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newtboy (Member Profile)

Trump and Fox Struggle to Attack Sen. Kamala Harris

luxintenebris jokingly says...


say it, but surely place a bet on it, if it's a shoo-in?

if you believe your johnson is a lolly and women are begging for a taste, just unzip, roll it out and wait for women in the target fitting rooms to prove it.

that's just as equally sound as believing dj has made more fans, and no one cares about killing complete strangers.

but i get it. if donnie does lose, i'd stay away from any post-rallies. especially, far far away from the free drinks served after.

bobknight33 said:


I'll say it.

Trump will win by a fucking landslide.

More supporters today than 2016. Democrats fed up with the far left of their party, not to mention Finger Banging JOE loosing his mental grip will push Trump to victory.

The fake news, BLM rioters, Democrat lead cities dumping on Blue lives, cutting funding. Crime spiking, looting, murder rates spiking will lead to total victory.

Covid is a non issue. People want to go tow work not be ordered by Democrat mayors, Governors to stay shut down.

Covid death rates are low % , except elderly, and not worth the economic damage to people, states, nation.

Vote Out Racism

moonsammy says...

In most states you can drop off absentee ballots at a polling location. Guaranteed paper ballot (no one should trust machines without paper trails, if those still exist), no possible mail fuckery, and minimal time spent in a building with strangers.

BSR said:

I live in Florida and 4 days ago I requested a mail in ballot.
Now I've got to go stand in line.

Law and Order

newtboy says...

He has no choice.
He HAS to make up lies about Biden that are at least on par with the videos of Trump being exponentially worse, or it's Siberia for him.

His hero is on multiple video recordings lusting after little girls, from his own young daughter to the underage contestants in his beauty pageants that he forces to get naked in front of him to strangers, 10 year olds he says he'll date soon....and not in a joking way.
Then there's his brotherhood with Epstein, getting naked massages by 15 year olds and private parties with only him, Epstein, and dozens of very young unchaperoned girls.
There's also the little issue the 25 credible women who currently accuse him of rape, and the hundreds barred by their NDAs from making accusations....but he knows similar accusations against Biden would never fly, so they're easing in, as you said, to constantly evolving charges. There's one blatantly false accusation by an adult, so he says "fondling little girls ", which he's never been accused of in multiple ways, but Trump has bragged about doing it repeatedly and has multiple accusers. By the election, they'll claim Biden rapes little girls with Epstein too, and has a secret love child named Barron with his daughter.

If he can't convince people Biden is the same kind of kiddy rapist, he knows he's lost a big vote block. Too bad for him he's used up every iota of trust and can't be believed about anything.

Projection doesn't work when the audience knows the truth, @bobknight33...and the entire world knows Trump is a pedophile and Biden is honorable and nothing like Trump the well known proud public pedophile.

JiggaJonson said:

Tara Reade's story doesn't hold water. Last i checked, even in her accusation she wasn't a 'little girl' in the complaint.

Making shit up again? Is this what it's like watching someone hypnotize himself? You are just going to keep saying he's a rapist and now you're easing into him being a pedo?

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Daughter Raping Donny, aka the syphilitic mushroom tip, never again.

Remember, when asked what he had in common with his teenaged daughter his answer was "sex". sad Bobby. So stupid and sad. Trump openly brags about forcibly finger banging any stranger he finds attractive, and has >25 sexual abuse cases pending including multiple rapes, groping, fingering, kissing, untold numbers of payoffs and NDAs, etc. You are not doing him any favors comparing his record of rampant sexual abuse and philandering for 4+ decades to Joe who has one untrustworthy accuser with one totally unbelievable and constantly changing story of being sexually abused in the public halls of congress that never came up before in nearly 30 years of his campaigns, not behind closed doors in the last decade with corroboration and physical evidence like many Trump accusers. So unbelievably dumb. If you had the capacity, you would be ashamed of yourself.

bobknight33 said:

Finger Banging JOE 2020.

Joe Biden Accused Of Sexual Assault By Former Staffer

newtboy says...

Sure...she claims an assault/harassment happened in 93, but never reported it anywhere until 2019, and again in 2020, and then only to non profit organizations with direct political ties to Biden and only after his candidacy was announced....but this isn't just a political smear, she really wants it investigated. *facepalm

I guess only Trump can brag about grabbing any woman by the pussy, anyone else is a monster if they're accused of the same by one accuser nearly 3 decades later.

Certainly doesn't sound one whit like Biden, nor does the timeline seem even close to honest. Odd she didn't come forward in 93, or even when he was nominated as VP, doncha think?

Trump, on the other hand, has >26 credible accusations of sexual assault,
most much worse than this one including forcible rapes, many in court now (so accusations made under oath, even though Trump and Bar tried to stop the cases or pay them off to keep silent), all corroborated by his own "locker room" admissions that he assaulted innumerable women, including friend's wives, employees, contestants, and random strangers, grabbing any he wants by the genitals and forcibly kissing them, intentionally barging in on them while they're undressed (including but not limited to underage girls at his pageants), even outright raping them, all of which he says is all fine because he's rich and famous.

Jesus, @bobknight33, you're really being dumb thinking this is an issue to attack Biden on but that Trump has no exposure with. Mind numbingly dumb.

Girl calls herself ugly and her Hairdresser cheers her up

What are the most devastating pandemics in human history?

cloudballoon says...

Just look up Wikipedia, the CDC or some other authoritative scientific sites and this video is full of misinformation. Of import, the origins of the top 3 and other lesser ranked Y. P. strains are still best guesses and points to Central Asia, not China in most recent studies. China is like the "first mass victim," not the "patient zero" of the pandemics, but these plagues ultimately spread far and wide with deadly repercussions all over the world. Fact those Y.P. plagues devastated Europe so much speaks more of the unsanitary living they had back then and other misconception of how the plagues spread they had exacerbated the spread more than anything.

Time to learn those lessons and take Covid-19 seriously. Wash your hands, keep a good physical distance, and shut up around strangers as much as possible in public. And don't go out as much as possible.

Forbidden Parenting

smr says...

Just a anecdotal based response: Left my 3 year old, who was asleep buckled in his seat (which he cannot undo), in the car on an overcast day, 68 degrees out, doors locked. I left a second cell phone on monitor, so I could hear him if he woke up. Went in to a strip mall store 50 yards away from the car.
I hear him wake up, so I come out to check on him, and there's some man, apparently having banged on the window to wake him up, looking at me like I was trying to kill him. Apparently took my license plat and called child services, who eventually called me, my wife, my parents, and did a full investigation. I had almost the same experience, but I'm white and privileged so did not get arrested or have my children removed. I'm confident it could have been a lot worse if I was near the poverty line. I also received a similar lecture:
"We recognize that temperature and weather were ok, but do you recognize how unsafe it was to leave him unsupervised?"
"No, I don't. What could have happened? He was secure and unable to come out of the chair, the doors were locked, and he was monitored"
"Well some one could have smashed the window and taken him"
"Really? A stranger abduction, from a locked car, in broad daylight?"
"Well, what about if the police were called, and you were arrested in front of him. Wouldn't that be traumatic?"

And there they are right. And there you have it - the real danger is not any ACTUAL danger, it's our own fear. FDR had it right.

geo321 said:

@newtboy I wonder If this is a rampant problem, or is this story being pushed for a larger ideological objective? Mostly I just don't like his 1970s porn mustache

Astronaut Christina Koch reuniting with dog after 328 days

Mystic95Z says...

Yep dogs are amazing that way. My brother and his wife came down to visit last week and my dog who hates strangers in the house remembered them and went nuts after seeing them again for the first time in years.

Policeman Just Hanging Out While On Duty

newtboy says...

Let his friends help him.
It would be great if we lived in a society where assisting the police didn't end in charges and lawsuits or worse more often than not. Sadly, that's not the society we have.
It's unfortunately likely another officer could mistake the help for an attack and shoot the citizen helping, then have zero consequences for his deadly mistake thanks to blanket immunity and a blue wall of silence and lies.
Besides, police have squandered any good will they once deserved with self serving lies covering almost daily deadly or life ruining abuses by their group. Just as I wouldn't help a Medaine cartel member, even though some do help the community too, I wouldn't help a policeman today. They're all part of a violent gang, better to keep your distance until they clean house, which is unlikely. Cops that don't back criminal cops are driven out of policing with death threats and retaliation top to bottom every time.
Furthermore, shouldn't kindness logically begin with the civil servants instead of their victims?

Sadly, while I agree about helping fellow citizens, that's also not without risk. If you try to help and fail, often you might find yourself liable for the damage you couldn't prevent. Even if you succeed, you may find yourself at risk. Years ago, my brother gave CPR to a stranger who collapsed nearby, when the man died he was nearly charged with homicide even though he had done it correctly and not injured the victim. Had he not had thousands to spend hiring a lawyer, he certainly would have been charged and sued. To this day, he can't find out what the man died of or if it was contagious. Civil society is breaking down, and civility is becoming increasingly risky. If you're going to help, get a liability release first. ;-)

makach said:

I think, in this particular case the guy filming should have assisted the policeman instead of ridiculing him in a video. Kindness has to begin somewhere.

But it is not just the police. It is many things, instead of helping or doing the right thing it is filmed from a distance instead.

There recently was a huge fire in our neighbourhood. Firemen said that it would have been contained if just one person used a fire extinguisher. On the other hand, it is documented well from many angles.

The Egg

newtboy says...

I am the stranger in a strange land...both of us getting stranger by the day.

According to this, that means killing everyone including rocketman to become the god I'm destined to be.

BSR said:

You are the creator. You are the destroyer. Enjoy the dance.

You gotta kill the person you were born to be in order to become the person you want to be. -Rocketman

Architecture Professor Explains Why Malls Are Dying | WIRED

Jim Says Christian Leaders Will Be Murdered If Trump Loses

newtboy says...

So 'Stranger in a Strange Land' style....Thou Art God?
Yeah....that still could have been better without God or religion at all...Smith and his cult caused tons of trouble, and don't get me started on the Fosterites.

BSR said:


Tip of the day: SHUT THE FUCK UP

newtboy says...

I sometimes tell them "My forefathers fought and died for my right to remain silent. Discarding that right would be outrageously disrespectful and insulting to their sacrifice, and I'm certainly not going to do that to make a stranger's job a little easier and my life harder."

JiggaJonson said:

Indeed, never talk to the police.

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