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Richard Feynman - Ode on a Flower

Richard Feynman - Ode on a Flower

Richard Feynman: Take the world from another point of view

gwiz665 says...

I wanna do a quote from him:

"I have a friend who's an artist and he's sometimes taken a view which I don't agree with very well. He'll hold up a flower and say, 'Look how beautiful it is,' and I'll agree, I think. And he says, 'You see, I as an artist can see how beautiful this is, but you, as a scientist, oh, take this all apart and it becomes a dull thing.

And I think that he's kind of nutty. First of all, the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me, too,I believe, although I might not be quite as refined aesthetically as he is; but I can appreciate the beauty of a flower. At the same time I see much more about the flower that he sees. I can imagine the cells in there, the complicated actions inside which also have a beauty.

Also, the processes, the fact that the colors in the flower evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting - it means that insects can see the color. It adds a question: Does this aesthetic sense also exist in the lower forms? Why is it aesthetic? All kinds of interesting questions which shows that a scientific knowledge only adds to the excitement and mystery and the awe of a flower. It only adds; I don't understand how it can subtract."

This applies to art vs. science, religion vs. science, basically anything vs. science. Science only adds.

Congressman Weiner: "You Don't Know What Socialism Means!"

NetRunner says...

gtjwkq is once again just mindlessly parroting biased studies, getting the numbers wrong, and mixing the results of several bogus "studies" together, and delivering it with his usual heaping dose of rude condescension.

The "study" he wants you to read is this one from the Council for Affordable Health Insurance which describes itself as "a research and advocacy association of insurance carriers active in the individual, small group, HSA and senior markets" (emphasis mine).

It's pretty much the textbook definition of statistical sleight of hand, and more or less declares its own definition of "administrative" costs, which just happens to result in him needing to add costs to Medicare from outside its budget, and subtract things from the private insurance side (such as profit).

Even when he does this, his own biased numbers still show lower costs for Medicare, at which point he switches to the argument that private insurance is giving you a better value for your money, even with the extra administrative costs.

He does not address the liberal argument that the higher administrative costs aren't aimed so much at preventing real fraud, but in trying to uncover any legal pretense for refusing to cover treatment for people who file claims, nor the arguments that government run health insurance is getting some economies of scale by having some of its functions handled by other areas of government, such as policy making being done by Congress, or being able to "acquire capital" at the Government's low interest rates.

blankfist (Member Profile)

imstellar28 says...

I've always thought people should have at least one job in some kind of service industry, just to help them realize they shouldn't be pricks to these people when they grow up. But yeah, I don't really get the anti-tip sentiment as well; I understand the cultural differences between countries and wages, but people should respect whatever culture they are visiting, not impose their values (or tipping preferences) on the host country.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
My first job was as a bus boy/dishwasher at a Western Steer restaurant in North Carolina. I hated it. I, too, tip at least 20% and typically more depending on what I order. It figures the ones everyone else would want to label as heartless libertarians would be the ones who tip the greatest.

I'm not sure why everyone else on that post hates tipping waitresses so much.

In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
My first job was as a bus boy/dishwasher, and the waitresses I worked with made $2.13 an hour - three dollars less than minimum wage at the time. Waitresses don't just keep their tips...they have to "tip out" other people like the bus boy, etc. So as a bus boy, sometimes I would bring home $50 a night in tips from what the waitresses would give me - outside of my regular wages which were above minimum wage.

To this day, as a rule I tip 25-30% on all bills, usually with a minimum of 20%. If the person gives really lousy service - aka - charges me for extra bread etc. I subtract that out of the tip sometimes; otherwise I always tip at least 20% even if they are mediocre. For really good service (especially on low-priced bills) sometimes I'll tip upwards of 50%.

Worst tip I ever gave was -$1.00 yes I actually subtracted money from the bill and signed it on a credit card. The restaurant had a deal "$5 pitchers for domestic drafts" and I had ordered Yuengling...ended up being charged like $9.50 a pitcher when there was a sign at the very bar "Yuengling...America's oldest brewery"

It should be noted that a lot of times people penalize the waitress for problems with the cook. If the food is bad, or wrong, or late - that could be the cook's fault; many times it has nothing to do with the waitress. And if its busy, and/or the restaurant is under-staffed, how is that her fault and why should she be penalized? If it takes one hour to get your food, eat somewhere else don't be a dick to the waitress.

imstellar28 (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

My first job was as a bus boy/dishwasher at a Western Steer restaurant in North Carolina. I hated it. I, too, tip at least 20% and typically more depending on what I order. It figures the ones everyone else would want to label as heartless libertarians would be the ones who tip the greatest.

I'm not sure why everyone else on that post hates tipping waitresses so much.

In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
My first job was as a bus boy/dishwasher, and the waitresses I worked with made $2.13 an hour - three dollars less than minimum wage at the time. Waitresses don't just keep their tips...they have to "tip out" other people like the bus boy, etc. So as a bus boy, sometimes I would bring home $50 a night in tips from what the waitresses would give me - outside of my regular wages which were above minimum wage.

To this day, as a rule I tip 25-30% on all bills, usually with a minimum of 20%. If the person gives really lousy service - aka - charges me for extra bread etc. I subtract that out of the tip sometimes; otherwise I always tip at least 20% even if they are mediocre. For really good service (especially on low-priced bills) sometimes I'll tip upwards of 50%.

Worst tip I ever gave was -$1.00 yes I actually subtracted money from the bill and signed it on a credit card. The restaurant had a deal "$5 pitchers for domestic drafts" and I had ordered Yuengling...ended up being charged like $9.50 a pitcher when there was a sign at the very bar "Yuengling...America's oldest brewery"

It should be noted that a lot of times people penalize the waitress for problems with the cook. If the food is bad, or wrong, or late - that could be the cook's fault; many times it has nothing to do with the waitress. And if its busy, and/or the restaurant is under-staffed, how is that her fault and why should she be penalized? If it takes one hour to get your food, eat somewhere else don't be a dick to the waitress.

Couple Arrested for Not Paying Tip

imstellar28 says...

My first job was as a bus boy/dishwasher, and the waitresses I worked with made $2.13 an hour - three dollars less than minimum wage at the time. Waitresses don't just keep their tips...they have to "tip out" other people like the bus boy, etc. So as a bus boy, sometimes I would bring home $50 a night in tips from what the waitresses would give me - outside of my regular wages which were above minimum wage.

To this day, as a rule I tip 25-30% on all bills, usually with a minimum of 20%. If the person gives really lousy service - aka - charges me for extra bread etc. I subtract that out of the tip sometimes; otherwise I always tip at least 20% even if they are mediocre. For really good service (especially on low-priced bills) sometimes I'll tip upwards of 50%.

Worst tip I ever gave was -$1.00 yes I actually subtracted money from the bill and signed it on a credit card. The restaurant had a deal "$5 pitchers for domestic drafts" and I had ordered Yuengling...ended up being charged like $9.50 a pitcher when there was a sign at the very bar "Yuengling...America's oldest brewery"

It should be noted that a lot of times people penalize the waitress for problems with the cook. If the food is bad, or wrong, or late - that could be the cook's fault; many times it has nothing to do with the waitress. And if its busy, and/or the restaurant is under-staffed, how is that her fault and why should she be penalized? If it takes one hour to get your food, eat somewhere else don't be a dick to the waitress.

Man Man - Van Helsing Boombox

EndAll says...

A fine remedy!

From the YouTube description: "Man Man didn't know they were going to be filmed live for Dutch television! They missed soundcheck for the gig, thought they were just playing for a club, and then found out the bad news."

I wouldn't have called it bad news! I think that lent more to the performance than it subtracted - it was really chill, built up slow but got better and better and came 'round full circle into an awesome live show.

Brilliant Craig Ferguson Rant About Why Society Sucks

Louis C K - Q & A Interview with TIME

chilaxe says...

>> ^Trancecoach:
". . .I have this job and because of that, I have custody of this car that the bank is paying somebody else for, and if they ever come calling, I go to jail. . ."

I have 3 credit cards with 0% interest for 6 months. I'm enormously grateful for them. Credit and loans - if they're carefully managed - can have huge advantages over a more simple financial life. Low interest credit and loans are virtually free capital once you subtract inflation from the amount paid back.

imstellar28 (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I dunno. I leave it up to you then. I'm kind of anal about tags and channel assignments, but if you think subtracting the Parody tag will enhance the video's appeal then I won't object. Personally I don't think it will matter, and therefore you might as well stick with the truth, but that's just me.

In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
i know its a parody, but don't ya think the parody tag kind of ruins the fun? demon_ix was getting all work up about it while watching only to realize at the end it was a parody.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
It's an obvious *parody, even demon_ix admitted it after viewing the whole video ("this video is a parody of"). Therefore reinstated.

Arma 2 Huge Battle 1000 AI

ShakyJake says...

>> ^EDD:
The red and green laser-like effects for projectiles kind of subtract from the realism, no?
Audio is very nice - graphics not so much, though.

You've never seen green tracers, before? The US and NATO in general uses phosphorous in its tracer element, which tends to burn orange/red. Soviet ammunition has always used barium, even back to WW2, which instead burns green.

This game looks really good. Two more weeks till it's released here.

Arma 2 Huge Battle 1000 AI

EDD says...

The red and green laser-like effects for projectiles kind of subtract from the realism, no?
Audio is very nice - graphics not so much, though.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

rottenseed says...

>> ^enoch:
two homes=$235,000
3 cars=$30,000
20' pro-katt=$40,000
everything else=$25,000
the ability to walk away and live my own life on my terms=priceless
ah,the toils of marital bliss.
in all honesty,
it depends on the couple.
marriage is a partnership and can work beautifully.
take all pretense of romance out,
subtract societal expectations...
respect each other as individuals by letting each other be who they are,
and who they may become.
keep it as honest as you can...
back each other up at every chance.
and you should be fine.
but then again......
i may just be talking out my ass,
its not like i have this stellar track record.
better yet...
ignore any marital advice from me...
because my initial instinct is to tell everyone:
RUN! RUN as fast as your lil feet can carry you!
im sorry..
what was i saying again?

Just like Communism, I suppose marriage works in "theory". The only problem that messes both of these things up is human nature.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

enoch says...

two homes=$235,000
3 cars=$30,000
20' pro-katt=$40,000
everything else=$25,000
the ability to walk away and live my own life on my terms=priceless

ah,the toils of marital bliss.
in all honesty,
it depends on the couple.
marriage is a partnership and can work beautifully.
take all pretense of romance out,
subtract societal expectations...
respect each other as individuals by letting each other be who they are,
and who they may become.
keep it as honest as you can...
back each other up at every chance.
and you should be fine.
but then again......
i may just be talking out my ass,
its not like i have this stellar track record.
better yet...
ignore any marital advice from me...
because my initial instinct is to tell everyone:
RUN! RUN as fast as your lil feet can carry you!
im sorry..
what was i saying again?

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