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A Dragon Torched My Hand (How Do VR Haptic Gloves Work?)

MilkmanDan says...

By far the best class I took while getting my Computer Science degree was "Software Engineering Project". We got assigned a project and divided up into teams including CS, CIS, and MIS majors. The MIS people managed and divided up assignments, and the CS people handled different aspects of the programming, like data structures / algorithms / UI / whatever.

This looks like an extremely fun and interesting extension of that. There's CS guys programming, EE guys doing hardware / sensors / haptic panels, full-on Engineering guys doing fluid dynamics, etc.

Destin seems like a great "jack of all trades" type that can get in there and ask really smart questions off the cuff. All the guys geeking out and being impressed with his intuitions and yet hesitant to confirm anything is hilarious to watch.

Epic mashup - I Heard it (Round and Round) the Grapevine

overdude says...

I call foul. Some of Marvin's notes have been auto-tuned to fit the chord structure of the Ratt song. That makes this mash-up anything BUT epic. Good effort though...

Scuba Diver Plays With Octopus

Bruti79 says...

The CBC has a show called the Passionate Eye and they did and episode on re-evaluating the intelligence of animals. Essentially, a group of biologists and psychologists said we need to reclassify how we structure intelligence. Make it a tiered system with the top tier containing Humans/Primates, Elephants, Dolphins/Whales, a certain species of crow, and octopi. =)

KrazyKat42 said:

It make you wonder how smart they really are.

Boulder Breaks In Climbers Hands

A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement

ChaosEngine says...

You could argue that the issues that hold men down are generally caused by the same issues feminists are fighting for.

One of the biggest issues affecting men is suicide, especially in younger males. And one of the primary drivers of this is "macho" culture; the idea that it's not "manly" to ask for emotional help.

The other issue I hear about is fathers rights (a court will almost always side with a mother in a custody dispute). Again, this is caused by the idea that the woman should be looking after the children.

The irony is that the fundamental difference between men's issues and women's issues is actually the fundamental similarity: both are caused by societal structures that dictate the role of men and women.

The difference is that historically (and let's be honest, even today), men hold the power and make the rules.

Sagemind said:

I've been saying this for years.
Men have some real issues that hold them down.
But that doesn't mean we can't also acknowledge the issues that woman face at the same time.

100+ Consecutive Speed Bumps High Speed Testing

Digitalfiend says...

The white Toyota 4runner or whatever it was almost made it! The simulation of the suspension impacts and structural deformations seems quite realistic.

Sonoma And Surrounding Counties Firestorm

Trump Attacks the Mayor of San Juan: A Closer Look

newtboy says...


Both infrastructures destroyed, but PRs is much better, yet they got less. PR is American, and begged for help during the storm. Haiti almost had no government after the earthquake, we just showed up to help.
You know SOME damage will happen, so prepare....but that ignores the point, Haiti had no warning and no preparation, but twice the help in 1/8 the time, even though they're also an island, surrounded by water, big water, and even though near 100% of structures were destroyed in Haiti with roads blocked and bridges impassable.
FEMA spent millions preparing in Texas and Florida...what's different?
PR requested FEMA help before landfall, and haven't stopped begging for it since.
Really, federal agencies cannot go where they aren't specifically requested by locals even in emergencies...and you think declaring the island (and San Juan specifically) a disaster zone and requesting FEMA and the military isn't a request....who's a moron again?
Couldn't that be 'Joseph Curl admits he hasn't met with San Juan mayor'? It's his job to provide emergency services and supplies, he's failed completely. Hypothetically, if she were killed, incapacitated, or trapped, San Juan just gets abandoned? Besides, pretending they don't have permission to enter town or knowledge of the need without her in person properly formatted request is just ludicrous and moronic.
They have permission, they need drivers that aren't there. They blame locals for not answering their phones and showing up to drive....but 95% don't have electricity, most cell towers are destroyed, and most roads are impassable because FEMA and the military continue to do little....but sure, it's those lazy Puerto Ricans that are the hold up.

Your ridiculous hyper politically biased opinion article actually discredits your contention. She has met them, is in constant contact, and her subordinates are stationed in the FEMA headquarters...she just hasn't wasted her time visiting that headquarters personally because there's no reason to besides a photo op, and she's busy trying to save lives. I'm sure Trump will play that game though, he likes having his picture taken.

Chaucer said:

Typical liberal trying to twist and combine facts. You are coming off like a pretty big moron. You cant compare Haiti and PR as its a apple/orange situation. Do you know the situation of the infrastructure between the 2? Do you know how the government of each nation reacted? I bet there's a lot of difference between the two.

Also, you dont know how much damage is going to be caused by a hurricane. Why would they ramp up all the services and waste tens of millions of dollars when just a street sign gets blown over? (besides you liberals would then complain about wasting government money for nothing) They knew Katrina and Andrews were coming too but the US government has to wait to see if they are needed.

Also, federal agencies like FEMA have to be requested by the local governments to be there. This is where you guys are such hypocrites. If the military moved into a location and started to take over, you'd be all up in arms about it. Well, FEMA is a federal entity too. They just cant GO into a location if they arent being requested.

As far as the San Juan mayor, here's an article from Oct 1st:

I bet even with this smoking gun in this incompetent Mayor, who is a Democrat, that you are still going to blame Trump. You people are so sad.

Secret Studio Built Under a Bridge

winslowws says...

I certainly see the artistic sensibility there. It's cool and unique, but in the end it left me feeling disturbed. Modifications to public infrastructure should be strictly discouraged.

Yes, I understand that a handful of 3" lag bolts to hold up your shelf and table are unlikely to affect the structural integrity of the bridge, but bridges and supports span the gamut from earthquake-ready to collapsing under their own poor construction.

This guy's modifications are unlikely to cause a serious problem, but what about the next guy who decides to make more serious alterations? The potential risk for serious cost and injury aren't worth the coolness factor.

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

Interesting piece in the LA Review of Books: The Supermanagerial Reich

It's a tad long, so I suggest the last two paragraphs to get a taste, see if it's to your liking.

Small bit:

If there is going to be a politics that overcomes the new fascist threat, it must address the fact that the crisis is not now, the crisis has already been for some time. By focusing only on the threat of our homegrown Hitler caricature we have failed to notice the facts right in front of our faces: the uniquely parallel structures, the same winners, the similar losers, the crimes, the human degradation. We are already living in our very own, cruel 21st-century Supermanagerial Reich.

the problem with too much empathy

enoch says...

i agree with everything you just said,but i didn't see him make that argument.

how i hear him is that while empathy and compassion have their place,you shouldn't engage in radical empathy where it blocks out any sense of rational reason.

to a normal person who watches a hawk swoop down and brutalize a baby rabbit,we may respond with revulsion and even pity for the baby rabbit but we certainly do not view the hawk as "evil".

a person with radical empathy views all dynamics in a power structure where everyone on the bottom is the victim and everyone on top is the victimizer.

and there is danger in that because most dynamics are far more complicated and nuanced.

I Can't Show You How Pink This Pink Is

vil says...

It does not have to be about fitting into gamut, pink is a combination of blue and red light, which monitors are good at.

The problem with real world materials is that perception is not as simple as that. The combination of reflected, refracted, and even radiated (transformed wavelength) and polarized light, the micro-structure of the surface and possibly other properties can influence perception.

Like your favourite washing powder makes your whites whiter, this stuff makes pinks look pinker somehow. Its about fooling your eyes in specific conditions. You can simulate the difference between a known pink - a standard colour sample - and this awesome new pink by putting them side by side and calibrating the camera and monitor to show the new pink as pink and the reference pink as less pink, like at the end of the video, but that cant beat walking into an art gallery and seeing it with your own eyes. I mean probably, I havent seen this particular pink, but I have seen modern paintings which look nothing like their RGB or CMYK reproductions.

Tabs v(ersu)s Spaces from Silicon Valley S3E6

MilkmanDan says...

(**EDIT** hmm, code HTML tag doesn't seem to allow whitespace to show at the beginning of lines, so I'm replacing spaces with _underscores_ in the pseudocode below)

Code uses spaces or tabs to visually distinguish the flow of the program, what code belongs to what functions / loops / whatever.

Here's some C-style "pseudocode" that should get the idea across:

void function fizzbuzz {
__for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
____set print_number to true;
____If i is divisible by 3
______print "Fizz";
______set print_number to false;
____If i is divisible by 5
______print "Buzz";
______set print_number to false;
____If print_number, print i;
____print a newline;

The braces { } show the beginning and ending of a "function" (essentially one of potentially many self-contained algorithms in a program) and the beginning and ending of a "for loop" (that will repeat the code inside it some number of times). And the "if" statements will only perform the stuff after them IF the test they perform evaluates to true.

So in that pseudocode, there's sort of 4 tiers or things going on. First is the function (named "fizzbuzz"). Since functions are kind of the most basic structural unit of the code, they are on the far left -- not indented at all. Sorta like Roman Numerals in an outline.

Then, the actual content of that function (the code that makes up its algorithm) is set a consistent amount of space to the right to make it clear that it is contained inside the function. That can be done with *1* tab, or some consistent amount of spaces so that it lines up. The only thing in that tier is the "for loop" and the braces that show its beginning and end.

Then the content of the for loop is set a bit further to the right (with another space or another set number of spaces). All of the "if" statements are at that 3rd tier level, along with a bit more code at the beginning and end. Then, the actual content of the if statements is set one more tier to the right to help distinguish that it will only run IF the conditions are met.

That pseudocode uses spaces for all of the tiering -- 2 spaces per tier. I'm a tab person like the guy Richard in the video, because it seems easier to press tab once per tier than hitting the spacebar 2/3/4 times per tier. But it really is just a personal preference issue, because as he said in the video, by the time the code is compiled (turned into an executable file that the computer can run) the final result will be the same whether the programmer used spaces or tabs.

But like with many things, Silicon Valley really hits the nail on the head here. Programmers tend to be very set in their ways and anal about their style preferences for code. If we have to go through someone else's code that doesn't follow our style conventions exactly, it kinda tends to throw us out of whack. To make an analogy with something less nerdy, consider how annoying it can be when someone borrows your car and you have to adjust the seat / mirrors / radio stations etc. when you get back in.

eric3579 said:

Don't think i've ever used a tab outside filling in a form or playing video games. Does the tab thing have more to do with writing code?

Stephen Fry Explains Why Some Believe Everything Trump Says

Drachen_Jager says...

The American system is stacked toward the wealthy.

He inherited 200 million in NYC condos in the early '80s. If he'd held on to them, they'd be worth an estimated 12 billion today. If he'd sold and put the money in indexed stocks, he'd be worth 10 billion today. By his own most generous estimate he's worth 8 billion today (and less biased estimates have him out of billionaire status entirely).

Trump filed for bankruptcy four (I think, might have been more) times, each time structuring his debt so the shareholders got screwed and he got away clean.

He's accepted hundreds of millions of dollars worth of sweetheart loans from Russian banks. Every American bank has him blacklisted.

He's screwed contractors, employees, and practically everyone he can for years.

He's stiffed debt collectors for decades.

He's paid no taxes for decades.

In spite of all those benefits, he's still managed to lose approximately 90% of the massive wealth he inherited. Yeah, brilliant person.

BTW, every time I hear about the Dunning Kruger effect, I think of you and all the other Trumpites, Bob. It's worth giving some critical thought, if you can manage it.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump is dumb? That is what this video implies.

He turned a million into Billions. Doesn't sound dumb to me.

Trump may not be the smoothest political cat but he has yet to do anything illegal or yet to be any proof.
Meanwhile the media is blowing a gasket day in and day out, pushing lie after lie. Trump just keeps moving forward punking the media.

True dumb people don't know that they are dumb and are more happy. Smart people realize that they don't know as much as they would like and are burden by this.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Since election rigging is featured so often in the media these days, the lack of coverage of the class-action suit filed against the DNC becomes even more apparent. Luckily though, some some blogs are still on the case.


Counsel for the DNC tap-danced around the judge’s initial line of questioning before finally answering that primary elections are “generally state funded.” But he left out how the Clinton campaign’s “takeover of national party structure” completely changes the context for “state funded.” Sure, there’s accounts with the state’s name on them, but the money was supplied by the Clinton campaign. At the very least, counsel for the DNC is being disingenuous when he says the DNC doesn’t fund state elections. In 2016 alone, FEC filings show that Florida received almost $22 million from DNC Services corp. How does that not constitute DNC funding?

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