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Backing Out of Garage Fail

INSANE Fairground Ride.

dandyman says...

That ride could be so much worse. Those large arms were moving really slowly. Imagine if they sped up and went in different directions at the same time. Carnage. Still, there is no way I'd go near it.

Perpetual Ocean - Stunning time lapse of ocean currents

Opus_Moderandi says...

I'm not "dismissing" it, I'm just calling it what it is. If someone tries to sell you a pile of dogshit by calling it cotton candy most likely you won't buy it. Because you know it's just a pile of dogshit, not cotton candy.Different representations of reality are called different names for a reason. Because they are different. Animation is animation, not time lapse. That's all I'm saying.>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
Seems legit.
When I hear the term "time lapse", I think of something recorded in real time that is sped up because, in reality, the actual event is very slow. Not something generated by a computer. An animation of anything is just that, an animation. imo....>> ^Sagemind:
Now, that would depend if this animation was an approximation or based on stats taken from actual sensors placed in the water to record water flow speeds. So... An animation of a time lapse maybe...?
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
Isn't this actually animation? Not "time lapse"?

Well, if you think about it, it's all just representations of reality, whether it's an CGI animation made up of calculated data or the actual snap shots played continuously as an animated sequence of stills. (Also, consider other "videos" or images of phenomena in outerspace: black holes or so-called dark matter. We have to recreate images and video based upon various different observations. So I think while, yes, it is animation, you're losing out on the grandeur of the video by dismissing it as "animation".

Perpetual Ocean - Stunning time lapse of ocean currents

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:

Seems legit.
When I hear the term "time lapse", I think of something recorded in real time that is sped up because, in reality, the actual event is very slow. Not something generated by a computer. An animation of anything is just that, an animation. imo....>> ^Sagemind:
Now, that would depend if this animation was an approximation or based on stats taken from actual sensors placed in the water to record water flow speeds. So... An animation of a time lapse maybe...?
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
Isn't this actually animation? Not "time lapse"?

Well, if you think about it, it's all just representations of reality, whether it's an CGI animation made up of calculated data or the actual snap shots played continuously as an animated sequence of stills. (Also, consider other "videos" or images of phenomena in outerspace: black holes or so-called dark matter. We have to recreate images and video based upon various different observations. So I think while, yes, it is animation, you're losing out on the grandeur of the video by dismissing it as "animation".

Perpetual Ocean - Stunning time lapse of ocean currents

Opus_Moderandi says...

Seems legit.
When I hear the term "time lapse", I think of something recorded in real time that is sped up because, in reality, the actual event is very slow. Not something generated by a computer. An animation of anything is just that, an animation. imo....>> ^Sagemind:

Now, that would depend if this animation was an approximation or based on stats taken from actual sensors placed in the water to record water flow speeds. So... An animation of a time lapse maybe...?
>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
Isn't this actually animation? Not "time lapse"?

How Hollywood Says "I Love You" (Happy Valentine's Day)

Red Aurora Australis

Filipino Traffic Cop Doing His Job Like A Boss

shoany says...

This is fun. As a side note, anyone else notice how the video's sped up to make his spins look faster? If you watch the cars as he's spinning, they all jump during each spin.

Not that that really detracts or anything... on the other hand it probably wasn't necessary.

This guy does a better Skrillex than Skrillex

Carnivorous Plant Snags Insect - The Sundew

garmachi says...

>> ^karaidl:

This is what we should all say to vegetarians. Humans shouldn't eat meat?? Plants eat meat!!
Quick questions - Was this in slow motion? If so, I would have liked to see it sped up.

Not slow-mo at all. I have one of these, and the sequence you witnessed typically takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on the size of the prey.

Hugh Laurie Sings His Blues

Shepppard says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^Shepppard:
I absolutely adore this man.
The original unfortunately was taken down ages ago for copyright blah blah blah.
Through tubedubber, you can finally see the original again without it being sped up, flipped, or slowed down. Huzzah!

Super Cool! Is tubedubber embeddable? I don't see it available.

Nope, or else I'd have that back on here in a heartbeat.

but, at least it's able to be viewed again.

Hugh Laurie Sings His Blues

Hugh Laurie Sings His Blues

Hula hoop - Turbo Girl

Chef Martin Yan breaks down a chicken in 18 seconds

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