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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Keep your “I can see absolutely no racism besides reverse racism” dishonest idiocy to yourself.

Almost every killing was Boogaloo boys committing racially motivated false flag operations, but the morons are so stupid they carried their manifesto with them when committing terrorist acts, outing the false flag operation the first time one got caught. Morons.

Well over half the burning and looting was found to be non BLM related,(and many if not most that were attributed to BLM were abandoned buildings). The true terrorists of 2020 were Trump’s Proud and boogaloo boys caught repeatedly causing mayhem to blame on BLM, shooting into crowds, starting fires, planting bombs, breaking into stores, shooting cops, etc. You know this well, you bold faced liar. You pretend you don’t know it because then you think you can get away with being a racist tool and blaming black people for everything, IMO, but we all know you know it.

Many were caught, prosecuted, and convicted (those they didn’t shoot to death in the process of being bomb planting cop shooting fake BLM terrorists that is) and the damage done was 1/10 what the idiot truckers cost.
The people with those truckers are many of the same people….with the same mindset.

Blacks protesting being shot=Thugs.
Whites protesting getting a shot=Freedom fighters.

Not everything is racist, but right wing terrorists waiving confederate and Nazi flags are. White supremacists who commit false flag terrorism to try to blame on black people and their anti-racist-murder-at-police-hands protests are racists.
The people standing with and behind them are racists….tell me the company you keep and I will tell you what you are.-S.P.
People who intentionally hide those facts and knowingly lie to blame the known racist false flag operations on BLM are racists….looking directly at you.

You support the side of racist white supremacists, racist nazis, and racist policy EVERY SINGLE TIME….but suddenly get the vapors and declare your innocence whenever it’s pointed out.

Edit: And let’s not lose sight of the issues, BLM protested blacks being murdered by police regularly with no recourse at all, absolutely none. Truckers are protesting not getting the privilege of getting to choose to travel internationally without the minor inconvenience of being vaccinated against a raging pandemic. I know, you think the latter far more important than the former, thereby excusing that the truckers have cost more, done more damage to local businesses and home owners, and, by being super spreaders, have killed more people.

bobknight33 said:

BLM were burning looting killing These truckers and fucking nuns compared to BLM.

Keep your foolish everything is racist shit to yourself.

Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

newtboy says...

21 cases of tampering with evidence in 6 months, theft, armed robbery, felony possession of controlled substances, felony driving under the influence of a controlled substance, lying on an official report, abuse of power, and intoxication on duty by a police officer and he got two years probation? After his force tried to hide what happened, delay, mitigate, minimize, etc.

In Texas, he should be getting life in prison for the marijuana alone and every penny he or his family has should go to repaying the hundreds of people he illegally arrested, including his pension….his department on the hook for the rest.

*promote exposing exactly who the absolute best in law enforcement really are. A rock star, dedicated, decorated super cop….their golden boy….more of a criminal than everyone he ever arrested combined. Typical.

Where are the good apples. I’ve never seen one. Just a few bad apples, and a few more, couple more, one more bushels, a few trucks full, and 17 train loads, and 4 super size cargo ships full…not a good one to be found in the bunch.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

BTW. You know that violating the presidential records act, which Trump undeniably and admittedly, knowingly and intentionally did by stealing and hiding and destroying public presidential records, makes Trump ineligible for public office (and possibly eligible for 3 years in prison), right?

Please help make him the candidate in 24, to be replaced by Ted Cruz in mid October when he loses in court.

PS. Have you been properly instructed to be enraged at the hoodlums paraded out for the Super Bowl halftime show yet, hoodlems like billionaire Dr Dre, Mary J Blige, and Eminem? Way too….inner city for you? You know you’re supposed to be beside yourself that they didn’t have Ted Nugent and Kid Rock instead, right? The narrative is there were way too many black performers trying to entertain you with hyper sexual performances during your sports event (with nearly exclusively black players entertaining you). The far right media, Fox - OAN - newsmax are counting on you to be outraged.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

vil says...

If youre a normal country you are always living on credit, if for no other reason, then because it is super easy and cheap to borrow. Also you have to, to make it to the next pay check (tax collection). First your subjects have to produce and sell, then you can collect taxes.

You dont base the value of the dollar on anything. You offer it as a commodity to the market. If your economy sucks or you print too much money the dollar goes down, which can help the economy. Printing money doesnt automatically help the economy though, it just creates space and time to make it possible for the economy to improve.

Improving the economy means creating more or better products and services that are in demand at a competitive cost. Governments in non-dictatorial countries cant really do that directly, they can only create the conditions for this to happen.

Moderate inflation hardly plays a part, except as a moderator (is that a pun?) of shocks. Deflation (and a strong gold standard in a developing economy IS deflation) is deadly, it makes the economy less flexible, less able to adjust.

If you never improve your ecomomy, all you will have left will be to bitch about inflation.

What is too much debt, too much inflation, too much intervention? I wish economics was a science.

Theoretically the economy can get to be so bad that the structure collapses, there are countries which have notoriously bad historical records, and yet every time they restart they have to borrow money to get things going again. Reserves in general are useless. Production, services and a functioning market, recursive production of valuable goods and services which freely and easily find customers is the only thing you can consider a reliable pillar of civilization. Currency is one of those goods and services.

If for any reason yor currency cant freely circulate (see China or the USSR errr... Russia) you can hardly be a superpower, at least not in the economic sense.

Adopting a gold standard so strong that it would destroy the international dollar standard has no advantage for the USofA or for any developed first world country. Even just having the Euro wreaks havoc in weaker European countries economies, but that is another can of worms.

A lot of what is wrong about the gold standard would apply if a country decided to adopt bitcoin as its sole currency btw.

newtboy said:

The fed printing money is (one reason) why the economy is a disaster.
Every dollar the fed prints makes every dollar worth less….and eventually worthless.
The fed keeping a moderate reserve and releasing some to stabilize the economy AND RECAPTURING IT LATER keeps economy swings moderate. (You just have to not listen to morons who don’t ever want to rebuild the reserve because it cools off hot economies, and instead they want to live on credit).
Printing money is NOT a permanent solution to not having enough money, and doesn’t keep the economy stable long term. Ask Venezuela.

Basing your dollar’s value on gdp means another 2020 and it might disappear altogether instead of just seeing high inflation for years….no advantage there

Watch The Tesla Plaid Go 0-160 MPH

newtboy says...

That was not that quick compared to equivalent combustion engines….>11 seconds? I expected much better acceleration, but not top speed. Turns out it has neither compared to some similarly powerful combustion engines.

Keep in mind, the Bugatti is made for top speeds, not acceleration, but wins on both counts.

The Chiron will accelerate from 0–97 km/h) in under 2.5 seconds, 0–200 km/h (120 mph) in under 6.5 seconds and 0–300 km/h (190 mph) in under 13.6 seconds. The Chiron's top speed is electronically limited to 420 km/h (260 mph) for safety reasons. The anticipated full top speed of the Bugatti Chiron is believed to be around 463 km/h (288 mph

Also, this is a Chiron, not the Chiron super sport version, not the top of the line. Weight is similar.

Electric is great…it’s not better at performance yet. Don’t oversell it.

bobknight33 said:

Sure plaid is overkill. But will also change the minds of all who see what EV can do and will push the decade of EV forward/

Like the horse and buggy, the I.C.E age is ending.

Phrasle - Daily Phrase Puzzle (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Thanks @newtboy!

Really glad it's improving for you guys. It's a lot of guess work, as I'm often unsure how things may be coming across for everyone playing.

Super relieved it worked for you today... but now I'm worried about tomorrow's!

newtboy said:

I like the change too. It made me fail for the first time! Good deal, it’s no fun if it’s too easy. Good job @lucky760
Also, no problem on the iPad with this one.

Vote While It Counts

newtboy says...

Comment downvote for blatant lies

1) it specifically does not outlaw them, it explicitly allows them….it regulates and enforces them, so yes, in states with ID laws, it has mandatory ID to vote (but expands what ID is allowed beyond a drivers license.). Fail

2) It does not allow unattended drop boxes. where? Quote it. It requires more drop boxes than one for 3.5 million people, it does not (that I can find anywhere) allow unattended drop boxes any more than current laws which require them to be under surveillance and attended. It does not allow “vote gathering” liar, prove me wrong with quotes from the bill (you can’t)….side note, in California, the Republican Party itself set up multiple unauthorized drop boxes, unattended and without surveillance cameras even after being charged for breaking state laws, gathered those votes (discarding any that they didn’t want to submit, like any from people named Enrique and DeShawn, and possibly filling out any left unsealed…..Republicans are also the ones caught with campaigns directly harvesting ballots from nursing homes and admitting they filled out any race not filled out, voting for the Republican candidates even on Democrat’s ballots, so you know, those are Republican MOs, not Democratic, you can’t point to one actual example of Democrats doing that, maybe you can find some false OAN reports claiming that, but absolutely no evidence. Double Fail

3) dumb ass, it requires investigation by the state “ Additionally, the bill sets forth provisions related to election security, including by requiring states to conduct post-election audits for federal elections”. It also requires states to purchase voting machines with a paper receipt and record, so no more attempts like cyber ninjas to reprogram the machines to give the results they want with no physical record to prove their fraud. Super fail

4) where does it limit a states ability to challenge and audit itself? Quotes from the bill or admit you’re lying. It limits the states ability to gerrymander, to deny polling places for targeted populations, and to create biased and blatantly racist policies designed to obstruct certain populations from voting. It limits states ability to limit early voting. It actually REQUIRES states to audit every federal election you delusional fucking moron. Double dipsolitious fail

5) the scariest part for you (that you didn’t mention intentionally) is making Election Day a national holiday, because if poor working people get a paid day off to vote, guaranteed more will vote, and that’s disastrous for the right that freely admits it can only win elections if they get to choose the voters, the method of voting, and the outcome (I’m looking at Trump), and will never win any election ever again if all legal voters vote.

Such a sad, deluded little liar you’ve become, bob. You must really dislike yourself to do that to yourself. You’re worth an honest argument and position, bob. You let Trump twist you into this dishonest, “say anything”, hyper partisan angry little man… deserve better, and we all deserve better from you.

Always against the side of freedom, inclusion, equal opportunity, truth, honesty, fairness, civil rights, and civility.

bobknight33 said:

It does not have mandatory ID to vote.

It allows un attended voting boxes.

It allow vote gathering.

None of this is secure.

Limits states ability to challenge.

Piglet squid

Phooz says...

Awesome! At first I just saw the thumbnail and read 'Piglet SQUAD' and got real hyped to see a bunch of those cuties together! Still amazing and super cool!

5200 Drone light show, Breaking 4 World Records - High Great

StukaFox says...

If you watch this and feel anything but complete terror, you're missing the point. An AI controlled drone swarm is a military nightmare: you can blind radar; shut down comms; interrupt C3 at a crucial moment.

The things that can be done with a thousand cheap drones and some basic AI can render billion-dollar military systems moot in the event of real combat. The US Navy is already shitting themselves over this (there's already been a few incidents, most recently off the coast of San Diego), and the USAF isn't far behind. Serious drones incidents -- from unknown attackers -- have happened in the US. This including an attempted attack on a power station and a bizarre cat-and-mouse game between USBP/HLS and an unidentified "super drone" over Arizona on more than one occasion.

Did you notice what they were displaying? This wasn't meant to be oo-aah cute, this was China telling the US military they fuck around at their own risk. The last time someone sent a message this clearly, Billy Mitchell was flying a biplane over a captured German destroyer.

"Far less chance for severe mishaps, too" -- I know you meant something totally different, but in the case of what I'm talking about, the exact opposite holds true.

cloudballoon said:

These drones light shows are feeling samey-samey real fast, no "wow" factor anymore to me just like fireworks, though they can convey any messages (propaganda?) far more clearly and inventively if done right. But at least these drones get reused events after events. Hopefully the environmental impact is less than fireworks at the end of the their days.

Far less chance of severe mishaps too.

Best Fails Of The Year 2021

BSR says...

I kept telling myself I'll watch it later because of the length. I had to keep watching because I haven't seen most of them and each clip is short and had to see what was next. Nice collection IMO. Especially the super wedgie.

ant said:

Wow, TL;DW. 2021 isn't over yet 2. We still have 3 days left! Upvoted.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh roe….Trump said vaccines are good.
The far right lunatic league has decided their conspiracy theories are correct, so Trump must be a libtard moron or part of the plan to force mind control drugs and microchips into them, and are quickly abandoning him! Lol…too good.
For instance, Owens has now said he’s a very very old man who only watches main stream news and no longer participates in their alternate facts/alternate reality. Not a ringing endorsement. Jones says something similar, Trump’s either ignorant or one of the most evil men.
So, thinking Republicans are fleeing the party in droves, and Q nuts are abandoning Trump in droves. Trump has abandoned McConnel, and McConnel is abandoning Trump.

This coming 2 weeks after Trump’s sad rally became such a super spreader event that his anti vax nutters decided they were attacked with anthrax, because Covid isn’t real so they couldn’t have it. If only there was a test to find out which one they have….

And don’t forget that cokehead Trump Jr just told conservatives to abandon Christianity…saying “the teachings of Jesus has gotten us nothing.”….abandoning both religion and grammar in one fell swoop.

I love it when a plan comes together. The self destruction of the Republican Party is a thing of beauty.

MBARI Best Of The Year Deep Sea Finds

ant (Member Profile)


newtboy says...

Another Q conspiracy video, @bobknight33 ?! Oh Bob.
Biden handed the governor’s son an official whitehouse face mask, in public, on camera. Granted a bit oddly but not super slow and lingering like the edited “original” video shows.
The child definitely didn’t hand Biden a vial of baby blood or adrenochrome like the doctored, reversed video claims to show, and like you likely believe. Your irrational hatred of anything not Trumpian makes you such a fool.

snake eating itself

cloudballoon says...

Sorry I had a brain fart, I was thinking the Presidency, Senate & the House. The 3 that people can actually vote pople in to. The Supreme Court's not voted in by the people, and this Court is FUBAR by McConnell since the last of Obama's years...

You're absoluely spot on the split, that's why I said "bare-bone" and filibuster & super majority vote's gotta go. There are very few Houses of Representatives in the world are as dysfunctional as the USA because of it.

newtboy said:

Excuse me?!
Control of all three?! Executive, legislative, and judicial?

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