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Battery Powered Track All Terrain Vehicle

Tank brake test

radx says...

A Leopard 2 can reach 100+ km/h on asphalt if you bypass the rev limiter, but steering becomes tricky and the noise unbearable. That said, both Leopard 2 and Marder (IFV, like a Bradley) regularly exceed 80 km/h at the nearby training grounds -- offroad, across muddy fields.

spawnflagger said:

I was surprised when I learned that tanks can do 50+ mph (80+ km/h).

Picking up a Hammer on the Moon

Chairman_woo says...

That's not what I was saying at all though perhaps I explained poorly.

So imagine you are in a 0 gravity environment. You have 2 balls (lol) one has a mass of 1 kg the other a mass of 100kg. You throw both equally hard. What happens?

One ball travels away from you at 100x less the velocity of the other. This is intertia, it is an effect of mass not gravity. Gravity is an additional force but it's absence would not change the fact that a big heavy space suit requires a significant force to move at a usefully velocity in the 1st place.

It was perhaps misleading to use the example of a fulcrum (lever) but in this context it's quite illustrative. If it was 0 gravity you could apply a tiny force to a massive object and just wait however long it takes to get it where you want (like an infinitely long lever). When gravity becomes a factor duration becomes more and more of a concern (like the fulcrum of the lever gets shorter and shorter).

Concequence: the lower the gravity the easier (less work/deltaV) it is to move an object. However a massive object still requires a proportional large force to move in a useful way (in this case fast enough to overcome 0.16g for long enough to get upright).

I'm not saying gravity has no effect (quite the opposite) I'm saying big heavy thing requires big heavy force to shift even in reduced gravity environments.

As for bases on the moon, mars, stargates, ueo's, void whales, phobos being hollow (phobos is some crazy shit), hexagon on Saturn etc. Etc. I'm not outright dismissive, but to treat it as anything but food for thought/entertainment is a little worrying to say the least. What do you have to go on there other than the testimony of other people who claim to have been involved or whatever?

There's no hard data avaliable to the likes of you and I on such things. Many of these ideas cannot be entirely refuted, but nor can they be confirmed either. That puts us squarely in the realm of superstition and religion.

I'm a part time discordian/khaos magus/git wizard so I do have more time than most for superstition and flights of fantasy but I steer well clear of treating any of that kind of think as objective fact.

The realms of materialism and idealism should stay entirely separate except when they converge and compliment each other e.g. If I can imagine a black swan and then go out and find one (after performing the necessary experiments to disprove any other possible explanations for why it might seem black) then I can tell others that black swans are definitely a real thing. The same cannot be said for say the flying spaghetti monster or the chocolate tea pot orbiting the sun even though believing in such things makes my life more interesting under certain circumstances (and such liberated thought processes can eventually lead to as yet undiscovered ideas which may indeed prove to be "true" or helpful).

"Given all theories of the universe are absurd, it is better to speak in the language of one which Is patently absurd so as to mortify the metaphysical man." -Alaistair Crowley

Translation: if your going to indulge stuff like this don't take it or yourself too seriously or you will go mental!

Praise be to pope Bob!

MichaelL said:

So you're saying on Jupiter or any other super-giant planet, we should have no problem walking about, lifting the usual things such as hammers, etc with no problem because the mass is the same as Earth?
Hmm, didn't think gravity worked like that. I always read in text books that on the moon, you should be able to jump higher because gravity was less than earth... but you say no.
Damn scientists always trying to confuse us...
(Pssst... weight and mass are different things. Weight measures gravitational force... the force that you have to overcome to lift something... less gravity = less force to overcome)

As for the conspiracy thing... you do know we already have bases on the dark side of the moon and Mars right? Look up Alternative 3...

How the Media Failed Women in 2013

chingalera says...

Uhhh, did anyone but Stu name the middle path of not paying attention to the only thing that matters? That being, the one way or the other as to how the media uses device and formula, primarily the time-honored and well-developed tools of distracting the consumers of the same from more pressing issues of economic ass-rape, political hi-jacking, or the subtle steering of peeps to think about complete horseshit as opposed to the ruse being perpetrated to hijack their minds and culture to their own ends?

Men, women, all being congealed into distracted humans who will buy more of and believe more of the shit they want you to, in order to increase the coffers of powerful cabals. Ever play RISK? It's not about only land and the human resource anymore, the model of the now is mass-media luring you into a stupor to make you think about shit, and work for more shit, to turn humanity into a soulless Energizer bunnies, who THINK they have a clue.

Beth Behrs Accidentally Grabbed Kat Dennings' Boob

yellowc says...

These two are painfully unfunny.

I watched the whole segment and it was quite awkward because I guess they're supposed to be? When you realise that a show isn't using a laugh track, things are getting bad.

Conan was working hard to steer things in an entertaining direction, you don't normally notice that either.

If The Lion King Were Scientifically Accurate

TotalBiscuit | Let's not play Need for Speed: Rivals

Jean-Claude Van Damme Epic Volvo Trucks Commercial!

rich_magnet says...

Well maybe my skepticism is allayed somewhat. It seems they've got some guidance software to help with reversing. According to Volvo's site:

When reversing:
Perfect control without strain.

Furthermore, if you need to reverse long distances, here’s something new. The course stability is so great that you can reverse a truck and trailer more than a hundred metres without drifting off course.

Car gets hit by the slowest train ever

spawnflagger says...

but at the same time this trolley driver had plenty of time to see the car, slow down, and stop. He must not have been paying attention because he didn't slow down at all until after the collision. Or Russia.

I don't understand why trolley drivers get paid more than bus drivers when they don't even have to steer...

Payback said:

In San Francisco, trollys have right of way. Against ANYthing. Including police cars and fire engines. Looks like it's that way in this video's country too.

Bill Moyers Essay: On the Sabotage of Democracy

enoch says...


your comment has to be the most factually challenged comment i have seen you post in a very long time my friend.

i do not know who or what you derive your information from or what shapes your political ideology,but whatever that vehicle is,you need to stop and turn to a different source.

the true republican party has been hijacked by venal and extreme ideologues.the blame can be laid at those very same republicans who sought to harness the political power of the evangelical right in the late 70's and the tea party in the early 2000's.both groups being of a populist flavor but in reality are militant in their execution.

to call them democrat lite or even remotely liberal is just staggeringly ignorant.

they are extremist and with that extreme politics comes the opportunist:sarah palin
and the downright stupid:louis goehmert (sp?)

and the real republicans are drowned in a sea of mediocrity or downright crazy.

and those republicans are paying the price for making a deal with the devil,because the devil has taken the steering wheel and left any true republican without a voice.

Worst Parking Lot Exit Ever

RFlagg says...

Wow... I would have had a bit of a hard time largely due to my car's power steering not working and the oddly tight parking of cars along the horizontal (not to mention sloppy parking by the white car), but even so... back up with a small left turn, so you are basically behind the white car and in the same direction as it, hard left out, probably have to small right reverse to get lined up with the exit, but smooth sailing from there... Heck, even his original plan was going fine until the 55 second mark when he decides to cut forward right, keep it going left bro, then back right and you are out...

The one I would have trouble with is the big grey station wagon with the white Mercedes van behind him. He doesn't have nearly as much wiggle room, and even he seemed to start his turn the wrong way, unless he was going to back down the exit from there (hard to tell what is past the left of the screen).

19-year-old hopes to revolutionize nuclear power

criticalthud says...

might be inclined to agree.

a wee bit of age and experience has taught me that humanity thoroughly believes it is incredibly intelligent....
however, on the whole, humanity has demonstrated over and over again that it is fucking retarded and irresponsible in all things.

Having a bright idea is one thing, getting a bunch of talking monkeys to make it werk, is quite another.

This idea that we can merely steer our gluttonous use of the earth's resources towards a nuclear solution is troubling indeed.

chingalera said:

So these thingy-dealies won't contaminate ground water if they gusplode? (He really would make a lovely he-she though, and Chloe with a flapper-cut, a fettishing boy)

Someone's physical androgynous characteristics has nothing to do with their sexuality, does it? merely an observation...similar to the one I made based in my 'ignace' of nuclear power, and all her fucked iterations.

I've been anti-nuclear from the git-go, always will be-
I also must maintain that the power that will push the planet into the next exponential blast (if numb, distracted peeps don't let asshole humans turn the place into a dystopian shit hole) won't come from an energy source that uses radioactive anything-It's gonna be something else that creates the energy needed for whatever sustainable future awaits.

my instincts is all I'm going on, but this cat's gonna get snatched-up by insect-keepers for profit and mayhem...Or fuck me, maybe he's gonna be another Nicole Tesla-(pun-intended, the kids cute)

sexuality my ass.....

A new invention to the bicycle market - IZZYbike

mxxcon says...

I see 2 problems:

1:1 "gear" (or there of) ratio. so you can go only as fast as you can pedal

Your pedals are on a steering wheel...I think it'll be pretty awkward to pedal while turning.

Cuba 2012 [BBC documentary]

Columbia, MO Officer Disscusses SWAT Tactics

chingalera says...

Got news for ya there Skeeve, "One of the most horrible things I can think of is having a society where the police decide which laws they want to uphold or no" is already here-The broad-spectrum sprays cops are outfitted with in the form of "What THE FUCK AND HOW, may I fuck you sideways!" you've simply not been hit in the face with yet-Steer clear, cops ain't yer law-upholding friends

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