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60 Minutes Report on Fake Mortgage Docs

Mike Huckabee: Americans Should be Indoctrinated at Gunpoint

Stormsinger says...

>> ^VoodooV:

Whatever, man. If you can honestly sit there and say with a straight face that you believe that Huck is honestly advocating indoctrination by gunpoint, then I guess we have nothing more to say.
Don't stoop to their level of punditry. Republicans have some shitty ideas and policies, but they are not mustache twirling villains.
Grow up.

I beg to differ...many, if not most of them -are- villains by any reasonable definition. Lying sacks of shit, who will say anything to get in a position to sell us out to big money. Just look at their actions, compared to their words...the two never seem to match, and in every mismatch, we (the middle class) take the difference in the shorts.

But even without that, I consider anyone who wants to give the rich more tax breaks by cutting teachers wages to be a villain. Those priorities are at best stupid (the last 30 years shows precisely how well Reaganomics works), and moving towards pure evil. It's the same as someone claiming that eating the seed corn is the best way to prosper, or that they can bring rain to end the drought if we only pay them enough, and should get the same treatment (tarring, feathering, and run them out of town on a rail).

Some guy engineers his own 9/11 experiments

messenger says...

@joedirt @Shepppard
I think there WAS a comment here about Mythbusters refusing to do any 9/11-related shows, but I don't see it anymore -- cue the conspiracy theorists. Anyway, I think MB refuses because they doesn't want to be painted into the fringe wing-nut conspiracy theorist camp, so they refuse to test anything that has to do with 9/11. Not that all 9/11 truthers are nuts, just that MB doesn't want to be tarred with the same brush.

Reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted and beaten in Egypt

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^BoneyD:
To tar and feather all Egyptians as being more accepting of rape is quite unfair. This was a crime like any other, but as one Redditor put it "The Middle East does not hold a monopoly on misogyny". (Click on the title link in the post to see the reference)

This isn't about tarring and feathering one suggested that. I suggested the only thing we can do now is turn their entire country into Glass via multiple nuclear strikes...You Don't Fuck With Our Hotties World!!!

And the twenty or so Soldiers who saved her? Or the women who helped? And me wonders if this is sacasm or seriousness. Glass-ify a whole nation based on differences and subjective "hotness?"

Reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted and beaten in Egypt

Yogi says...

>> ^BoneyD:

To tar and feather all Egyptians as being more accepting of rape is quite unfair. This was a crime like any other, but as one Redditor put it "The Middle East does not hold a monopoly on misogyny". (Click on the title link in the post to see the reference)

This isn't about tarring and feathering one suggested that. I suggested the only thing we can do now is turn their entire country into Glass via multiple nuclear strikes...You Don't Fuck With Our Hotties World!!!

Reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted and beaten in Egypt

Gasland (full film)

Reefie says...

I've recently watched H2Oil describing the problems that have arisen from pillaging the Canadian tar sands (I say pillage because if the companies behaved responsibly then they would have demonstrated a fair "give and take" approach instead of taking with little thought given to the people and wildlife affected). Going to give this one a viewing later this evening, will be interesting to see if there are any corporate cross-overs.

radx (Member Profile)

Fusionaut says...

Haha! Cheers for the promote!
In reply to this comment by radx:
"And the defenders will now be hurling vicious verbal abuse at you. Not to mention stones, arrows, buckets of boiling tar, cows, sheep, salad, unwanted children -- everything would have been thrown at you."

That could have come straight from Monty Python. *promote

Yeoman of the Guard gives hilarious Tower of London tour

radx says...

"And the defenders will now be hurling vicious verbal abuse at you. Not to mention stones, arrows, buckets of boiling tar, cows, sheep, salad, unwanted children -- everything would have been thrown at you."

That could have come straight from Monty Python. *promote

Baby Elephant Frolics On The Beach

How marijuana works

Duckman33 says...

>> ^GDGD:

I wish they would include little snippets such as "Some people prefer to use a vaporizer or ingest the cannabis through food, cutting down on tar"

Just got one of those a few months ago. I'll never go back to a bong, pipe, or joints again.

How marijuana works

Bruce Springsteen - Born In The U.S.A.

Gays must be arrested to keep our kids safe

robbersdog49 says...


1. Lacking knowledge or awareness in general;
It doesn't say "lacking knowledge by choice". An ignorant is still an ignorant, doesn't matter if forced to it or by choice. Uganda has a high illiteracy rate, which I'm sure says a lot about this.
Lack of education is at the root of all problems.

>> ^robbersdog49:
Uganda... another country in the list of "mostly made up of ignorants"

No. Another country on the list of countries run by closed circles of people. We live in coutries with free press, where we get to hear the other point of view. Just think of how much of your world view is formed by what you see in the press. You now have a good idea of how things are in Uganda, but I'm betting you've never been there and seen it with your own eyes. Your view is from what you see/hear in your free press.
Now imagine you live in a country without a free press. How do you know it's not free? You're being told it is. Your world view is being shaped every step of the way. You're being told what to think, but here's the worst bit: You probably don't realise you're being told what to think.
The people in power are constantly shaping the way a nation thinks. It isn't fair to say the people are ignorant. They aren't given the chance to ignore anything. You make your comment because you don't like the way a group of people are being so obviously discriminated against. And yet your comment is discriminating against Ugandans who you've never met and who's views you don't know.
Discrimination like this is a bad thing, let's all stay away from it.
To be clear, I'm not saying this guy is right in any way at all. I'm just saying that all we know is that these are his views. You don't know what is going on in Uganda, so don't tar all Ugandans with the same brush.

Ok, I mistook the feeling behind your original post. You should know though that in general use, ignorant is not a neutral term, it's derogative. It usually implies a negative feeling toward the person being described as ignorant. You are entirely correct that the dictionary definition you've found is right, but you must understand the context. Maybe you should explain yourself better in the future when using terms that could be misleading or give people the wrong idea.

Please don't claim you don't understand that the word ignorant is usually used as an insult, we're all cleverer than that here.

Gays must be arrested to keep our kids safe

EMPIRE says...

1. Lacking knowledge or awareness in general;

It doesn't say "lacking knowledge by choice". An ignorant is still an ignorant, doesn't matter if forced to it or by choice. Uganda has a high illiteracy rate, which I'm sure says a lot about this.

Lack of education is at the root of all problems.

>> ^robbersdog49:

Uganda... another country in the list of "mostly made up of ignorants"

No. Another country on the list of countries run by closed circles of people. We live in coutries with free press, where we get to hear the other point of view. Just think of how much of your world view is formed by what you see in the press. You now have a good idea of how things are in Uganda, but I'm betting you've never been there and seen it with your own eyes. Your view is from what you see/hear in your free press.
Now imagine you live in a country without a free press. How do you know it's not free? You're being told it is. Your world view is being shaped every step of the way. You're being told what to think, but here's the worst bit: You probably don't realise you're being told what to think.
The people in power are constantly shaping the way a nation thinks. It isn't fair to say the people are ignorant. They aren't given the chance to ignore anything. You make your comment because you don't like the way a group of people are being so obviously discriminated against. And yet your comment is discriminating against Ugandans who you've never met and who's views you don't know.
Discrimination like this is a bad thing, let's all stay away from it.
To be clear, I'm not saying this guy is right in any way at all. I'm just saying that all we know is that these are his views. You don't know what is going on in Uganda, so don't tar all Ugandans with the same brush.

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