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Flight Patterns - Bugs under streetlight

Richard Dawkins: Why are there still chimpanzees?

What IS this creature?!?

grinter says...

^well done averageuser! It does look like hag moth/monkey slug caterpillar (genus Phobetron). And several species are listed for Brazil (I'm assuming that's Portuguese in the video)... although I couldn't find a picture of this species. Here is another Brazilian species:
It is commonly guessed that they find some refuge from predators by resembling the discarded exoskeletons of spiders. I still say the one in the video looks like a bat.

What IS this creature?!?

HUGE gas fireball/explosion in Moscow 9/5/2009

Check Out The Details In This Picture Of A Horse

Check Out The Details In This Picture Of A Horse

Jesus is Everywhere....

Look at that horse

Look at that horse

Burning Methane From Frozen Lake

newtboy says...

Keep living in your bubble DrPrawn, ignorance is bliss.
Because most of the right wing pseudo-scientists are now out of work (because their work can't stand up to peer review), does not mean that science has been hijacked, it means the attemped hijackers have been thrown off the plane and the pilot has regained control, you just don't like where the plane is going.
One thing you're at least partially right about, IF the population does get to 10 billion, we will consume the earths remaining resources. There's little question there.
Sad to say I'm a tough Moth*r F*cker, the bombs will likely kill you first, but I'm game. Anything that gets rid of more people is a good thing, if it doesn't doom the ones left. Can't someone develop the neutron bomb as described in Repo Man? "Eyes melt, skin explodes, everybody dies, but the infrastructure is left intact." If we could only make one that's human specific, war could be the next green movement!

The strangest horse you'e ever seen. Wait.... that's a moth?

The strangest horse you'e ever seen. Wait.... that's a moth?

Youdiejoe's vid of the 2009 SoCal siftup

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Isobel is one of our two kitties, named after this song:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
Nobody looks anything like I imagined; except for youdiejoe, of course, but he's got his face in his avatar.
Always visualized Issy as latina because of the name, Isobel, even though I know that's the cat's name and not hers.
Lucky was always older in my mind and blankfist was younger.
I might even be tempted to attend a NYC gathering even though I hate all of you. (I kid, of course)

Cow Hit By Airplane During Emergency Landing

zombieguerilla says...

>> ^NicoleBee:
That poor cow!
What kind of plane is that? I didn't know they were still -making- biplanes during/for wwII

I don't make the news I just report it. Here is the AP article:

British pilot hits cow during emergency landing

14 hours ago

LONDON (AP) — A British pilot said he ran into an unusual hazard while making an emergency landing — a cow. Rob Wotton said he was trying to land his World War II-era Tiger Moth after the engine stalled just after takeoff southwest of London on Sept. 14. He was about to touch down in a field when the animal wandered into his way.

Video of the event on YouTube shows the brown-and-white cow being knocked to the ground by the plane's lower left wing. The two-seater was damaged but landed safely.

An accident report said the cow was "apparently uninjured."

Wotton said he might paint a cow on the plane to mark the event.

He says: "I have to say it is the first cow I have ever hit in 22 years' flying."

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