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sbchapm (Member Profile)

gorgonheap says...

It's no sweat. I usually just wait for a promote and move the dupe video so it gets more notice. Dupes annoy the crap out of me, even if I would rather have the votes and the better title. Thanks for the head up though.


In reply to your comment:
I know what you mean. You bring a cool vid up that no one has seen lately, and it has to be retired. EVEN THOUGH it got more votes than the first one. When you think about it, what's so bad about dupes in this case? Anyway, sorry to have to point it out.


In reply to your comment:
Aw, crap sb, I just noticed this is a dupe Way to burst my bubble!

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

sbchapm says...

I know what you mean. You bring a cool vid up that no one has seen lately, and it has to be retired. EVEN THOUGH it got more votes than the first one. When you think about it, what's so bad about dupes in this case? Anyway, sorry to have to point it out.


In reply to your comment:
Aw, crap sb, I just noticed this is a dupe Way to burst my bubble!

eric3579 (Member Profile)

d00kie (Member Profile)

ghostcake says...

The Navy video is cool. I don't see how it's trying to promote the WAR? These retards think that supporting something that is essential to our country, is evil or something. Do they really think the country they live in could survive without a military force.

Fuck they're naive.

In reply to your comment:
nah, just had a mate send me that video..... tax dollars would be useful though.... lol, but nah, i'm in no way affiliated with any war recruitment.

Fedquip (Member Profile)

dag (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

eatbolt (Member Profile)

bighead says...

In reply to your comment:
"2. that it doubtfull [sic] that shimmer [sic] will prove theories acupuncture and life energy wrong." Of course he won't prove them wrong. To assume he can prove something wrong is a logical fallacy. It formally called, "The fallacy of appealing to lack of proof of the negative"

It's not on Shermer to prove their theories are wrong, it's on the acupuncturists to prove them to be right. To prove a negative, a person would have to be able to account for every moment and every location throughout the history of the entire universe to say definitively "That never happened anywhere, ever." Someone could say, "Santa Claus exists." I say, "No. He doesn't." They say, "Prove it." That's a fallacy. It's not on me to prove (or disprove) your claim. I'm not the one making it. I could just point to the person's lack of evidence and be done with it. I don't need to disprove Aliens abducted you. You have to prove it to me since you are making the assertion. That's where the burden lay.

what ever

Krupo (Member Profile)

Linz (Member Profile)

Sing In The Rain, Remixed (VW Commercial)

Deano (Member Profile)

Krupo (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

grspec says...

I didn't think it was meant towards me but just wanted to be clear on it. Thanks for the note and in the end it's all good.

In reply to your comment:
I wasn't taking a stab at you with my comment. I've had some problems with younger members who seem to take downvotes personally. Practically anyone who has a gold star can handle it pretty well. I get your jibs and find them enjoyable. Props about the going with your gut part. I hear you, sometimes I think too much sometimes I regret giving it a thumbs up.

In reply to your comment:
I think you are over analyzing things there choggie, it's pretty hard to get a real insight into what was intended or not just from a posted video or its title. I think the best way vote is with your gut, at least that is what I do. If I watch something and my gut says downvote, so it goes. Sometimes I will extend and extra moment of thought to it if I am feeling all tingly but 99% of the time I vote with my gut feeling before I over think it.

and gorgonheap it doesn't bother me when you downvote videos because it helps identify what you do and don't like and there is nothing wrong with that. As for the fact some people give you crap over it, in my case please don't mistake a friendly poke with a stab in the eye. Ant however has several lacerations from my previous attempts but I have almost figured out the method to his madness so I put my sharp stick away.

grspec (Member Profile)

gorgonheap says...

I wasn't taking a stab at you with my comment. I've had some problems with younger members who seem to take downvotes personally. Practically anyone who has a gold star can handle it pretty well. I get your jibs and find them enjoyable. Props about the going with your gut part. I hear you, sometimes I think too much sometimes I regret giving it a thumbs up.

In reply to your comment:
I think you are over analyzing things there choggie, it's pretty hard to get a real insight into what was intended or not just from a posted video or its title. I think the best way vote is with your gut, at least that is what I do. If I watch something and my gut says downvote, so it goes. Sometimes I will extend and extra moment of thought to it if I am feeling all tingly but 99% of the time I vote with my gut feeling before I over think it.

and gorgonheap it doesn't bother me when you downvote videos because it helps identify what you do and don't like and there is nothing wrong with that. As for the fact some people give you crap over it, in my case please don't mistake a friendly poke with a stab in the eye. Ant however has several lacerations from my previous attempts but I have almost figured out the method to his madness so I put my sharp stick away.

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