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MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

bobknight33 says...

The kids were there for "March For Life" and the Natives were there for the "Indigenous People's March."

AS usual media spins this as something it is not.. Guess why they are call FAKE NEWS.

The Native Man walked into this and he was un harmed. Not berated, not spin on. no volatility against this man.

If it were ANTFA group facing down a MEGA hat wearing dude ALL IS OK even if ANTFI spits and intimidates MAGA to leave.

Grow up Sifters.

Giant Ice Disk On Presumpscot River

Giant Ice Disk On Presumpscot River


White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

I do get to say what constitutes American values in my opinion, an opinion informed by civics class, something it seems most people were deprived of. Those values are honesty, fairness, and equality under the law.....honoring one's word/agreements, helping the needy, standing up for right not just maximum profit internationally. These are historically the values America held dear....but no longer, at least not officially.

Fox does not honor those values, it rarely gives them lip service and never more.

Well, the boy cried wolf 1000 times this year, and twice there were wolves, you go ahead and drop everything and keep running, pitchfork in hand every time he cries out, I quit listening to him the second time there was no wolf, only a boy laughing at us. Call me emotional and dismissive, I disagree but that's fine. You don't want to know what I think about you and that boy.

Good reporters would not associate with those zealous, hyper biased, hypocritical blatant propagandists, so no, there aren't good reporters there. Maybe some who occasionally tell some truths, that's not enough by far to be "good", and as a network they've squandered any chance they had for redemption as a legitimate news organization with zeal and glee repeatedly. know me so well. I don't watch any Trump bashing sessions, they were boring before he was elected. I haven't had my tv on CNN in years, not that they're solely Trump bashing sessions, but they do host some.
You seem to think any news not stroking his ego is a bashing session, quoting him, out of bounds bashing, discussing his new policies, out of bounds emotionality, discussing his recent court losses, out of bounds schadenfreude, pointing out constant stream of blatant self serving lies, out of bounds emotional garbage. Only positive spin is real news...Fox is real news with real reporters, not >80% hyper biased hosts spouting opinion as fact. No thanks....Homie don't play dat.

Briguy1960 said:

What you don't get is you don't get to say what constitutes Americas values when you only listen and watch propaganda as you put if from the side that validates your opinons.
Keep living in a fantasy world but I prefer to see things from others perspectives too.
Not simply what the biased agenda based main stream media is pushing very hard down my throat on a daily basis.
The fact you dismiss Woodward because he is on that site speaks volumes about your closed mindedness but regardless his message isn't only on there and you failed to address it.
Fox is by no means as bad you say.
Not all of it.
There are good reporters on there but you will never admit it because they refuse to spend their entire segment bashing Trump which is the only thing you and your ilk will tolerate.
The anger and emotion is real.
Now if only cooler heads and common sense would be IN again instead of this emotional garbage (from both sides btw)

newtboy (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

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Brett Kavanaugh Is a Terrible Judge & a Liar...

newtboy says...

Bob. You're just being stubborn.
They didn't refute anything..
Guess all logic escapes your brain. "I don't know" is different from "it didn't happen", they all said "I don't know, I don't recall, I don't think he would do that", not "I know it didn't happen"....guess that's too nuanced for today's republicans' education levels. Sad.

Democrats (all senators) are barred from discussing the FBI report in detail at all, so it's against Senate rules for them to refute any details. They did contradict the idea that it's a report of an investigation of the charges since the fbi refused to interview the accused, the accuser, anyone the accuser named as having knowledge, or inspect her medical records, or any other evidence she has offered them.

No, democrats aren't saying you have to believe her, they're saying you have to actually investigate her charges, democrats and independents are saying his demeanor is unsuited for the supreme court based on his Senate testimony, which was all a display of Republicans spinning on their uncontrolled emotions. Watching it confirmed that "feeling".

Jebus Christ, you can't even keep your own made up numbers right, yesterday it was 17, today it's 10, by next week it will be 15 agreed with her at this rate. Facts are Ford said one thing, others say they didn't see that, only Kavanaugh says it didn't happen.

You heard RGB is upset with democrats enough to quit? Lol...from where, Alex Jones or Trump?

I hope Dumbocrats pull the same move retardicans did and refuse to hold hearings if there's another opening, but they have no spine so likely won't.

Yeah, that lone number looks good by itself, you must be so proud of winning so bigly, and pleased your president has strengthened our union so well instead of dividing us further. Unemployment rates are down, but so is average worker income. More people are working more today, but for less money. I would prefer much higher unemployment with wages high enough that single worker households and stay at home parents become a thing....we're going the other direction to the point where multiple wage earners require multiple jobs just to keep a modest family solvent. If full employment still leaves one in poverty, having more people employed hardly helps escape poverty.

Congratulations on getting a hugely divisive temperamental judge forced through by the skin of your teeth. No whining if democrats do the same things in 2.5 years.

bobknight33 said:

No one can confirm her testimony because all that she named refuted it-.. Guess this escapes the logic cells of the leftest brain.

Democrats never contradicted the latest FBI report. There is no there there. So they went with more smear and innuendo.

Conservatives are not spinning emotions, Democrats are. You "have to believer her" On what grounds? No one confirms her story.

Facts are 10 say one thing and Ford say the opposite. ..

Welcome to the new SCOTUS Kavanaugh.

I heard that RBG is disgusted by the Democrat tactics used. Can we say SCOTUS pick #3? Do you think Democrats can pull this sleazy slanderous stunt again?

Democrats are loosing bigly on every issue, Trade, NAFTA, Korea, Paris Climate accord, etc, Most of these are nothing more than major American Job killers and Trump is calling BS for what it is and bring jobs back. 4.2% GDP growth ,, unemployment down to 3.9,% lowest in 39 years.

Brett Kavanaugh Is a Terrible Judge & a Liar...

bobknight33 says...

No one can confirm her testimony because all that she named refuted it-.. Guess this escapes the logic cells of the leftest brain.

Democrats never contradicted the latest FBI report. There is no there there. So they went with more smear and innuendo.

Conservatives are not spinning emotions, Democrats are. You "have to believer her" On what grounds? No one confirms her story.

Facts are 10 say one thing and Ford say the opposite. ..

Welcome to the new SCOTUS Kavanaugh.

I heard that RBG is disgusted by the Democrat tactics used. Can we say SCOTUS pick #3? Do you think Democrats can pull this sleazy slanderous stunt again?

Democrats are loosing bigly on every issue, Trade, NAFTA, Korea, Paris Climate accord, etc, Most of these are nothing more than major American Job killers and Trump is calling BS for what it is and bring jobs back. 4.2% GDP growth ,, unemployment down to 3.9,% lowest in 39 years.

newtboy said:

Not confirming her testimony is not the same as refuting it. You can grasp that concept, I assume, or is that beyond you?

You read the report?! I had no idea you were a senator, the only ones who ever get to see it so they can safely lie about what's in it.

You are the one spouting 1/2 truths and pure emotional bullshit.

Towing the Trumpian lie(n) without a shred of fact to back it up, as usual. That's absolutely ridiculous bullshit fantasy, she didn't knowingly destroy her own life over mistaken identity. She is 100% clear on that point.

C-note (Member Profile)

Robot drywall installer

ChaosEngine says...

It doesn't matter if it takes 10 times as long if it's 1% of the cost. This thing can work 24/7 without needing any breaks at all.

I'm in the process of designing and building a house right now (as in, I'm paying an architect and builder, not doing it myself).

If my builder came to me and said "hey, we can drop the labour cost of building by 50%, but your house will take an extra month", I'd sign that so fast his head would spin.

Drachen_Jager said:

Because it's meant to replace a human. If it's wheeled, or something, then it can't go up stairs effectively.

I mean, it's already shitty enough at the job. Seems to take a long time even with the edits in there, not to mention it seems incapable of installing anything other than full sheets on a perfectly flat wall made specifically to dimensions it was pre-programmed for. It'll be a long time before anything like this is actually taking jobs away in significant numbers.

Mary Poppins Returns | Official Trailer

USAF Veteran taking a stand against NFL

bobknight33 says...

I applaud him for standing up for a cause he believes in. It just the wrong venue. With all the millions sports figures make and all the media at their beckon call this can be handled in a different venue.

It as he said not slight on the military at all. However, somethings just take on a life on its own.

Hand up don't shoot ... that swept across America after 2014 shooting of Michael Brown. Fact is this saying was never uttered by Michael Brown or anyone else. It was just a false claim by an witness.

Media, spin doctors and organizers take what they want and damn be truth.

MilkmanDan said:

I think it was probably a sifted video that first got me to look up Kaepernick's actual statements from about 2 years ago when he started sitting out the anthem in protest. There's a great post-game interview where he made himself available and answered questions from many reporters etc. about his motivations, etc.

To me, it seems impossible to watch that with an open mind and come away with the Fox News narrative on the guy intact. He straight-up says that it wasn't ever meant to be taken as a slight on the military at all. He clearly and rather eloquently explains what it was/is about for him. He acknowledged that there would likely be consequences, which certainly came true.

Maybe he wouldn't be a QB in the NFL even if he'd have just kept quiet and been a good little conformist, but he got to a point where he didn't feel he could do that.

So, at least in my eyes, kudos to him for standing up for what he believes in. Even after losing his primary soapbox (being an NFL player), he's still putting the issue out there with Nike's help. I don't necessarily trust their motivations -- all publicity is good publicity, after all -- but after having heard his own statements I sure as hell trust his as being 100% genuine.

When Juggling Knives Goes Wrong!

The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: Server Bodyslams Jerk!

Digitalfiend says...

She didn’t spin him around and push him down - she grabbed him from behind, by the neck, and threw him backwards (though not a body slam, that’s for sure ). Anyhow, said my piece. Glad the douche bag was charged.

FlowersInHisHair said:

...but she didn't, she just spun him around and pushed him to the ground.

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