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Pat Robertson: "Halloween Is Satan's Night"

RadHazG says...

yes you believe in ghosts. Just 1 though. And everything else you believe is at least as silly as anything Halloween drags up. Oh and as long as your tossing out pagan holidays toss out Yule will ya? The rest of us are tired of hearing about the so called war on christmas.

Wozniak on Steve Jobs

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

Wozniak has always been my biggest hero of the 'Apple' founders due to innovation through technical ingenuity and i greatly admire his past beginnings of hacking whatever he could get his hands on.

I am glad to see that he is not interested in running things as he would probably suffer the most from it. Both men have changed things now-days and it was quite remarkable how the company has completely turned around in recent years through positive public image through their unique marketing strategies, will it last? who knows. but it is certainly interesting how in the 1980s Apple was seen to be an alternative niche to the mainstream & now apple IS the mainstream and everything else is seen to be uncool and alternative the very same place they were not so long ago.

Is it Christian to let uninsured people die?

NetRunner says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

It is more akin to the idea of WHICH good thing you wish to practice, or the thing being done that is said to be good not being good in your own moral judgement. One might say feeding the poor isn't done properly unless accompanied by a health dose of soul food. I am no one to tell them they are wrong. The hard part of doing good with other peoples money is we don't have the same idea of what good is, so any attempt is muddled in personal bias and dogma. Which is why I support more community based charity than national.

Again, I'm not a theologian, but does Jesus say something akin to "don't help people at all if you're uncertain whether you'll succeed?"

Do you really dispute that providing medical treatment to people who're sick is a good thing?

I'm not religious, and I don't think we should base our morals on what we read in the Bible, but what little I do know of the Bible is that Jesus doesn't sound much like Ayn Rand, or any other right-wing ideologue on this topic.

Is there any passage of the bible that supports the libertarian case against state-sponsored distributive justice? Does Jesus say property is the sole enforceable moral obligation we have to one another, and everything else must be considered a matter of personal choice? Does he say tax-funded welfare programs are morally worse than letting the poor starve or succumb to treatable illness through individual negligence?

If he did, it'd resolve what I see as the biggest cognitive dissonance present in American culture, but I don't think the Bible says anything of the sort.

WWE- Two wrestlers fight in a supermarket

Duckman33 says...

>> ^budzos:

I have to reply to this. According to YOUR logic, we should all just eat McDonald's or NASA food-paste all the time, rather than steaks or natural foods. And we would all be gourmands. It's all food and one should never be on a high horse, right?
Some people might like to eat McDonald's from time to time, or all the time in some cases. The honest ones will admit that it's shit and is not in fact a steak nor does it have any of the potential of something not so rigidly bound by shitty material, shitty standards and an isolated context, etc. And the people who NEVER eat McDonald's are quite right when they say McDonald's is SHIT FOOD even though they're not trying to insult or feel superior to the people who eat it.
So, relax. Wrestling is idiotic. That doesn't mean I think you or any wrestling fan is idiotic. That's just your ego (and possibly your stupidity).
>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^budzos:
"For those who say that wrestling is fake."
But, wrestling IS fake. Why does every wrestling fan argue a straw man against this point? We're not saying "wrestling is a figment of your imagination" you [name-calling is bad]. We're saying there's about as much point to watching wrestling as there is to watching little boys playfight in the front yard. Except I'm pretty sure watching my two nephews tussle is less brain damaging.
Listen, wrestling fans: We REALIZE they're actually jumping around and stuff. We're not accusing all wrestlers of being robots, or holograms. We mean the FIGHT IS FAKE. We realize it might hurt to do some of those moves. Those FAKE moves.

Then using this logic why match movies? We KNOW they are fake so there's no point right? Guess what? The story is fake, just like wrestling. The acting is, well fake just like in wrestling. And the fights in a movie? You guessed it, FAKE! JUST LIKE IS WRESTLING! Get off your high horse pal. It's entertainment! If you don't like it, then don't watch it. But don't look down your nose at those of us who do enjoy watching it because you're no better or smarter than we are.

Wrong. That's not anywhere near "according to my logic" sorry to say. Where did I say we should all watch wrestling all the time? I said some people like to enjoy it and we that do don't need pretentious ass holes looking down at their noses at us because of the form of entertainment we chose to enjoy. One man's trash and all that.

I never said it wasn't crap either. In fact I agreed that it was fake and pointed out that it's no more fake than the movies and TV shows every one enjoys. I don't need to relax. I'm sick and tired of all the jerks on this site who think they are the quintessential "experts" on what type of music, movies, TV shows, etc is/are good or worthy of their godlike attention and everything else is crap. Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean WE ALL have to not like it. Say you liked dub step for instance. I don't really consider that music. But you don't see me going around pointing it out every time someone posts a dub step music video on the sift, do ya?

I also find it hilarious how everyone rails on how fake wrestling is, but fake fights in movies and TV are perfectly OK to watch. Makes no fucking sense. All wresting is is bad skits with bad acting and some fake movie/stunt fighting. Some of us like it. We as fans KNOW it's fake. They (the wrestlers) KNOW it's fake, and they (the wrestlers) KNOW that we KNOW it's fake. But part of the fun is seeing how good at FAKING it they are. Nice move insulting my intelligence. Class act you are.

Is God Good?

shinyblurry says...

Well, God created everything..but before the fall there wasn't anything harmful. Food was plentiful, animals were tame, and bacteria was benign. It's part of the corruption and the curse that we have disease and everything else.

>> ^acidSpine:
Sin created smallpox? Be serious
>> ^shinyblurry:
Should a parent by liable for giving birth to a child that turns out to be a murderer? That video is awful, but humans aren't camel spiders..they don't have to attack and hurt eachother. They know by their conscience what is correct behavior and have a choice to do good or not.
Before sin entered the world, there weren't any natural disasters or diseases. When the creation fell, all of those things came with it. In the last days, the increase of natural disasters and plagues and such are directly correlated to the increase in sin. It is one of the signs of the last days when there start to be a greater than normal amount of them.
I'm not sure what you mean by your example. That just demonstrates the inequity of mankind, and its not as if anyone is unreachable by God. Those children aren't forever doomed. In any case, the situation on Earth would be far different if people actually followed the rules. People think about the law in terms of punishment but it is there to moderate our behavior. To compel us to act according to our better natures. If people followed what Jesus taught there simply wouldn't be any inequity in this world.

Visual effects in Game of Thrones s1 (spoilers)

College Graduates use Sugar Daddies To Pay Off Debt

Porksandwich says...

Oh you don't like how they try to use personality tests, GPA, and the infamous "career day" to help kids decide? I'm still not sure what I could stand to do for the rest of my life, and that's mainly because everything they tried to tell me was not helpful and everything you look into is not what people claim it to be.

Which I view as a failing of colleges, since young people are paying money to go into things they only have a very vague notion of and unless their parents or a close relative do the job, no one is going to provide them with straight answers in a vast majority of the time. Assuming they even consider what careers to ask about or what questions to ask about said careers.

I hold it up as proof that colleges at this time are there to get people in and out of programs while milking them for as much as possible, but don't actually take the time to evaluate that their programs provide the building blocks the student would need to follow the job path they THINK they want. The colleges don't care if the students presumptions are wrong.

I also view elementary to high school as bypassing a lot of common knowledge, common sense, life skills, etc things kids should learn. Like electric safety and basic repairs, basic automotive/mechanic/tool usage, cooking/laundry basics, and probably the most important of all nutrition and exercise. You see people on the news having heatstroke and everything else because they don't drink enough fluids or don't realize that not sweating is a really bad thing. Plus proper stretching and all that. I mean I remember them having wood working classes, and it didn't even focus on things you might actually run into that you could repair on your own without having some major equipment.

Education is great, but too many people come out of high school and college with a lot of knowledge, no applicable skills to a field, and almost no rudimentary skills to speak of. And this isn't saying they should be trained for jobs, this is saying they have enough of a common life skill set that they can at least somewhat measure what is required in positions. Right now, everyone claims they can do everything and they really know very little.

But Im with you there on the TNG DNA job matching.....wish we had it. No politics, nepotism, and what not to throw a wrench into everything.

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^chilaxe:
@NetRunner 'everyone who qualifies for college should go for free.'
Just what we need, more lazy, talentless graduates with a heart-warming "culture studies" or "environmental studies" degree working for minimum wage at Starbucks.
I have too many friends to count who got useless college degrees and now, ten years later, are still doing nothing with their lives.

So free choice didn't make people lead full and productive lives? Imagine that.
Snark aside, I don't really see why more scholarships would change things. I'm not talking about making college compulsory, I'm talking about taking monetary cost out of the equation when discussing whether you go or not.
Remember that episode of ST:TNG where all the kids on the Enterprise got kidnapped by an alien race, and they did tests on their DNA, and then told them what their career would be and immediately put them to work? They were fun professions too, like musician, sculptor, engineer, etc.
I sometimes think I would've personally preferred that to having to figure out in my teenage years what kind of career would appeal to me, acquire the skills and training required by that career, and then find a job. It seems like our education system should expend a greater effort on that, rather than just presenting kids with ever-larger menus of classes to take and degrees to earn.

Epic Creationist Fails Of Our Time - 2

News of the World Whistleblower Found Dead

kceaton1 says...

>> ^A10anis:

He brought down a major newspaper and has put ALL media on trial. What point would there be in killing him after the disclosure? Of course he may have had much more information but, surely, killing him after the fact would just compound the problem. Still, what do i know? Let the conspiracy theories begin.

I don't care if conspiracies begin or if they're true or not (well, OK if it IS true), because if there is someone on this planet that needs SCRUTINY 24/7 due to this and everything else he has done, it's Rupert Murdoch.

/silver linings

10x 10 x 10 ft cube house - Quite Nice!

smooman says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

Of course, you could always just build a tiny house yourself for whatever you think it should cost.

i call mine a shed and it costs less than 1500 dollars. the trouble with "green" technology is its retarded expensive

im sure if you had that same house, but had a regular ass toilet, a regular ass stove, a regular ass fridge, a regular ass heat/ac unit, and regular ass lights, windows, doors and everything else, itd probably run ya 5000-8000 dollars. you'd be an asshole for having a house with no green technology (god forbid!!) but youd be an asshole with a house that costs less than a dirtbike

......having said that, this house is still rad tho

Dan Savage: Why Monogamy Is Ridiculous

BoneRemake says...

"Fuck someone else, ass is on the grass, fuck off thanx. "

Edit because we have sensitive people, Thats what I would say to Her vagina and bewbs and everything else connected. tootles baby !

Evil Proves God's Existence

enoch says...

evil is subjective based on ones perception.
moral relativism.
a fundamentalist struggles with three basics:
1.original sin
2.creation as put forth in genesis
3.the resurrection

the fundamentalist does not struggle in the beliefs of these three things but rather they struggle to defend them,because all three are easily vivisected.
what most free-thinking people have a hard time comprehending (understandably so) is why a fundamentalist will continue to defend these three in particular when the evidence is overwhelmingly the opposite.
put quite simply..they have to.
to accept even the remotest possibility that any of these tenants might be incorrect is tantamount to refuting god because to them the bible is the UN-ERRING word of god.
for example:to accept evolution is to say the book of genesis is wrong and to a fundamentalist these equates to saying god is they are forced to defend a book that is in actuality a metaphorical representation of kabballah.genesis is about creation just not in the literal sense that fundamentalist comprehend it to represent.

christianity can be broken down in to three basic categories:
1.liberal=catholic,episcopalian,methodist etc etc
2.evangelical=pentacostal,baptist (not all baptist btw)
3.fundamentalist=southern baptist,church of the nazerene,7th day adventist

the liberal christian believes in jesus christ and the resurrection.they believe in heaven and hell (abstractly at least).they view such books as genesis as allegorical but not historical and view other biblical books as metaphor and glean what wisdom they can based on their own understandings.they will accept another as christian as long as that person beleieves jesus is christ and he died for their sins.

the evangelical is part fundamentalist and part liberal.they change their view in accord with the situation but the most important part of an evangelical christians life is to spread the word of spread the word of christ to all who will listen.

the fundamentalist is an all-together different animal.the bible is the un-erring word of god..end of discussion.while they spread the word of god and the salvation and grace afforded us by the death and resurrection,they will also perceive any questioning in a negative manner of their belief in the infallible bible as a personal attack upon themselves and will respond in kind (wrapped in false humility).they are commanded to save your soul and they will engage in this venture with vigor and gusto but when met with resistance they will become agitated and confused.
to them they are sharing the word...they are offering you salvation and if questioned,mocked or refused they become baffled at first.
why would anybody refuse or question pure love and forgiveness?
refuse peace of mind and a calm,joyful heart?

philosophical musings concerning the nature of morality and good and evil aside,to a fundamentalist there is only black and white.either it came from god or the satan did they may rationalize this in a many number of different ways but in the end it always comes down to that basic equation and for those of you who know religious history you understand the vast number who were slaughtered,maimed,tortured and outright murdered due to that infantile approach.that highly destructive approach is what helped usher in the christian reformation and is why people are no longer forced to accept the churches edicts or christians killing other christains for not being "the right kind of christian".the fundamentalist has no problem pointing to another christian and accusing him/her of being false (isnt that right shiny?)because the fundamentalist need only refer to the bible to exact his/her judgment of another.the fundamentalist will also retreat to the most intellectually ineffective place when faced with constant opposition:satan

so when engaging with a fundamentalist understand that your continued perceived attacks on that fundamentalists biblical understandings and your unwillingness to accept that jesus christ is lord and died for your sins...well..then you are damned and have been deluded by have been tricked by the most indominable trickster and while the fundamentalist may pray for them you are damned to an eternity of punishment and sorrow.because that is the last and only place a fundamentalist can retreat to...satan did it and satan has corrupted you.may the lord have mercy on your soul.the bible is truth incarnate to them and everything else is a lie brought upon this earth by satan.

this is why i do not engage with a fundamentalist.for anything i postulate that may be construed as being in conflict with biblical teachings will immediately be rejected and despised and if i continue then it is ME that will be rejected and an agent of satan.(but they will pray for my soul..thank you for that mr fundamentalist).

this is the reason why we see so many fundamentalist attempting to disprove evolution or prove the truth of the bible being historically accurate.
they have do otherwise would mean reject god.

i am not going to downvote this video but i refuse to upvote either.
good luck shinyblurry in your attempts to educate the masses on the truth.

On civility, name calling and the Sift (Fear Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

But some people like trolling for trolling's sake. Nothing wrong with it, IMO. Bullying, maybe that's different, but everyone has a different perspective on what that is. I've seen firsthand what I think is bullying when you, dft and three or four other likeminded people get together to deconstruct my belief system. And more often than not those conversations turn to attacking me instead of my arguments. I'm called blankfuck, libertard and everything else.

Well, that's why I like your suggested rule so much. If you feel bullied, and want people to stop, ask them to stop. If they persist, we'll send them to bed without supper Videosift.

Likewise, if people feel like you referring to their concerns as a "vagina monologue" is bullying, they should be able to ask you to stop, and if you persist anyways, then it's you going to bed without Videosift.

>> ^blankfist:

But I'm a big boy, and I have to find ways to make peace with that or else leave the site. So, if I do think people are engaging in a super light version of the Stanford Prison Experiment, I tend to say something to them. And that tends to lighten the situation almost immediately.
I like to debate. Often I play too much and it's read as bullying, though if you knew me personally you'd know I'm a huge ball breaker but nothing inside of me is capable of sincere bullying. Not in a genuine mean way.
And it's "draconian" not "dragon". But I like the sound of a clockwork dragon utopia.

I don't think you ever set out to bully people, but I can definitely see how you could come across that way to someone who doesn't know you from Adam. Same with me.

Oh, and I know the difference between draconian and dragon, but I have a creative license, and I'm not afraid to use it! Especially on a word with such a nice Latin root!

Like I said before, I have no desire to see this place become overly burdened with propriety rules, but I also don't want people to feel like they have no recourse but to suck it up, or leave the site when it comes to verbal abuse. We can do better than that.

On civility, name calling and the Sift (Fear Talk Post)

blankfist says...

>> ^NetRunner:
I don't want the site to be tedious either! I want the rules to allow for prurient humor, us lovingly referring to each other as pigfucker in public, and for us to be able to throw an elbow or two in a passionate discussion.
But at the same time, I don't want people to have free reign to act like bullies, or just troll for trolling's sake. I think comments that contain nothing but a personal attack are bad for the community generally. I don't want to feed the people who post them to clockwork dragons, but I do think they should get some sort of feedback from some sort of authority that what they're doing isn't welcome.
And incidentally, friendly clockwork dragons are totally a part of my utopia.

But some people like trolling for trolling's sake. Nothing wrong with it, IMO. Bullying, maybe that's different, but everyone has a different perspective on what that is. I've seen firsthand what I think is bullying when you, dft and three or four other likeminded people get together to deconstruct my belief system. And more often than not those conversations turn to attacking me instead of my arguments. I'm called blankfuck, libertard and everything else.

But I'm a big boy, and I have to find ways to make peace with that or else leave the site. So, if I do think people are engaging in a super light version of the Stanford Prison Experiment, I tend to say something to them. And that tends to lighten the situation almost immediately.

I like to debate. Often I play too much and it's read as bullying, though if you knew me personally you'd know I'm a huge ball breaker but nothing inside of me is capable of sincere bullying. Not in a genuine mean way.

And it's "draconian" not "dragon". But I like the sound of a clockwork dragon utopia.

SpaceShipTwo - First Feathered Flight - Reentry Test

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Ditto.>> ^deathcow:

> This is all good and fun , but really should we not be
OMG no... we should not be wasting billions/trillions on the BS games we play, and instead we should be pumping hugely more money into this and everything else scientific in all fields.

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