreams Come True

artician says...

What an incredibly vapid clip. There was a clip of some firefighters near the end, otherwise if you have a dream of helping others, reuniting nations, eliminating poverty, reforming government, or anything that's not an individual thrill-sport, you're dreams aren't making the cut!

The Way Games Work: NES Zapper

oohlalasassoon says...

Semi off-topic but the title "NES Zapper" reminds me of the NES Advantage my little brother had. For those that don't know, it was this controller that was meant to be like a real arcade-style controller with enlarged buttons & a true post and knob joystick. It had a big base that you could set down on a coffee table or in your lap. Here's what they look like.

My brother had it in his lap, probably playing Metroid or something, and being that it was wintertime, and prime scuff-your-socks-on-the-carpet-and-static-shock-your-little-brother-season, I scuffed my socks on the carpet and touched his hand as he played. What instantly followed was like a super-powered shock that I felt as much as he did (well, not quite as much...) It turns out that the NES Advantage had a metal base, and when I shocked his hand, it fried the controller(on his lap) and it basically electrocuted his wang. He screamed like a a little girl so I was, as you can imagine, completely thrilled with the results. Unfortunately my parents didn't see things my way and they made me buy another controller. It was so worth it though.

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