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when should you shoot a cop?

bcglorf says...

Made it 1:01:
In the real world however, far more injustice, violence, torture, theft, and outright murder has been committed in the name of law enforcement than has been committed in spite of it.

When the guy leads with provably false statements I have to stop. Whether an opinion coming later may or may not be shared with my own doesn't matter to me, I've already decided the speaker isn't someone I want in my camp and is not someone I want to be listening to.

Vintage Ferrari F1 312B2 Engine Test Dyno

vil says...

I am not sure this is working as intended. I distinctly remember these engines would physically shake a massive concrete grandstand under your feet. I can not get that from my earphones or PC speakers.

Interesting how the two end parts of the exhaust system appear to be differently tuned.

This Administration Is Running Like A Fine Tuned Machine

Januari says...

Wow... See above comment...

Of course you just dismiss that as dishonest media, and proceed to swallow everything this imbecile says. For the love, listen to yourself. What are you insecure by proxy? This loser is holding campaign rallies to feel better about himself, and you and the people there seem to be sharing in it. Maybe if they wish for it hard enough they can suppress their cowardice and ignorance long enough to form a dissonance bubble where they can just hide from reality and never have to leave. They can have Limbaugh and Hannity pumped in from the speakers and they never have to think for themselves ever again.


How gas nozzles work

newtboy says...

Wow. Worst camera work on an explanatory video ever. How about focus on the devices instead of a whole room shot with the speaker covering what he's describing with his hands.
I learned almost nothing because they showed me nothing.

Real Time Facial Re-Enactment

newtboy says... now when producers edit audio to change what's actually been said, they can add video of the person saying the made up phrases. That was one way I determined if what I'm watching is real or edited....when they would splice audio together to create a monologue/dialogue, they had to cut away from the speakers face so you wouldn't notice the 1975 kungfu level they can convincingly fake real time? We're totally fucked. Reality just became obsolete.

I'm going to Mars.

RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

bcglorf says...


i hear ya,but that is our responsibility,not the journalist or speaker.

I'm gonna be old school and insist that anybody wanting to be referred to as a journalist MUST meet the bar I laid out of putting the whole truth above and beyond bias, agenda and profit. If you are collecting, presenting or commentating on things but fail to meet that bar your not a journalist, your a commentator, propagandist, political hack or some other designation but journalists are supposed to look for the truth.

As you suggest though, they are slowly becoming extinct .

RT -- Chris Hedges on Media, Russia and Intelligence

enoch says...

i hear ya,but that is our responsibility,not the journalist or speaker.

for example i am reading david cay johnstons book "the making of trump".
johnston is a pulitzer prize winning journalist from the la times and the washington post.who also happens to be a republican.

the fact that he is republican does not automatically equate to his investigations being rightwing,slanted or biased.

the time for putting the onus on the outlet,or the individual was destroyed by FOX and it's "fair and balanced" bullshit.

we can lament the passing of walter cronkite,wooward and bernstein and I.F stone,or edward morrow.

but those days are gone,and it is up to us..all of push back the ever increasing avalanche of propaganda and fake news.

The Graffiti Grammar Police

newtboy says...

Screw them. The grammar and spelling mistakes may be the only indicator of the intelligence and education level of the person expressing the idea, which in some cases may be the only indicator of the ideas validity.
For instance, they would have ruined the best graffiti I've ever seen, on a building in Berkeley...."No More Boritons", which I thought adequately reflected the I.Q. of the artist/speaker. Changing it to read "no more abortions" would have ruined it, and changing it to "no, more abortions" both ruins it and reverses the message.
Just paint over them, guys, don't be grammar Nazi vandals.

Frank Kelly/Liam Brennan - Donegal International 2015 - SS20

Leonard Cohen on Moonlight

Pink Floyd Guitar Solo in a NASA RATF Chamber

Are You Ready To Be Outpaced By Machines? Quantum Computing

moonsammy says...

I was hoping for more meat to his presentation, and was disappointed. I feel that he said absolutely nothing to help anyone in the audience understand what quantum computers actually DO or what sort of problems they'll help to solve. They'll absolutely not increase your FPS, as that's not what they're well-suited to do. What they are quite excellent at is taking a problem with many possible solutions and finding the correct (or best) one at an extremely high speed.

One example would be the Traveling Salesman problem. In brief, find the optimum route for traversing a number of points on a map. This is useful for things like scheduling package delivery routes, airline flights, etc. With a classic / current computer we write software that cleverly chugs through the possible solutions, throws out any that prove to be poor, and eventually gets to what appears to be the best or is at least a "good enough" solution. As the number of necessary points to be visited increases this problem scales in complexity quickly, so eventually a current computer would just choke on the problem and at best return an ok-ish solution in a reasonable period of time.

A quantum computer is a totally different beast. If it's "big" enough (IE, is comprised of a sufficient number of qubits), it takes the entire set of all possible solutions to the problem, and rather than iterate through them to find the best one, it checks them all simultaneously and immediately returns the optimum solution. It does this by using properties of quantum mechanics, and I think this is where the speaker was drawing his talk of parallel universes. If there are 3 qubits, they would exist as 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, and 111 simultaneously. The software would then define what the best answer would look like, and the computer returns the answer.

You can hopefully see how this totally breaks encryption. With a current computer and a long enough encryption key, an encoded message would take the fastest machines a huge number of years to decipher. With a quantum computer you hand it a gibberish encrypted message, it loads all possible transformations of that message simultaneously, and it then returns the transformation which looks most like a coherent message.

I'm excited to see what these machines can do for us, but they're going to necessitate some significant structural changes in how we handle sensitive data.

Are You Ready To Be Outpaced By Machines? Quantum Computing

Cheeky McDonald's Drive Through

poolcleaner says...

Seeing him in action and not just through the speaker made this. Perfect ending!

I remember my brief few months in fast food. They weren't bad at all. I enjoyed myself and the people. You gotta love your job no matter what and make people smile -- when you think of the people you're serving, and you distance yourself from workplace negativity, you'll love every minute of the day.

And when you no longer love enjoy your day -- which is inevitable -- that's a sign that you need to move on to bigger and better things.

Guys like this do their thing and then move on. That's the natural progression of quality employees. Don't get stuck. If you don't put on a show, it's time to move on.

South Park on RELIGION – Wisecrack

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Beggar's Canyon