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Tina Fey on Protesting After Charlottesville - SNL

Tina Fey on Protesting After Charlottesville - SNL

eric3579 says...

The one i had posted was not from SNLs yt channel ( snls is blocked in Canada im pretty sure) and was working worldwide up until a bit ago. I am also now blocked. But try now. I changed it. I think this one will work for everyone.

Phreezdryd said:

I don't understand why I can watch this on TV, but it's *blocked on YouTube.




Most Millennial Skate Video Of All Time

WKB (Member Profile)

WKB (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Donald Trump Cold Open - SNL

SNL - Donald Trump Cold Open

Donald Trump Cold Open - SNL

Louis C.K. Stand-Up Monologue - SNL

WKB (Member Profile)

WKB (Member Profile)

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