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A Scary Time

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

bcglorf says...


Your being dishonest and unfair to people with stuff like this:
"predicting so many of the educated would go along for short sighted, purely tribal reasoning, that's tougher."
"people have been claiming white men are the downtrodden powerless whipping boys.

I saw an op-ed in the nytimes back when the supreme court nomination was hot and had hoped the author's opinion were a minority. Segments of this Daily Show clip and your own feedback make rethink that. The op-ed wanted to concisely show how dangerously right wing and extremist current Justice Roberts was. To do this, the author stated that the Justice own chilling rationale for one of his decisions should tell us everything we need to know about him: "To stop discrimination based upon race, we need to stop discriminating based upon race"

Being insulting and dismissive of people's frustrations at being racially discriminated against as your post appears to do just makes for more division still.

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

bcglorf says...

From the outside looking in though, requiring diversity of genders and races by law is the issue.

If we simplify student quality down to only their SAT scores, what is the fair and equitable method of picking the 100 students that get admitted for the upcoming year?

Here's what I think a color-blind non-racist equal opportunity minded admission process looks like. Sort the students by SAT score and admit the top 100.

Looking at the comments from the left, by example the Daily Show video jabs above, the process I described is considered a rollback of hard fought civil rights.


newtboy said:

As to affirmative action, keep in mind the specific case mentioned was about reversing sexual discrimination too, not just race and class. How, exactly, they think public institutions can achieve the diversity of genders and races many are required by law to achieve without looking at gender or race is beyond me.

Trevor Responds to Criticism from the French Ambassador

Trevor Responds to Criticism from the French Ambassador

Who Is America? (2018) | First Look | Sacha Baron Cohen SHOW

bcglorf says...

I agree with you, I reluctantly watched this because my opinion of Sacha's other stuff has been the same. You fish long enough and edit enough and you can get a lot of stuff together making people look stupid. I've found I really don't enjoy most of his previous schticks because of this.

This bit is different if you watch the last half. This isn't comedy style funny, but rather in it's prime Daily Show laugh instead of cry funny. I like this BECAUSE it has the potential to ruin people's careers, and normally that's what I've hated about Sacha's schticks before.

However, getting lobbyists, and then elected congressmen to advocate on camera for getting school children as young as 4-5 armed in schools helps society. If we can identify people this monstrous, compromised or willing to pander and get some of them out of office, that's good.

ChaosEngine said:

I don't doubt it. But frankly, watching elected representatives in the US bend over and take it from the gun lobby is nothing new.

I 100% agree with his message, I just don't find the execution that funny.

notarobot (Member Profile)

Melania Slaps Down Giuliani. As Does Pompeo

MilkmanDan says...

OK, the actual statement made by Melania's camp (as seen on screen at 1:10):
"I don't believe Mrs. Trump has ever discussed her thoughts on anything with Mr. Giuliani."

That's a pretty significant nudge. To me, pretty clearly says "don't put words in my mouth". You can infer it as "don't put words in my mouth, you weaselly little prick", but the statement itself is pretty carefully reserved in the exact wording.

Newsworthy? Sure. But to me, I think a good journalist (and I'd usually include Anderson Cooper in that camp) should show the statement itself, without any opinion or commentary first, and then make a distinct segue showing that we're now moving into pundit's reactions and opinions.

The lead here was "First Lady Melania Trump's Office Fires Back at Rudy Giuliani Over His Remarks About Stormy Daniels". That just seems a bit clickbait-y to me. "Fires Back" requires reading between the lines of the statement itself. Accurate? Probably. But I think they should have honored the carefully worded nature of the actual statement and gone with something like ..."Responds to" instead of "Fires Back".

Furthermore, they should have kept the full text of the statement itself up on the screen during the whole reaction/opinion portion segment where Cooper and the other talking heads discuss things. By all means, discuss. I even mostly agree with their interpretations and take on the situation. But keep the text of the actual statement up so that viewers can decide for themselves.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was actually fantastic for hoisting people on their own petard by fairly and accurately showing their actual statements and reacting to them -- no bait and switch / obfuscation necessary. Stewart's kind of subtlety in pointing out contradictions and bullshit was awesome.

I guess I feel like the best response to Trump's "Fake News" shtick is to be doubly rigorous when it comes to journalistic integrity. Trump's gonna give you plenty of ammo to use against him. Use it, but do it in such a way that any allegations of bias or unfairness are clearly wrong.

Sheriff Rips NRA - You’re Not Standing Up For Victims

newtboy says...

So, the 'plan' Trump and the NRA want to support is having armed guards/teachers in place to stop shooters by shooting them.

This ignores the fact that there was an armed guard at Parkland that didn't try to stop the shooter.

It also ignores the number of teachers and guards convicted of attacking students, often over misunderstandings. How often would a teacher be pulling their guns over books dropping? Probably daily if it was a nation wide program.

Daily show had the only plan that's 100% certain to stop school shootings....close all schools and home school everyone. ;-)

Colbert To Trump: 'Doing Nothing Is Cowardice'

ChaosEngine says...

And yet, gun laws DEMONSTRABLY work in other countries. There are plenty of other countries with high gun ownership rates (Canada, for instance), but nowhere outside the 3rd world has anything like the gun-related death rate of the US.

Meanwhile, you are caught up in some ridiculous fantasy where you save America from imaginary Hitler.

edit: fine don't embed the video, then!

White Guilt In A Box-Safety Pin Box

White Guilt In A Box-Safety Pin Box

newtboy jokingly says...

You should see how The Daily Show acted....high fiving the women who admitted their business is tricking idiots into giving them reparations, and that they don't care a bit if the customers perform the ridiculous tasks if the check clears.

Fairbs said:

I find it insulting that the interviewer acts so flippantly towards this idea as a business and I suspect towards the idea of systemic racism.

Can You Trust Mainstream Media?

AeroMechanical says...

I think what you do is (in the US, varies by region): You watch PBS/NPR (they try, but they do have a leftward bias--but relatively minimal corporate bias), MSNBC (obvious leftward bias), FOX News (obvious rightward bias).

Then for international news: BBC World Service and Al-Jazeera. For an asian source, I dunno. Anything coming out of China is no good, so you may as well get that second hand with interpretation.

That's a lot of work. I get my news from the Daily Show.

Jon Stewart Calls Out The Media Regarding Trump

poolcleaner says...

Nothing is ever simple. I'm just not properly explaining what I was saying -- Jon Stewart went off and did his public speaking, crowd organizing thing with this belief in something that he couldn't quite define. He lost his mojo, in a way, saw that he was naked, bereft of his staff. Any talking/figure head with a staff of writers or information feeders can be comparable to other leaders of a similar make up. Trump and Stewart are reality tv stars of a similar make up.

Dag suggested that the writers of the Daily Show are what created Jon Stewart as we know hom, and so I ran with the idea that he, like the figurehead and reality star, Donald Trump, are products of other people's opinions -- this, when left to their own devices, while successful entertainers, they realize the emperor's clothes are transparent and now they have to rely on their own smaller slice of knowledge. Not that Stewart is dumb, but Stewart without writers and correspondents, is a similar archetype to Trump. Stewart's writers and correspondents, including the man whose show he is on in this clip, are akin to the media that Donald Trump treats like his writing staff. But instead of leaving the Daily Show, Trump is leaving *most* of the media, revealing he is not as knowledgeable without his sources.

Anyway, I was following the logic as laid down by dag's logic for why Jon isn't as funny or put together. I also know that good leaders put themselves in other people's shoes before giving advice to other leaders. Stewart MUST do this because he is a decent figurehead, but Trump doesn't -- that's why the media questions him on what biographies he is reading; leaders are supposed to put themselves into their rivals AND heros shoes as a matter of critical self analysis -- so, Stewart is speaking to the media almost as if he is also putting himself in Trump's shoes and speaking about how his own writing staff and correspondent's left him and succeeded.

Stewart has a 4 year contract with HBO. He will have the structure and writing teams he needs. Trump should utilize the media, including books and newspapers, and follow the subtext Jon laid out here.

Edited for spelling, grammatical errs and additional context. Done editing.

SaNdMaN said:

Pretty simple. He's a bit out of his element, being on someone else's show, and he's a bit rusty, after quitting his show a year and a half ago.

RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

bcglorf says...

I can't name any organisation anymore that seems to hit it consistently. Frontline is still pretty consistently good. The few print papers like NYTimes are more likely to host real journalists in amongst everything else needed to keep sales going.

Largely it's individuals, and they are running short. Some of the best access to news is stuff like Charlie Rose, and the Daily Show in Stewart's day when they would have on knowledgeable or important guests on air. Neither Charlie Rose, Jon Stewart or their guests counting strictly as journalists, but they provided great access to individuals with good or unique perspectives. Neil McDonald on CBC seems good at staying balanced, one of the few names I can throw out as having a real journalistic credibility.

For the most part though, news paper journalism seems dead. The best sources of information on subjects seems to have become relegated to authors of old fashion books. There you can still find guys like Peter Galbraith writing good insightful and informed stuff.

And of course, the late Christopher Hitchens, now you've gone and made me sad...

eric3579 said:

I would be interested in a handful of names of who you think qualify in this way. Just curious. And or any news outlets that would qualify.

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